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m (Wax's gun is "Vindication" not "the Vindicator")
Ranette greets the trio with a less than warm welcome. Wayne manages to dissuade Ranette from shooting them by offering Wax's aluminum gun as a bribe. Ranette isn't too pleased to hear Wax lost his guns either, guns she custom made for him.
Ranette has been working on new types of ammunition she calls Hazekillers, to be used specifically against Allomancers. Though there seems to be tension between them, Ranette gives Wax her latest prototype gun - [[Vindication]], named after the [[Vin|Ascendant Warrior]] - aslong as he promises to give her a field report.
Wasting no time, Wax scratches up a plan sending Wayne to "borrow" some shipping manifests and Marasi to buy strong fishing nets.
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