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===Atium alloys===
'''Atium-Electrum''' (Others version of Electrum): Same Allomantic property as atium, a physical fragment of Ruin. Grants insight into the future actions of others and their consequences.
'''Atium-Gold''' (Others version of Gold): Also called Malatium. Grants insight into the past of others.
'''Atium-Bendalloy''' (Self version of Bendalloy): Makes the user's body experience time faster. Everything else around the user will appear to move slower unless he touches it. This means his clothes, his tools, and the enemy he's grappling with experience time the same way he does until he lets go of them. This ability makes the user more deadly than a mere atium user, because a atium-bendalloy user's enemy is effectively stationary until hit, and is basically a sitting duck. An atium user will still see an atium-bendalloy user's atium shadow in advance, but any dodge or counter-attack he attempts will likely be too slow.
'''Atium-Cadmium''' (Opposite of Atium-Bendalloy): Makes the user's body (and everything in physical contact with it) experience time slower. An even lamer version of Cadmium Allomancy that has no protective time bubble. Will not buy again.
'''Atium-Duralumin''' (Self/Temporal version of Duralumin): Reverts any Investiture-related entropy that affected the user. A Feruchemist+Mistborn can use this to regain all the attributes from his metalminds at once. A person who somehow survived being a Hemalurgic sacrifice and who burns atium-duralumin will regain the attributes stolen from him. An Awakener+Mistborn can theoretically use this to regain all Breaths from Type III BioChromatic entities he created.
'''Atium-Aluminum''' (Self/Temporal version of Aluminum): Destroys all entropy-aligned Investiture that are part of the user. Any existing Hemalurgic spike inside the user is rendered inert (this creates a physical wound that might be fatal). If the user is a Feruchemist, the ability to store Feruchemical attributes vanish (he can still tap his metalminds). Note that after burning atium-aluminum, assuming the user is still alive, new Hemalurgic spikes can again affect him.
'''Atium-Nicrosil''' (Others version of Nicrosil): Reverts any Investiture-related entropy from everyone within a certain radius from the user.
'''Atium-Chromium''' (Others version of Chromium): Expels all traces of entropy-aligned Investiture within a certain radius from the user. See Atium-Aluminum for what this entails.
'''Atium-Pewter''' (Self/Temporal version of Pewter): Reverts physical changes to the body, starting from the most recent change. The mind and spirit is unaffected. This can be used to remove wounds.
'''Atium-Tin''' (Self/Temporal version of Tin): Accelerates metabolic processes.
'''Atium-Steel''' (Others/Temporal version of Steel): Decelerates time for a metallic target. Anything that touches the target becomes affected by the time acceleration. When used on Hemalurgic spikes, this slows down Hemalurgic decay. Atium-steel cannot target objects inside a person, nor does it affect aluminum objects and objects stuck to the ground. All metals (except aluminum) glow slightly in the user's vision.
'''Atium-Iron''' (Others/Temporal version of Iron): This is the opposite of Atium-Steel. Accelerates time for a metallic target. Hastens Hemalurgic decay.
'''Atium-Bronze''' (Self version of Bronze): Grants the ability to gain information on an Invested object just by touch. With enough practice, the user can identify which objects are metalminds or Hemalurgic spikes, how Invested they are, and what they contain. However, the user will be incapable of reading the actual contents of a Coppermind. He will also be incapable of detecting Aluminumminds.
'''Atium-Copper''' (Self version of Copper): Grants a mental connection to the contents of one's own metalminds, giving him an idea where they are all located. It also prevents Atium-Bronze users from reading one's metalminds. An atium-copper burner who is also an Archivist can access his Copperminds from anywhere, giving him perfect recall of every memory he Feruchemically stored.
'''Atium-Brass''' (Self version of Brass): Makes the user's presence less noticeable to others. While flaring, the user's voice registers to nearby targets as a disembodied and persuasive voice.
'''Atium-Zinc''' (Self version of Zinc): Makes the user's presence more noticeable to others. Any emotion the targets may have towards the user (whether positive or negative) is increased. Can be used to create distractions, intimidate, or seduce.
===Lerasium alloys===


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