Diferencia entre revisiones de «Obras sin publicar»

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While these works are unpublished some of these do exist in other forms and may be located.
== Unpublished Novels ==
Including '''Mistborn Prime''' and '''Final Empire Prime'''.
=== The Liar of Partinel ===
Set on the world of [[Yolen]].
Features a character called Midius who will later become [[Hoid]].{{citation}}
=== Dragonsteel ===
Written as part of Brandon Sanderson's Masters Thesis when working towards a Master's in Creative Writing.
One copy was held at Brigham Young University, however, this copy appears to have been lost and has not yet been replaced.
Brandon has stated that it was not his best work. He plans to rewrite and publish them after the completion of [[The Stormlight Archive]].<ref name="Brandon's blog" />
Set on [[Yolen]] several hundred years after the events of ''The Liar of Partinel''.{{citation}}
=== White Sand ===
A [[Shardworldcosmere]] trilogy, taking place on [[Taldain]], a planet in the same solar system as [[Roshar]].
This was the first novel Brandon ever wrote.
Later, he rewrote it, and he says it was good enough to get him his agent, [[Joshua Bilmes]].
=== The AetherSilence ofDivine Night===
A [[cosmere]] novel set on an unknown planet in the same system as Roshar. <ref>{{17s|524|Silence Divine thread on 17S}}</ref>
=== The Aether of Night ===
Follows a character named Raeth as he pretends to be his identical twin, taking over the throne of the Imperium and attempting to lead his people to victory against a foe they don't understand and have little hope of defeating. [published on Tor's website]
=== Star's End ===
==Forthcoming Novels==
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