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|books=[[Mistborn trilogy]]
{{quote|Hemalurgy is a power about which I wish I knew far less.|The [[Hero of Ages]]{{epigraph ref|b|mb3|e|35}}}}
{{quote|Hemalurgy is a power about which I wish I knew far less.|The [[Hero of Ages]]{{ref|b|mb3|e|35}}}}
'''Hemalurgy''' is one of the three prime manifestations of [[Investiture]] on [[Scadrial]]. The natives of that world consider it one of the three [[Metallic Arts]]. It is the least understood of the three Arts.
Hemalurgy is of Ruin and destruction, by taking abilities from one person and giving reduced amounts to another, net power is lost. Ruin's self appointed purpose of breaking everything in the universe into the smallest possible pieces is the key to Hemalurgy, gain to one, at a high cost to all. Hemalurgy is named for the connection of blood, involves death in the transfer of powers and is the most mysterious of the three Metallic Arts, creating some of the most exotic things in the [[Final Empire]]. At its core, it involves precise stabbing of a hemalurgic spike in a person's vital organ, stealing abilities, then specific placement in one of two to three hundred "bind points" in the recipient's body. The placement of the spike determines which of the contributor's attributes are taken. As such Hemalurgy is the most complex of the Metallic Arts, and the [[Steel Ministry]] has experimented for centuries with little success at finding new ways to apply it. When the Lord Ruler briefly held Preservation's power during his Ascension, the intricacies of Hemalurgy were deliberately whispered to him by Ruin. With a thousand years until the power at the Well of Ascension was restored, and his next opportunity to escape, Ruin was motivated by the opportunity to gain an easily controllable vast army of destructive killers. Hemalurgy's implementation sows chaos and destruction,with a concept of a simple art, it is a parasitic one that is useless without other people to steal from.
After the spike pierces through the initial person and is Hemalurgically charged, the '''Law of Hemalurgic Decay''' states that the spike loses some of its potency.{{epigraph ref|b|mb3|e|36}} The longer a spike is outside a body, the weaker it becomes. Thus, when the Steel Ministry creates an Inquisitor, the spikes are outside of a person for as little time as possible.
== Hemalurgic Constructs ==
{{quote|For all that it disgusts me, I cannot help but be impressed by Hemalurgy as an art. In Allomancy and Feruchemy, skill and subtlety come through the application of one's powers. The best Allomancer might not be the most powerful, but instead the one who can best manipulate the Pushes and Pulls of metals. The best Feruchemist is the one who is most capable of sorting the information in his copperminds, or best able to manipulate his weight with iron.<br><br>
The art that is unique to Hemalurgy, however, is the knowledge of where to place the spikes.|The [[Hero of Ages]]{{epigraph ref|b|mb3|e|43}}}}
Another important aspect of Hemalurgy is spike location. The spike must be placed in certain locations on the human body in order to steal a power or attribute, and then placed in another point on the recipient to tap into their [[Spiritweb]]. Most commonly attributes are stolen through the heart. If a spike is placed in the wrong location it can have unforeseen effects, such as killing the recipient or possibly not granting any power at all.
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