Diferencia entre revisiones de «Sombra cognitiva»

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13 bytes añadidos ,  hace 9 años
(Combed Theoryland for the stub. Not sure about the seons.)
m (tweaks)
'''Cognitive Shadow''' is term used by [[Brandon]] to refer to a spirit that has not yet moved into the afterlife{{qa ref|1067|20|Steelheart release party|date=24th September, 2013}}. While the manifestations of this kind of entity can vary depending on the [[Shardworld|world]] it occurs on, Cognitive Shadows have consistent rules and can occur on any planet of the [[Cosmere]]. In general, they are similar to the concept of ghosts on Earth. Some of them are created when a person has sufficient attachment to something in Physical realm, or when a Shardholder that has held onto the [[Shard]] for a long time dies{{qa ref|1097|21|Orem Signing Report - Zas678|date=6th December, 2014}}.
== Examples ==
;[[Preservation|Mist Spirit]]
A ghost of [[Leras]] on [[Scadrial]].
A cognitive shadow of [[Honor]] on [[Roshar]]{{qa ref|1116|26|Brandon Sanderson - /r/books AMA 2015|date=12th March, 2015}}.
== Notes ==
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