Diferencia entre revisiones de «Orden de los Rompedores del Cielo»

not the place for questions? and that was Nale, the Herald of the Skybreakers
(Shoemaker's Killer a Skybreaker?)
m (not the place for questions? and that was Nale, the Herald of the Skybreakers)
{{quote|The considerable abilities of the Skybreakers for making such amounted to an almost divine skill, for which no specific Surge or spren grants capacity, but however the order came to such an aptitude, the fact of it was real and acknowledged even by their rivals.|[[Words of Radiance (in-world)|Words of Radiance, chapter 28, page 3]]{{ref|b|sa2|e|55}}}}
{{quote|'You'd let it go, then?'<br>
'Storms, no,' Kaladin said. 'I'd find my own justice.'<br>
'Oh...' Syl settled on his shoulder. They walked for a long while, eventually approaching the warcamp. 'You're not a Skybreaker, Kaladin,' Syl finally said. 'You're not supposed to be like this.'{{ref|b|sa2|c|22}}}}
Question for author: could the man who killed the shoemaker (one of the interludes), who gave free shoes to poor children in return for their stories, a Skybreaker? Before he killed the shoemaker, he said something like 'murder can never be forgiven, even if a long time ago".
Synod, Editors, Keepers
