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===Lerasium alloys===
'''Lerasium-Duralumin''' (Self version of Duralumin): Same Allomantic property as lerasium, a physical fragment of Preservation. Enhances the user's Innate spiritual connection to Preservation to the point that he becomes Mistborn. If you burn enough lerasium, you eventually Ascend, gaining the power of Preservation.
'''Lerasium-Aluminum''' (Self version of Aluminum): EnhancesDestroys theany user'sexisting Innateenhancement Investitureinvolving Preservation, makingexcept himAluminum anAllomancy and Aluminum Allomancer,Feruchemy. butMistborn notbecome beforeAluminum firstGnats. clearingFull theFeruchemists userbecome Trueselves. Mistings or Ferrings who can'st Spiritualuse aspectaluminum oflose their anythingpower foreigncompletely.
'''Lerasium-Nicrosil''' (Others version of Nicrosil): Enhances the Innate InnateInvestiture of everyone within the vicinity of the user,. makingThe himuser becomes a Nicroburst (or his Nicrosil AllomancerAllomancy is strengthened), alongwhile withthe anyonerest inbecome hisAllomancers immediateof vicinityvarying degrees of power depending on how near they are to the user. As a side-effect, Lerasium-Nicrosil grants Innate Investiture from Preservation to targets without prior Innate Investiture. Any excess Investiture is lost.
'''Lerasium-Chromium''' (Chromium version of Lerasium-Nicrosil): ThisEnhances isthe similaruser's toChromium Lerasium-NicrosilAllomancy except(or themakes peoplehim involveda become Chromium AllomancersLeecher), and theirweakens Spiritualthe aspectsAllomancy areof cleansednearby beforehandpeople.
'''Lerasium-Electrum''' (Others/Enhancement version of Electrum): A shadow of Preservation's holder that only the user can see appears and moves towards the user. Intentionally avoiding the shadow makes it vanish with no effect, but remaining still as the shadow makes contact turns him into an Electrum Allomancer.
'''Lerasium-Gold''' (Others/Enhancement version of Gold): Summons a stationary shadow image of Preservation's holder for the user to see while his Innate connection to Preservation is enhanced to make him a Gold Allomancer.
'''Lerasium-Bendalloy''' (Self/Enhancement version of Bendalloy): The user and everyone in physical contact with him while burning Lerasium-Bendalloy become Bendalloy Allomancers. The flow of time around them goes slower as the enhancement occurs.
'''Lerasium-Cadmium''' (Self/Enhancement version of Cadmium): Similar to Lerasium-Bendalloy, except they become Cadmium Allomancers and time around them goes faster.
'''Lerasium-Bronze''' (Self/Enhancement version of Bronze): Upon burning, the user senses a great pulsing inside him as he becomes a Bronze Allomancer.
'''Lerasium-Copper''' (Self/Enhancement version of Copper): The user does not feel anything strange, the Allomantic enhancement within him being actively hidden from him. He becomes a Copper Allomancer afterwards.
'''Lerasium-Brass''' (Self/Enhancement version of Brass): The user and everyone in physical contact with him suddenly lose all emotion as they are Enhanced to become Brass Allomancers.
'''Lerasium-Zinc''' (Zinc version of Lerasium-Brass): Just like Lerasium-Brass, but with Rioted emotions and Zinc Allomancers.
'''Lerasium-Pewter''' (OthersSelf/Enhancement version of Pewter): The user becomes a Pewter Allomancer. The remaining Investiture transforms into a bead of Allomantic pewter inside the user.
'''Lerasium-Tin''' (Others/Enhancement version of Tin): The user becomes a Tin Allomancer. The remaining Investiture transforms into a bead of pure tin inside the user.
'''Lerasium-Steel''' (Others/Enhancement version of Steel): The user and everyone near him become Steel Allomancers. There is no other effect.
'''Lerasium-Iron''' (Others/Enhancement version of Iron): Same as Lerasium-Steel, except creating Iron Allomancers.
'''Lerasium-Atium''' (Self/Enhancement version of Atium): The user sees a shadow of himself with an atium spike embedded in him. The shadow pulls the spike off and stabs his real self with it in the same exact spot. The vision clears and he is an Atium Allomancer.
And for my last bit of lerasium alloy speculation...
Lerasium-Atium (Self/Enhancement version of Atium): The user sees a shadow of himself with an atium spike embedded in him. The shadow pulls the spike off and stabs his real self with it in the same exact spot. The vision clears and he is an Atium Allomancer.


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