Diferencia entre revisiones de «Usuario:Oudeis/Hemalurgy Chart»

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| Breath
So. What do we see here?
Hrm. At first blush I'm thinking... active versus passive? Does this bear scrutiny? Strength and speed are things you must act upon. Senses and weight. Your weight just affects the world around you. It can provide leverage for pushing things, but the actual push comes from strength (or allomancy). And senses passively acquire information.
Wakefulness and warmth... are... not the best examples. To be awake, as opposed to asleep, is to be more active than not, by definition. Warmth? Erm... motion makes you warmer? That feels like a stretch. Memories and speed-of-thought both happen within your head; cognitively, they do require action and agency on your part, but they don't require this action to be physical.
Connection and Investiture. We know little about either. Simply making yourself a more trustworthy person does nothing if you don't actively engage in people. Tapping a ton of connection while sitting alone in your room not interacting with anyone will have as much effect as tapping a ton of strength without using your muscles to do anything. As for Investiture... I'd rather not touch this, as we have nothing but the most base speculation as to what Investiture does.
Identity? We're unclear on what this does, but we have a hint that it can be used to affect your own metalminds. So, passive, maybe? Or active, because at least one use of it requires you to use it with other feruchemy? Sources unclear; try again later.
Luck. Who knows. Luck strikes me as a thing that happens to you, not a thing you do. We don't know what luck actually means feruchemically, but for now I'm confident that it at least doesn't definitely disprove my idea.
Determination. Eep. I feel like this breaks the pattern. Determination makes you want to be more active... but it, itself, is non-active. And food. I guess burning calories is used to power motor functions? So... there's that.
Health. Seems pretty passive. It gets supercharged when you draw out a ton to heal a big wound, but under normal conditions your health just kind of ticks along, at a rate you don't control, constantly.
Breath. Eep. You have to breath, whether you're active or not. Being more active makes you have to breath more. It tends to happen in the back of your mind.
So... maybe that's it? A thing that's a choice to do, versus a thing that happens automatically.
You decide to move, to open a door, to pick up an envelope. There are some instincts to clutch and suck, but for the most part things requiring strength require choice. Same with motion. Does one choose to remain awake? You don't really choose to be warm. You can feel compelled to engage people or not, but you still choose to talk to them. Investiture requires Intent, so that requires choice. Maybe Intent is a better word. Determination might require intent. It's not like you can be determined in a vacuum; you must be determined to be SOMETHING. And food. One breathes constantly without thinking about it, but you have to make the choice to get food and put it into your mouth.
I just covered how breath happens instinctively. Health ticks along out of your direct control. Luck isn't something you choose to have or not. Identity? Can you decide who you are, or is it just who you are? Mental speed. Hrm. This one seems pretty heavily to require intent. Paired with warmth, which seems to be the opposite. Interesting...
Memories. You do search through your memories, so that seems to be a matter of intent. Your weight is a thing, which can change, obviously, but not just by will, through an indirect means. And your senses. They exist passively, but you can focus on one or the other...
Kay, at first blush, I'm gonna go with Intent. It seems to hold mostly true across the chart. And Intent is a properly Sandersonian word. Q2 seems totally backwards for all four metals, but whatever. Maybe it's just not apparent, like copper for allomancy.
What I learned from this: Find the pair with the most in common. The most obvious place to determine the difference between alloys and bases for allomancy was iron and steel; they did almost identical things, and the one difference was the one difference for the whole chart. For metal groups, aluminum and chromium perform the same action, and show us the difference between internal and external. Food and Breath were lowest on this chart, but had the most in common. I should have started there. Going forward, my watchword will be to find the pair most similar, discover their difference, and see if it applies to the rest of the traits.
So. That's feruchemy. When next I return and do more edits, I'll look into hemalurgy. Everything up until now has been practice for the unassailable cliffs, hidden in the shadows of ignorance, that is hemalurgy.


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