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'''Glys''' is a [[spren]] of an unknown type that formed a [[Nahel bond]] with [[Renarin Kholin]].{{book ref|sa2|89}}
He grants Renarin the powers of the [[Truthwatchers]], an order of the [[Knights Radiant]]{{book ref|sa2|89}} which gives Renarin access to the [[Surge]]s of Illumination and Progression.{{cite}} However, RenarainRenarin also has visions, which are possible also possible due to Glys' bond. This bond caused Renarin to hear screams when touching his killed [[Shardblade]], which he initially believed to be a sign of his weakness or possibly insanity. Glys explained otherwise and told Renarin which order of Radiants he had joined.{{book ref|sa2|89}}
== Speculation ==
