Diferencia entre revisiones de «El Imperio Final (libro)»

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== Summary ==
{{for|/Summary|a chapter by chapter summary}}
[[Vin]] is a street urchin, who is taken into a group of thieves led by [[Kelsier]].{{book ref|mb1|2}} They are intent on overthrowing the [[Lord Ruler]], a god like tyrant who has ruled for a thousand years. The band of thieves are promised the cache of the Lord Ruler's [[atium]], an extremely valuable metal, as reward for their contributions.{{book ref|mb1|4}} The group is hounded by [[Steel Inquisitors]], intent on stopping their plans from succeeding.
Kelsier is a Mistborn, utilizing the powers of [[Allomancy]] to fight against The Lord Ruler. He trains Vin, who he discovers is a Mistborn like himself. He has discovered the [[malatium|Eleventh Metal]], which he claims is going to be used to defeat the Lord Ruler, and spreads this knowledge to the skaa.{{book ref|mb1|10}} This encourages their revolt, and their deifying of him. Kelsier sacrifices himself fighting The Lord Ruler,{{book ref|mb1|35}} but a [[kandra]] named [[OreSeur]] steals his bones and impersonates him,{{book ref|mb1|epilogue}} giving him the illusion of immortality in the minds of the Skaa.
;[[Elend Venture]]: Son of [[Straff Venture]], a nobleman with high ideals intent on a new form of government.
;[[Breeze]]: A very skilled [[Soother]], soothes emotions of everyone around him, often without thought. Believed to be one of the more powerful Soothers in the final empire.
;[[Spook]]: A young [[Tin]]eye, speaks often in street slang and is sometimes incomprehensible. Spook is just a nickname, his actual name is lestibournes, which is street slang for "i've been abandoned." He is clubs' nephew.
;[[Marsh]]: Kelsier's brother, also a [[bronze|Seeker]]. Infiltrates the Inquisitors, but is turned into a Steel Inquisitor through [[Hemalurgy]].
;[[Sazed]]: Kelsier's [[Terrisman]] steward, and also a [[Feruchemist]], played a crucial part in the downfall of the Final Empire. He specialized in religions and mythology, and he would preach a different one to the crew members at every opportunity.
== Magic ==


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