Diferencia entre revisiones de «Sel»

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The location of the planet Sel within the larger Cosmere is as-yet unknown, though it is known to orbit a yellow star while in turn being orbited by a single moon. Sel also appears to rotate from west-to-east, as opposed to the standard east-to-west rotation of most other planets, since the shadow of Elantris falls on [[Kae]], a city east of Elantris, at dawn.{{book ref|Elantris|1}}
== Geography and Culture ==
While travel to Sel is possible via Shadesmar (the Cognitive Realm), it is "really tough" for yet unknown reasons {{qa ref|977|11|Can anyone with access to Shadesmar learn how to worldhop?|date=Sep, 2012}}
== Trivia ==
*Initially, Brandon had the shadows of Elantris falling on the city of Kae at dawn. As Kae is to the east of Elantris, this indicated that the sun rises in the west on Sel. However, in the Anniversary Edition, this has been revealed as an error and corrected.{{book ref|elantris|1}}
== Notes ==
Synod, Editors, Keepers
