Diferencia entre revisiones de «Resumen:Steelheart»

m (→‎Prologue: Continuing from the previous edit, changed 'Other Characters' to just 'Characters')
=== Chapter 30 ===
David is ripped free of the cycle as his leg hits the ground, while Megan gets pinned under it as it hits the wall of the tunnel. David is surprised to still be alive. David sees two Enforcement men exit an alcove they'd driven past. He gets angry when he hears one of them chuckle, knowing they assumed David and Megan were dead or no longer had any fight in them. He uses his pistol to shoot four shots into the pair of them. Not thinking to check to make sure he had killed them, he gets up, though he is in pain. He checks on Megan, who is badly injured with a broken arm, and had blood the length of her side. He checks to see if she's breathing still, and then checks for a pulse, which he finds. Tia warns him that Enforcement know where he is and are converging on him. He decides he has to move Megan. He wraps his jacket around his injured leg, finding the pen detonator and blasting caps as he does so. Setting one of the caps on the fuel cell of the cycle, he picks Megan up, and starts to walk down the tunnel. Prof tells him that help is coming. David reaches the end of the tunnel, coming to an intersection, and can hear Enforcement coming. He uses the detonator, and hears shouts as the cycle explodes. He heads left at the crossroads, and walks for around five minutes before reaching a dead end. He finds some cover, and lays Megan down. Tia contacts him, but is interrupted when her position is threatened. Enforcement realizes David's down the end of the tunnel when Prof then tells David to try and use the tensor, even though it has been broken. He tries it as Enforcement calls out for him to surrender, and while he feels something, it doesn't work. Prof tells him to hold out. David tells Prof to go to Tia. Prof tells him Tia will be findfine, butand that David has to hold out a bit longer. David sees the officers slowly advancing towards him. He uses Megan's gun to make them scatter, though they then return fire at him. As he fires back at the officers, when he can, he talks to Megan. He apologizes for letting her down, saying she deserved to live, even if he didn't. He continues that he thinks he fell in love with her on the first day. He comments that a month ago, he would have just left her by the cycle, but he thanks her for making him care about something other than Steelheart. He prepares to go out firing his gun, beginning to stand as one of the soldiers yells 'fire', when the ceiling melts. Prof drops through, with Tensors on each hand. As the soldiers start firing, Prof uses the tensors to destroy the bullets as approach him. He runs at the soldiers, using the Tensors to disintergratedisintegrate their armor as he attacks, cutting a sword out of steel in the middle of the fight. The fight is soon over, with the soldiers surrendering. Prof tells them that he is Limelight, and gives them a challenge to convey to Steelheart - he threatens to dismantle the city bit by bit unless Steelheart comes out and fights him. Prof turns to David, telling him forcefully to get Megan. David complies and follows Prof through a tunnel he makes in the ground.
== Part Four ==
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