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2 bytes añadidos ,  hace 9 años
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'''Noorden''' was a scholar and [[obligator]] in the Canton of Orthodoxy{{book ref|mb3|40}} in the [[Final Empire]] on [[Scadrial]]. After the [[Collapse]], he was employed by [[Elend Venture]] to act as a scribe and bureaucrat.{{book ref|mb2|34}}
== Appearance & Personality ==
Noorden had the eye tattoos of an obligator of fairly high rank. He wore large spectacles to the tattoos, and they successfully covered most of them.{{book ref|mb2|34}} He has renounced his loyalties to the Steel Ministry, but some people, such as Elend, still find the tattoos to be off-putting reminders of Noorden's past.{{book ref|mb2|34}} His most common clothing was a simple brown robe.{{book ref|mb3|21}}
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