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==Forthcoming Novels==
These works have been announced as books Brandon Sanderson plans to write and publish in the future however details may be subject change.
===[[Scribbler]]The Rithmatist===
{{main|The Rithmatist}}
A steampunk novel with a chalk based magic system. Planned for early 2012.<ref name="Brandon's blog">[http://www.brandonsanderson.com/article/62/Another-Long-and-Rambling-Postandtrade-on-Future-Books Brandon Sanderson's blog - Another Long and Rambling Post on Future Books]</ref>
===Stormlight 2===
Initially planned to be titled ''Highprince of War'' however Brandon is considering focusing more on [[Shallan Davar]] as a viewpoint character as [[Kaladin]] was in ''[[The Way of Kings]]'' making the planned title inappropriate. Planned for late 2012.<ref name="Brandon's blog" />
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