Diferencia entre revisiones de «Obras sin publicar»

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159 bytes eliminados ,  hace 8 años
: [[The Aztlanian]] (Rithmatist 2){{ref|name=sots}}{{ref|name=sots14}}
: [[The Nebraskian]] (Rithmatist 3){{cite| December 2015 Orem signing}}
; [[The Reckoners]]{{ref|name=steel-suvudu}}{{ref|name=steel-tbs}}{{ref|name=steel-bti}}{{ref|name=sots14}}
: [[Calamity]]{{ref|name=sots}}{{ref|name=sots14}}
: Steelheart novellas 2, 3:{{ref|name=steel-suvudu}}
; [[The Silence Divine]]: A novella set on a planet in the [[Greater Roshar]] system, where diseases grant magical abilities.{{ref|name=sots}} Will be renamed.{{ref|name=sots14}}
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