Diferencia entre revisiones de «El archivo de las tormentas/glosario»

sin resumen de edición
; Battah: Vorin name of the Herald [[Battar]]
; Behardan: maybe [[Nohadon]]{{book ref|sa2|47}}
; Bajerden: maybe [[Nohadon]] {{book ref|sa1|58}}
; [[blackrock]]: a form of stone?{{book ref|sa2|39}}
; [[Breakneck]]: A [[Vorin]] game using stones{{book ref|sa1|25}}{{book ref|sa1|i|6}}
== F ==
; femalen: [[Parshendi]] mate-pairsgender
; firemark: currency
; [[Firestorm]]: [[Gavilar]]'s blade{{book ref|sa2|art}}
; [[flamestance]]:
; [[havah]]: [[Vorin]] dress{{book ref|sa2|1}}{{book ref|sa2|37}}
;highjudge: A lighteyed woman who acts as kind of a referee and moderator at official duels. Only her word counts in the arena.{{book ref|sa2|56}} She begins and ends a duel.{{book ref|sa1|58}}
; [[highspren]]: A type of sentient spren attracted to those who follow the law.
; hogshide: material used in boots
; [[kadasix]]: presumably Emuli gods, "If the Prime Kadasix may provide, [[Baxil]] thought"{{book ref|sa1|i|7}}
; [[Kammar]]: An ancient fighting stance designed to defeat enemies without harming them{{book ref|sa1|i|1}}
; [[King's Boon]]: a prize at a particularly epic duel? {{book ref|sa2|55}} {{book ref|sa2|57}}
; [[King's Testers]]: scholars who test [[Taravangian]] for intelligence{{book ref|sa2|i|14}}
;[[Rhythms]]: [[Parshendi]] thing
; riddens:
;[[Right of Challenge]]: {{book ref|sa2|57}}
;[[Right of Travel]]: The right of Alethi citizens of the second nanh and higher to freely travel and move throughout the kingdom
;[[Right to Learn]]: a mandate by the [[Herald]]s so that darkeyes can learn trades
; [[Ring]]: group that sent [[Wyndle]]{{book ref|sa2|i|9}}
; [[Sja-anat]]: {{book ref|sa2|4}}
;[[Sons of Honor]]: Group {{book ref|sa2|88}}
;[[Spray]]: Horse which taught [[Kaladin]] learnthow to ride{{book ref|sa2|25}}
; stonewalker: shin curse on non-shin
; stormblessings:
; stormcoat:
; stormtop:
; stormwagon:
; stormwall:
;[[Stormwarden]]: People who predict the weather
;[[stormwarden script]]: featured on some art
; stormward: eastward
; stormwater:
; symbolhead:
== T ==
; [[Takama]]: A traditional, skirt-like garment.{{book ref|sa1|25}} {{book ref|sa1|54}}{{book ref|sa2|38}} Aladar wears one.{{book ref|sa2|8}} Amaram's guards also wear them.{{book ref|sa2|52}}
; Talat: Possibly a reference to Talenel? Part of the curse "Talat's hand" used by Shallan.{{book ref|sa2|54}}
; tana: part of the Unkalaki term "tana'kai"? "is like a king, but more"{{book ref|sa2|46}}{{book ref|sa2|45}}{{book ref|sa2|61}}
; tetTet: A Veden honorific denoting "second son"
; toparchy:
; Turi: nickname for [[Sebarial]]{{book ref|sa2|40}}
; tyvnk: A Thaylen word meaning "sullen", the name given by [[Rysn]] to her pot of grass{{book ref|sa2|i|3}}
; [[takama]]: skirtlike garment {{book ref|sa1|25}} {{book ref|sa1|54}}
; Ten Deaths: something mentioned by{{book ref|sa1|19}}
; tenner: nickname for tenth dahn{{book ref|sa2|2}}
; trailman: "[[Trailman's flute]]" {{book ref|sa1|57}}
; [[Truthless]]: A curse placed on [[Shin]]
; Tyvnk: means sullen, [[Rysn]]'s grass{{book ref|sa2|i|3}}
== U ==
== V ==
; Vargo: nickname for [[Taravangian]]{{book ref|sa2|i|14}}
; Vathahese: [[Vathah]]'s grunts, Shallan learned "to interpret those, which was essential to speaking Vathahese."{{book ref|sa2|48}} <!--- p. 552 --->
; vathahese: grunts relating to [[Zen]]-daughter-[[Vath]]
; vesture:
; [[vinestance]]: a stance with defensive footing{{book ref|sa2|57}}
; virture:
; warform:
; warleader:
; warpair:
; [[weevilwax]]: substance used to seal things{{book ref|sa2|prologue}}{{book ref|sa2|47}}{{book ref|sa2|88}}
; windblades: geographic feature of Kholinar {{book ref|sa1|60}}
; winehouse: lighteyes wine bar
; workform:
