Diferencia entre revisiones de «Usuario:Skaa/God Metals»

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'''Atium-Gold''' (Others version of Gold): Also called Malatium. Grants insight into the past of others.
'''Atium-Bendalloy''' (Self version of Bendalloy): Makes the user's body experience time faster. Everything else around the user will appear to move slower unless he touches it. This means his clothes, his tools, and the enemy he's grappling with experience time the same way he does until he lets go of them. This ability makes the user more deadly than a mere atium user, because aan atium-bendalloy user's enemy is effectively stationary until hit, and is basically a sitting duck. An atium user will still see an atium-bendalloy user's atium shadow in advance, but any dodge or counter-attack he attempts will likely be too slow.
'''Atium-Cadmium''' (Self version of Atium-Bendalloy): The opposite of Atium-Bendalloy. Makes the user's body (and everything in physical contact with it) experience time slower. An even lamer version of Cadmium Allomancy that has no protective time bubble.


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