Diferencia entre revisiones de «Reral Makoram»

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(Tense, minor edits)
m (-ambig)
|books=[[The Stormlight Archive]]
'''Reral Makoram''' is a [[lighteyed]] member of the sixth battalion in [[Sadeas]]'s army on the [[Shattered Plains]], likely its commanding officer.{{book ref|sa1|46}}
[[Adolin Kholin]] is to meet with Reral, but is sidetracked when he protects a prostitute from being beaten by one of Sadeas's officers.{{book ref|sa1|46}} Adolin abandons his meeting with Reral in order to escort the prostitute home. Instead, he gives [[Kaladin]] an [[Spheres|emerald chip]] to tell Reral that he can no longer make the meeting and will reschedule for another time. Kaladin never delivers the message because he feels that Adolin was talking down to him.
== Notes ==
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