Diferencia entre revisiones de «Himalaya Smedry»

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'''Himalaya Rockies née Smedry''' is a [[Librarian]] defector.{{book ref|a3|6}} Before her defection she was the assistant to [[Kangchenjunga Sarekgjakka]].{{book ref|a3|19}}
She marries [[Folsom Smedry]] and gains his [[Smedry Talent|Talent]]: forShe dancingcan uncontrollablydance toreally anypoorly. music being played.
== Appearance and Personality ==
Himalaya is young, with dark skin. She wears a maroon skirt and white blouse, and spectacles on a chain. Alcatraz is surprised by how pretty she is.{{book ref|a3|6}} She is passionate about keeping things organized and becomes distraught at the prospect of books being hurt.{{book ref|a3|15}} When trying to suppress her librarian tendencies, she often finds herself organizing things unconsciously.
== Attributes and Abilities ==
Himalaya was trained as one of the [[Wardens of the Standard]], the best sorters in all the world. She is able to sort and organize things with superhuman speed and ability, without even looking at them, sometimes without even touching them (for example, touching the top of a whole stack of books causes the entire stack to sort itself in the order she wants).
After marrying [[Folsom Smedry]] she gains his [[Smedry Talent|Talent]]: She can dance really poorly. The talent engages when she hears music. The poor dancing most often appears to take the form of violent and powerful fighting.
== Notes ==
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