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'''Lightweaving''' is a magic system originating onfrom [[Yolen]]{{cite}} and is an illusion magic. Little is know of this System. {{cite}}
Hoid is reportedly a user of this system
[[Roshar]]'s [[Lightweavers]] powers use lightweaveing similar to the original [[Yolen]] magic{{qa ref|692|12|There's novels which share magic systems?|date=2010-10-15}}. See [[lightweavers]] for more information on Roshar based Lightweaving.
It has been featured on [[Roshar]]{{qa ref|692|12|There's novels which share magic systems?|date=2010-10-15}} and is an illusion magic.{{cite}}
The [[Order of Lightweavers]] is an order of the [[Knights Radiant]].{{tor ref|the-title-for-brandon-sandersons-second-stormlight-archive-book-has-been-revealed|Words of Radiance press release|date=2013-02-28}}
== Notes ==
