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(Created page with "==Steelheart== ===Chapter 2=== {{quote|I might have just decided to do something very, very stupid. Like eating-meat-sold-by-shady-understreet-vendors stupid.|}} ===Chapter 4...")
{{quote|His words gave me a chill. I stared at that badge, and my mind flipped over and over like a pancake on a griddle, trying to figure out this man. Trying to reconcile the joking, storytelling blowhard with the image of a police officer still on his beat. Still serving after the city government had fallen, after the precinct had been shut down, after everything had been taken from him.|}}
===Chapter 16===
{{quote|“Wow,” I said. “It’s like . . . a banana farm for guns.”|}}}
{{quote|“I’m getting some things ready to show you,” Diamond said. He had a smile like a parrot fish, which I’ve always assumed look like parrots, though I’ve never actually seen either.|}}
{{quote|“No,” I said. “It’s time you leveled with me, Megan. Not just about this mission, but about everything. What is with you? Why do you treat me like you hate me? You were the one who originally spoke up for me when I wanted to join! You sounded impressed with me at first—Prof might never have listened to my plan at all if you hadn’t said what you did. But since then you’ve acted like I was a gorilla at your buffet.”|}}
===Chapter 22===
{{quote|Inside one was a tall column of green cylinders stacked on top of one another on their sides. Each cylinder looked vaguely like a cross between a very small beer keg and a car battery.|}}
===Chapter 23===
{{quote|She was like a soldier who believed a certain battle wasn’t tactically sound, yet supported the generals enough to fight it anyway.|}}
===Chapter 24===
{{quote|Giving up now because we didn’t know his weakness . . . it would be like finding out that you’d drawn lots for dessert at the Factory and been only one number off. Only it didn’t matter, because Pete already snuck in to steal the dessert, so nobody was going to get any anyway—not even Pete, because it turns out that there had never been any dessert in the first place. Well, something like that. That metaphor’s a work in progress.|}}
===Chapter 27===
{{quote|“It’s okay,” I said. “I feel like a brick made of porridge.”<br>
She looked at me, brow scrunching up. The van’s cab fell silent. Then Megan started to laugh.<br>
“No, no,” I said. “It makes sense! Listen. A brick is supposed to be strong, right? But if one were secretly made of porridge, and all of the other bricks didn’t know, he’d sit around worrying that he’d be weak when the rest of them were strong. He’d get smooshed when he was placed in the wall, you see, maybe get some of his porridge mixed with that stuff they stick between bricks.”|}}
{{quote|He was right. I was letting myself get distracted, like a rabbit doing math problems instead of looking for foxes.|}}
===Chapter 28===
{{quote|Idiot, I thought. I dropped my rifle and shoved my hand into my coat pocket. The flashlight! Panicked, I flipped it on and shined it right in Nightwielder’s face as he floated up beside my window. He was flying face-first, like he was swimming in the air.<br>
The reaction was immediate. Though the flashlight gave off little light that I could see, Nightwielder’s face immediately lost its incorporeity. His eyes stopped glowing, and the shadows vanished from around his head. The beam of invisible light pierced the dark tendrils like a laser through a pile of sheep.|}}
{{quote|I’ll bet I could drive one of these things, I told myself. It doesn’t look too hard. Like slipping on a banana peel around a corner at eighty miles an hour. Piece of cake.|}}
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