Diferencia entre revisiones de «Reya»

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|books=[[The Stormlight Archive]]
{{quote|The sun hadn't quite set, but in the darkening sky, stars had begun to appear around Taln's Scar. The Tear hung just above the horizon, a star much brighter than the others, named for the single tear Reya was said to have shed.| ''Words of Radiance'' Chapter Thirty-one{{book ref|sa2|31}}}}
|''Words of Radiance'' Chapter Thirty-one{{book ref|sa2|31}}
'''Reya''' is a woman from [[Roshar]]an mythology.
She is said to have shed a single tear, which is the namesake for the [[Tear]], a star much brighter than the others.{{book ref|sa2|31}}
== Triva ==
According to [[Peter Ahlstrom]] Reya is someone important.{{ref|name=peter}} It was theorized that Reya is the name of [[Cultivation]]'s holder.{{ref|name=theory}} Brandon however has directly stated that she is not.{{ref|name=disproven}}
== Notes ==
{{17s ref|name=theory|6568|text=Theory: Cultivation's Real Name|date=2014-03-08}}
{{17s ref|name=disprovenpeter|6568|post|161999107310|Is Reya Cultivation'sis name?somebody female and important|post=- [[Peter Ahlstrom]]|date=2014-03-08}}
{{17s ref|name=peterdisproven|6568|post|107310161999|Is Reya isCultivation's somebody female and importantname?|postdate=2014- [[Peter Ahlstrom]]07-22}}
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