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Gradually, Vin grows more comfortable when adopting the Valette persona, but she is give a sobering reminder of the realities of the Final Empire when she witnesses a soldier murder a skaa kitchen boy for begging from a nobleman.{{book ref|mb1|18}}
Vin tries to get training from Ham with pewter by watching him spar, but the two find out that the [[Luthadel Garrison]] is being called away to quell the skaa rebellion's army led by Yeden in a sudden attack against the Holstep Garrison as a test of their strength.{{book ref|mb1|24}}{{book ref|mb1|25}} After informing the rest of the crew, Vin joins Kelsier on a desperate mission to save the skaa army's survivors. They find the army being massacred in an ambush from the Valtroux Garrison, and Vin stops Kelsier from trying to stop it, reminding him that even though they are Mistborn, they're not invincible. Instead, they return to the caves, finding the two thousand men, lead by Demoux, who stayed behind out of loyalty to Kelsier. Vin and Kelsier lead the remnants of the army back to Luthadel.{{book ref|mb1|25}}
She discovers her father's identity during the executions in the (later named) [[Square of the Survivor]] after pointing him out to and kills [[Shan Elariel]], who attempts to assassinate Elend as part of a political ploy with [[Straff Venture]].
Two weeks later, after Vin has recovered from the consequences of pewter-dragging, the executions in the later named Square of the Survivor begin. She discovers her father's identity as the Steel Ministry's lord prelan during the executions after pointing him out to Kelsier. The executions provide Kelsier the opportunity to renew the crew's determination, by showing them what it is that they're truly fighting for.{{book ref|mb1|26}}
==== Death of the Lord Ruler ====
After the executions in the fountain square, the crew commit even more to provoking an all out house war in earnest, making it the top priority now that the bulk of their army is lost. Vin begins to spread bad information among the nobility, while remaining the crew's primary spy among them.{{book ref|mb1|27}} Vin and Kelsier go to meet Marsh in [[the Twists]], and while waiting, she experiences burning gold for the first time, seeing the two versions of herself, the trusting version who lost her street instincts, and the hateful and lonely version. The meeting with Marsh yields the truth about the Ministry Allomancers, that they're used inthe Soothing stations positioned throughout the skaa sections of Luthadel.{{book ref|mb1|27}}
In the course of spying on the nobility and spreading her information, Vin learns from Elend that House Venture works the [[Pits of Hathsin]] and mines the Lord Ruler's atium. As the house war reaches the point of no return, the noble parties and balls come to a close as alliances are formalised. Elend rejects Vin, but she saves his life shortly after when she uncovers [[Shan Elariel]]'s plot to kill him. She fights Shan, and her fellow assassins, killing the male Mistborn accompanying Shan. When confronting Shan directly, Vin realises that her atium is about to run out, and extinguishes it prematurely, leading Shan to think that she is vulnerable. Vin burns atium at the last second, taking Shan by surprise and killing her.{{book ref|mb1|30}}
Vin and Kelsier discover what they assume to be Marsh's remains during their next meeting with him, and Kelsier decides to retaliate by destroying the Pits of Hathsin and ending the atium production there for the next three hundred years.{{book ref|mb1|28}}{{book ref|mb1|32}} The executions begin again in response, and Vin watches as Kelsier interrupts them, rescuing the House Renoux prisoners and killing [[Bendal]], before he faces the Lord Ruler and is killed by a spear through the chest, feeling betrayed by his death after all of his assurances as Ruin returns in Reen's voice to strengthen her sense of betrayal.{{book ref|mb1|34}}
==== The Skaa Riots & the Death of the Lord Ruler ====
She is imprisoned in Kredik Shaw after Kelsier's death at the hands of the Lord Ruler, and is forced to burn [[aluminum]] to destroy her metals. She is taken to be questioned by the Lord Ruler, and has her earring ripped out while battling him, allowing the [[mist]]s to invest their power in her, restoring all her Allomantic abilities. Vin kills him by [[iron|pulling]] out his [[metalmind]]s and fatally stabbing him with a spear.


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