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In our model, one or two of these will prove to be stealable by either Nicrosil or Chromium. I've put Chromium in Set X.
The Q1 traits were Might and Senses. Senses are taken by the metal used to store them, feruchemically. Might is not. In Q2... Mental power is stored in zinc... but stolen by copper, and zinc steals another trait. I do not yet see a pattern. Each quadrant has one overlap of "metal stores a trait" and "metal steals a trait," but only one time is it the same metal.
And I'm coming to the conclusion that I'm very tired and not making sense even to myself, so I'm just gonna stop now. I'll be back, when I've woken up, though I'm actually going to be away for a week. So, this will be my last update for some time. Please go to 17thShard.com, find the Charting Hemalurgy thread in the Mistborn forum (Search the fora for a thread named Charting Hemalurgy by Oudeis) and leave your thoughts! There will be a lot of travel in my upcoming week and I'd love to hear your thoughts.
Perhaps a progression? The first quadrant has, "Metal steals what same metal can store," and then "Metal steals what another metal can store." The second quadrant has, "Metal steals what another metal can store," and then "metal steals what no metal can store." Maybe Quadrant Three would have "Metal steals what no metal can store" (that does not narrow it down) and then ... something even less likely? And then the fourth quadrant would have the even less likely thing, and then something entirely unrelated. This is getting out of hand.
Another thought. Zinc steals something related to emotion, which has a correlation to Zinc's allomantic use. So... Iron steals a trait related to pewter in both allomancy and feruchemy. Tin steals a trait associated with itself in both allomancy and feruchemy. Copper steals something associated with zinc, in feruchemy, and zinc steals something associated with zinc in allomancy.
So in Set X, tin and zinc are both associated with their allomantic trait. Chromium leeches someone else's metals. So... maybe Investiture? Maybe reserves? That seems unlikely, but someone somewhere has a WoB, I think, that any storeable feruchemical trait can be stolen. From the wording, I suspect Mr. Sanderson thought the question was "the ability to store any feruchemical trait" but if true, it means you can steal things like "body heat" and "metabolic energy." So what would a metabolic spike grant you? Would you 24/7 get an intake of metabolic energy? If you don't move enough, will you get enormously fat? Or is it a one-time lump sum, the spike is stuck in and suddenly there's 10,000 extra calories in your system, and when they burn off, that's it? We know that iron spikes grant power eternally, so I'm tempted to say the first.
So then... let's say a Coinshot has a reserve of steel in his stomach. Perhaps a chromium spike steals that reserve, and replicates it permanently? So if a different Coinshot received that spike, he'd be able to burn a certain amount forever? I wonder how, if at all, this would affect duralumin/nicrosil... This is making so little sense, I should probably just stop. But, whatever, maybe someone will read my insane ramblings and find a kernel of something in it worth considering.
Bendalloy. Allomantically, that's time. So... maybe with a spike, you live your life slightly faster? That sounds terrible. Good news, you get a good night's sleep in four hours. Bad news, pretty much the rest of it. You wake up in the middle of the night, then get exhausted in early afternoon. You die when your friends are all middle-aged. You have trouble understanding people, and they you. Train rides seem to take forever. Literally any time you're waiting on someone seems to take forever. Man I hope I never get a bendalloy spike, if this is what it does.
Set Y. Iron takes the feruchemical trait of the metal in its quadrant entirely opposite; other metal group, alloy as opposed to base. Copper takes the trait of the other metal, same purity. So... perhaps the remaining metals takes the trait of the other aspects of the pattern? Same metal, then same group, different purity?
Nicrosil and Cadmium. So, the feruchemical traits of either chromium and cadmium, or nicrosil and bendalloy. So spikes for either luck and breath, or investiture and metabolic energy.


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