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Many of these "gods" give specific magical powers to the people on their worlds, and most of Brandon Sanderson's novels take place in one of these planets.
The nature of the common people's powers is modeled after the power of the Shard in question.
For example, the Mistborn series has powers based on metal, since the two Shards used to create the Mistborn world are physical in nature ([[Ruin]] and [[Preservation]]).
The existence of a single origin of these shards have been hinted at in Sanderson's novels:
|[[The Letter]]<ref>{{bref|TWoK|e|18}}</ref>
[[Ati]] was the name of the person who held the Ruin-Shard before being killed by [[Vin]] holding the Preservation-Shard at the end of ''{{b|THoA}}''.
Intentionally killing [[Ati]] went against the nature[[intent]] of the Preservation-Shard, but as Vin had not yet become attuned to it, she was able to use its power to her own ends.
It is also possible that those who take the power of a Shard may be able to resist this change to their personality by force of will, like when [[Sazed]] gained the powers of both Ruin and Preservation: