Diferencia entre revisiones de «Resumen:Los Huesos del Escriba»

==Chapter 8==
Alcatraz wakes up from a dream about a metal wolf to find Grandpa Smedry a short distance away. Except it actually turns out to be Australia having just woken up. She explains that sometimes she will eakewake up looking like someone she was thinking about. She shows him Grandpa Snedry's prints going into the library. Near the entrance, Alcatraz finds a note from him explaining the situation and also a pair of Discerner's Lenses that allows the wearer to tell how old something is. Unable to decide whether to enter or not, Al's choice is made for him when the Scrivener's Bone shows up and chased them into the library. The chapter ends as Alcatraz appears to be separated from everyone.
==Chapter 9==
