Diferencia entre revisiones de «Torre ZoBell»

507 bytes añadidos ,  hace 8 años
I'm not completely sure I didn't miss something, but I think this is everything?
(I'm not completely sure I didn't miss something, but I think this is everything?)
|books=[[Shadows of Self]]
'''ZoBell Tower''' is a skyscraper in [[Elendel]].{{book ref|mb5|108}} It is the location of the party that [[Waxillium]] attends while looking for [[Bleeder]].
The tower is around twenty stories tall and has decorative stonework and balconies. Like many sky scrapers in the city, it narrows as it rises.
It has a coach portico at the entrance. {{book ref|mb5|8}} There is also a green in front of the tower{{book ref|mb5|12}}
The entire top floor is an open penthouse ringed with windows, at least some of which have balconies. It is lit by crystal chandeliers and has red carpeting. During [[Lady ZoBell's party]] it is decorated with small display stands with glass boxes containing impressive specimens of [[allomantic]] metals.{{book ref|mb5|9}}
== Notes ==
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{{Mistborn|era 2}}
