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Some possibly all Highly Invested Entities are able to Bond with other entities and gain enhancements of some kind. It is unknown if a person with only innate investiture is able to form a bond.{{qa ref|1076|27|Do all humans have innate investiture?|date= Mar 6th, 2014}} Bonds are not limited to Innate Invested Entity and Highly Invested Entity.{{qa ref|1113|2|Can Nightblood Bond Spren?|date= Aug 4th, 2014}}
A Bond is between Invested creatures and Physical creatures. They grant abilities to both members most often greater intelligence to one or both members of the bond.
== Types of known Bonding Entities ==
'''Spren''': Entities of the [[Cognitive Realm]]
'''Sapient Awakened entities in an inorganic host''': Intelligent inorganic entities created through the use of [[Breath]].
'''Seons''': Intelligent entities with connections to [[AonDor]]
'''Aviar''': Birds infested with symbiotic worms native to the [[Pantheon]]
'''Shard blade''': [[Shardblade]]s in there dead form are able to bond with people through the use of charged gem stones. A gem is placed in the hilt of the blade and after a week the blade is bonded and can be dismissed and called back. Once bonded the blade is bonded it can be dismissed and reformed by syncing with the users heart to the blade, ten heart beats are required. The person who bonds a blade has the iris of their eye lighten during the bonding process. Surgebinding is not granted by this bond
'''Void bondsBonds''': Nothing is known at this time about [[Voidbinding]].
'''Lesser Spren Bonds''': non-intelligent Spren are able to form bonds with humans{{qa ref|1044|12|Can any Spren bond even if they do not create a knights Radient?|date= Mar 24th, 2014}} This Bond does not grant [[Surgebinding]].
'''Other Spren bonds''': Certain spren bond with native life on Roshar enhancing them and granting ability to the animals. Confirmed animals to have these bonds are Chasm Fiends, chull and Sky eels.
'''Other Spren bondsBonds''': Certain spren bond with native life on Roshar enhancing them and granting ability to the animals. Confirmed animals to have these bonds are Chasm Fiends, chull and Sky eels.
'''Honorblades''': Do not bond with humans in the way that Shard blades do.
=== Sel Bonds ===
=== Nalthis Bonds ===
'''BreathSapient Awakened Swordsentities in an inorganic host''': Only known entity of this kind is [[Nightblood]]. [[Nightblood]] is a sentient sword made using 1000 breath and the command to destroy evil. It makes a bond with anyone it wishes to communicate with and is able to read their minds and speak directly into their mind.{{qa ref|1037|8|How is it that Nightblood, who is merely a near-sentient awakened object, was able to read minds, something a Shard like Ruin was unable to do?|date= Oct 1st, 2013}} Distance appears to be a factor but this may be a limitation of the mind of Nightblood and not its ability. Any one who is able to wield Nightblood and survive Bond's with the blade to a greater degree and is no longer repelled by or abnormally drawn to kill with it.{{annotation ref|wb|chapter=45}} This bond may grant additional powers on Roshar.{{qa ref|1076|34|Nightblood is a shardblade|date= Mar 6th, 2014}}{{qa ref|1076|34|Nightblood is a shardblade|date= Mar 6th, 2014 }}
=== Scadrial Bonds ===
No Bonds are known of on this shard world.
Of note is that by using [[Hemalurgy]], bonds my be stolen and given to a new person.{{qa ref|1076|19|Hemalurgy affects all Magic systems|date= Mar 6th, 2014 }}
{{qa ref|977|42|Hemalurgy can steal a Shard blade bond.|date= Sep, 2012 }}
== Notes ==
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