Diferencia entre revisiones de «Islas Reshi»

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(Fixed typo)
One of the smaller islands is home to the [[ardent]]s [[Geranid]] and her husband [[Ashir]].{{book ref|twok|i|8}}
== Notable People ==
* [[Lift]] (racially){{book ref|wor|i|9}}
=== Residents ===
*The king (female) - Leader{{book ref|wor|i|3}}
*[[Talik]] - Trader{{book ref|wor|i|3}}
=== Visitors ===
*[[Geranid]] and [[Ashir]] - Two ardents who live together on an unnamed small island{{book ref|sa1|i|8}}
*[[Rysn]] and her [[babsk]] [[Vstim]] (along with their guards [[Kylrm]] and [[Nlent]]) - They came to an island to trade for the corpse of a [[larkin]].{{book ref|wor|i|3}}
*[[Axies]] - He was found hanging upside down from his feet for having offended the god of an island.{{book ref|wor|i|3}}
== Notes ==


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