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43 bytes añadidos ,  hace 9 años
→‎History: changed some phrasing
(Added more detail to physical description, and fleshed out the story of his injury & rescue by Kaladin. Added what he did in WoR. Not sure on organization, partial/complete, or past/present tense.)
m (→‎History: changed some phrasing)
Leyten was an apprentice armorer prior to being a bridgeman. The armor of a lighteyes broke, allowing an arrow to hit their shoulder, and the blame fell on Leyten. As a result, he was demoted to work on the bridge crews.{{book ref|sa1|63}}
On the first bridge run after [[Kaladin]]'s promotion to bridgeleader, Leyten falls tofrom an arrow towound thein his shoulder and the opposite arm. Another arrow grazed his stomach, and his left leg was trampled by a horse. [[Teft]] and [[Rock]] carry Leyten to Kaladin, who is able to treat his wounds. Leyten falls unconscious and Kaladin fears he might not make it. However, Kaladin cauterizes both the arm and leg wounds, likely leaving scars in Leyten's skin but saving the man's life. The crew brings him back to the barracks by tying him to the top of their bridge while they run and then quickly untying him before the army crosses the bridge.{{book ref|sa1|17}} Kaladin notes that Leyten will always have a limp from his injuries, although Leyten is never thereafter described as walking with a limp.{{book ref|sa1|32}}
Leyten was in charge of crafting the [[Parshendi]] carapace onto theirthe bridgemanbridgemen vests and caps.{{book ref|sa1|63}} He insisted on ornamenting the helms with ridges and cuts, as well as cutting the breastplates in toothlike patterns.{{book ref|sa1|64}}
After the Battle of the Tower, Leyten joins [[Dalinar]]'s camp along with the rest of the bridgemen, taking turns guarding various members of the Kholin family. He practices the spear with [[Natam]] and a few others in the morning,. joinedAfter byKaladin gives [[Shen]] aftera Kaladin givesspear, the parshman ajoins spearLeyten in their training.{{book ref|sa2|46}} He helps teach [[Renarin]] how to carry a bridge.{{book ref|sa1|68}} Leyten was guarding Dalinar when Rlain surrendered himself to the Alethi.{{book ref|sa1|78}} He survives through the [[Everstorm]]and the battle prior to it.{{book ref|sa1|87}}
== Notes ==


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