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== Personality ==
Over time, a person holding a Shard will be shaped to the Shard's [[intent]]. This can turn a kind person into [[Ruin|someone who just wants to destroy]]. However, Rayse--Odium's holder--was purportedly already an incredibly crafty, loathsome, and dangerous individual, even before picking up the power. A Shard's intent is mildly interpreted by its holderVessel{{17s ref|topic|1729|A holder's personality, however, does get to filter the Shard's intent, so to speak|date=17 March 2012}} (for example, the idea of [[Preservation]] could be interpreted in a number of ways, and the Shard's holderVessel helps determine this), so Odium is probably being interpreted in the darkest, most dangerous way possible. Odium is a force of pure hatred which is held by a man who can--and will--use that power to the most terrible end.
Odium's ultimate goal is indeed terrible: he seeks to be the most powerful being in the cosmere. To this end, he kills other Shards (namely [[Aona]], [[Skai]]{{epigraph ref|sa1|22}}, and [[Tanavast]]{{book ref|twok|75}}). But, instead of picking up those Shards (and becoming more and more powerful as he increases his Shard count), Rayse does not want to be unduly influenced from other Shard's intents.{{qa ref|675|12}} He feels that Odium matches him perfectly. So, he [[Splinter]]s the Shards he kills, preventing anyone taking up those Shards to challenge him.{{epigraph ref|sa1|22}}
== Abilities ==
Perhaps unique to known Shards, Odium has figured out a method to kill a Shard's holderVessel without destroying himself. Compare this to [[Preservation]], which in order to defeat [[Ruin]], had to kill herself to do so. While that may be particular to Ruin and Preservation's circumstance of being perfect opposites, there is no evidence of Shard death aside from Ruin and Preservation, and Odium's power. While how Odium accomplishes this is a mystery, It is known to be very taxing and take a long time to recover from.
The first theory to explain this was that Odium was inherently more powerful as a Shard, and so he can simply overpower other Shards. This is not the case, however, since all Shards initially had the same power level.{{17s ref|post|42116|Did all Shards start with the same power level?|date=26 September 2012}} It is possible that since Odium is unlikely to invest his power in granting to sentience (as Preservation did), Odium is now slightly more powerful than his opponents, but this still does not explain how Odium easily could defeat Aona and Skai's Shards, [[Devotion]] and [[Dominion]].
Another explanation could be that potentially any Shard could figure out Odium's destructive methods, but lack the motivation compared to Odium's overpowering intent of hatred.
Odium's other known ability is his power to Splinter Shards. This appears to require the opponent's ShardholdersVessel to already be dead before Odium can Splinter them. It is unclear if any Shard can Splinter Shards, or it is especially unique to Odium.
== Influence ==
On [[Sel]], Odium's influence is omnipresent: he Splintered Devotion and Dominion, the only Shards on that world. [[Seon]]s and [[Skaze]] are both Splinters, so in a way, Odium caused their existence.
Odium's actions are more obvious on [[Roshar]], his present location. [[Honor]] stated to [[Dalinar]] that Odium is the enemy,{{book ref|twok|75}} and implied he is the cause of the [[Desolation]]s and potentially the leader of the [[Voidbringers]]. So, Odium has been attacking societies on Roshar for over 4,500 years.{{book ref|sa|part=prelude}} This ultimately culminated with Odium killing Tanavast and Splintering Honor, though the holderVessel of the third Shard on Roshar, [[Cultivation]], still lives. In the present, Odium brings about the threat of the [[Everstorm]] and the [[True Desolation]].
Odium may be the cause of the [[Herald]]s being tormented after dying in the Desolations.


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