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=Stormlight Board (All)=
==Class 1 (Reviewed)==
{| class="wikitable sortable" width="100%"
! !! Theory Name !! Author !! Date !! Location !! Category !! Topic !! Score !! Review !! TopicList
| {{TheoryTag|Crude}} || {{17s|7714|Greatshells are a Parshendi Form}} || Arin || 21 April 2014 || Roshar || World || Parshendi || 3.02 || || {'Forms': 2, 'Parshendi': 3, 'Jasnah': 1, 'Voidbringer': 1}
| {{TheoryTag|Bronze}} || {{17s|7388|Odiums Victory and Series Future}} || Zionite || 03 April 2014 || Roshar || Plot || Speculation || 10.45 || Location, || {'Odium': 14, 'Braize': 6}
| {{TheoryTag|Crude}} || {{17s|7274|Parshendi Beard Gems are Parshendi Gemhearts}} || Chrystoff || 28 March 2014 || Roshar || World || Parshendi || 0.60 || || {'Parshendi': 17}
| || {{17s|7223|Who is Nazh}} || Windshard || 26 March 2014 || Threnody || Character || Nazh || 6.19 || Proven || {'Nazh': 12}
| {{TheoryTag|Bronze}} || {{17s|6245|Location of the Shattered Plains}} || Stroniax || 25 February 2014 || Roshar || World || Shattered Plain || 11.49 || || {'Shattered Plain': 18}
| || {{17s|6166|Shallash was Dalinar's wife}} || Talo || 19 February 2014 || Roshar || Character || Dalinar || 6.65 || || {'Herald': 10, 'Shalash': 20, 'Dalinar': 21}
| || {{17s|6142|Odium gave Heralds/mankind the Honorblades and Shardblades}} || hoidshmoid || 17 February 2014 || Roshar || World || Shardblade || 6.81 || || {'Odium': 14, 'Herald': 12, 'Shardblade': 15}
| || {{17s|6125|Renarin already Surgebinds}} || Swimmingly || 16 February 2014 || Roshar || Character || Renarin || 5.34 || || {'Renarin': 11}
| {{TheoryTag|Silver}} || {{17s|5957|Consequences of Betraying the Oath Stone}} || EmanEmal || 06 February 2014 || Roshar || Character || Szeth || 18.76 || || {'Desolation': 11, 'Truthless': 5, 'Szeth': 15, 'Oathstone': 13}
| {{TheoryTag|Silver}} || {{17s|5826|Recreance}} || Derksen || 30 January 2014 || Roshar || World || Recreance || 6.76 || || {'Recreance': 21, 'Odium': 7, 'Radiant': 7, 'Herald': 7, 'Honor': 8}
| {{TheoryTag|Crude}} || {{17s|5806|Shardblades Barely Harm Infused Surgebinders}} || Moogle || 29 January 2014 || Roshar || Realmatic || Shardblade || 5.40 || || {'Shardblade': 12, 'Investiture': 2, 'Kaladin': 1, 'Szeth': 1}
| {{TheoryTag|Crude}} || {{17s|5688|Oathpact formed by Cultivation}} || masaru || 28 January 2014 || Roshar || World || Oathpact || 5.58 || Topic, || {'Cultivation': 10, 'Oathpact': 10}
| {{TheoryTag|Star}} || {{17s|5428|Nahel Bonding Theory of Cognitivity and the Recreance}} || bartbug || 20 January 2014 || Roshar || Realmatic || Spren || 18.62 || || {'Recreance': 17, 'Spren': 8, 'Cognitive': 11, 'Radiant': 8, 'Nahel': 11, 'Honor': 8}
| {{TheoryTag|Silver}} || {{17s|5425|Odium will take control of the Parshmen and cause Havoc}} || Dark_Sun77 || 20 January 2014 || Roshar || Plot || Parshmen || 18.32 || || {'Parshmen': 23, 'Odium': 24, 'Voidbringer': 10, 'Vin': 8}
| || {{17s|5251|Unite Them}} || Link || 19 January 2014 || Roshar || Character || Dalinar || 8.28 || || {'Dalinar': 6, 'Gavilar': 5, 'Radiant': 4, 'Odium': 3, 'Alethi': 2, 'Voidbringer': 2}
| {{TheoryTag|Bronze}} || {{17s|5104|Death Chants Theory}} || Bloodfalcon || 10 January 2014 || Roshar || World || Death Rattle || 16.44 || || {'Death Rattle': 18; 'Herald': 15}
| {{TheoryTag|Crude}} || {{17s|5092|Parshendi forms}} || zandi || 09 January 2014 || Roshar || World || Parshendi || 5.06 || || {'Parshendi': 13}
| || {{17s|5028|New theory on Odium.}} || Looter || 06 January 2014 || Cosmere || Plot || Odium || 5.82 || || {'Odium': 16}
| {{TheoryTag|Bronze}} || {{17s|5020|The Shardbearer that Kaladin Killed Used a Surge}} || Natans || 04 January 2014 || Roshar || World || Surge || 10.46 || || {'Surge': 13, 'Kaladin': 12}
| {{TheoryTag|Crude}} || {{17s|5012|The Reshi Isles are named after Kvothe}} || TheShogun || 02 January 2014 || Roshar || World || Intertextuality || 3.96 || Topic, || {'Purelake': 1, 'Way of Kings': 1}
| || {{17s|4944|Dalinar Must Die}} || TheShogun || 24 December 2013 || Roshar || Character || Dalinar || 7.20 || || {'Dalinar': 22}
| || {{17s|4914|Ghostbloods are trying to bring back the Heirocracy}} || Power || 20 December 2013 || Roshar || World || Ghostblood || 8.28 || || {'Ghostblood': 18, 'Stormlight': 6, 'Ardent': 8}
| || {{17s|4903|Gavilar and Parshendi gods}} || marianmi || 19 December 2013 || Roshar || World || Spren || 7.59 || || {'Parshendi': 15, 'Spren': 16, 'Gavilar': 11}
| {{TheoryTag|Silver}} || {{17s|4843|Dual Shardblades}} || Serendipity || 15 December 2013 || Cosmere || Realmatic || Shardblade || 19.40 || Topic, || {'Shardblade': 15, 'Realmatic': 7, 'Spiritweb': 7}
| || {{17s|4631|Thrillspren}} || Stroniax || 18 November 2013 || Roshar || World || Thrill || 6.64 || Disproven || {'Spren': 38, 'Thrill': 46}
| {{TheoryTag|Crude}} || {{17s|4578|The 10 Essences are Linked to the 10 Surges}} || Shardbearer || 12 November 2013 || Roshar || Realmatic || Surge || 6.20 || Topic, || {'Surge': 12, 'Essence': 12}
| {{TheoryTag|Star}} || {{17s|4469|Magic System On Roshar}} || marianmi || 30 October 2013 || Cosmere || Realmatic || Magic Systems || 37.83 || Location, || {'Roshar': 13, 'Shard': 11, 'Investiture': 33, 'Awakening': 15}
| {{TheoryTag|Bronze}} || {{17s|4463|Theory on "Voidbinding" Chart}} || Bloodfalcon || 30 October 2013 || Roshar || World || Voidbind || 12.11 || || {'Ym': 10, 'Symbol': 10, 'Spren': 16, 'Voidbind': 11}
| || {{17s|4441|Gavilar Murder Theory}} || Bloodfalcon || 29 October 2013 || Roshar || Character || Gavilar || 3.54 || || {'Spren': 12, 'Gavilar': 20}
| {{TheoryTag|Bronze}} || {{17s|4405|Voidbinding Theory}} || Bloodfalcon || 24 October 2013 || Roshar || Realmatic || Voidbind || 10.22 || || {'Voidbind': 17, 'Szeth': 8}
| {{TheoryTag|Bronze}} || {{17s|4394|Rosharan Theories and Speculation}} || steeleyes || 23 October 2013 || Roshar || World || Speculation || 11.35 || || {'Shard': 7, 'Parshendi': 5, 'Odium': 6, 'Speculation': 11, 'Honor': 8}
| || {{17s|4371|Szeth/Shin Conspiracy Theory}} || Bloodfalcon || 22 October 2013 || Roshar || World || Shinovar || 7.75 || || {'Szeth': 17, 'Shinovar':12. 'Herald':8, 'Honorblade':8, 'Truthless':8}
| || {{17s|4302|On Oathpacts, Desolations and Recreances}} || 11thorderknight || 13 October 2013 || Roshar || World || Desolation || 8.56 || || {'Desolation': 14, 'Recreance': 10, 'Radiant': 5, 'Oathpact': 11}
| {{TheoryTag|Silver}} || {{17s|4243|Another Radiant Order Hidden in WOK}} || Natans || 04 October 2013 || Roshar || World || Radiant || 16.72 || || {'Desolation': 5, 'Radiant': 15, 'Worldsinger': 9}
| || {{17s|4031|Oathpact Theory}} || Lightflame || 07 September 2013 || Roshar || World || Oathpact || 9.21 || Location, || {'Odium': 8, 'Oathpact': 15, 'Sel': 14}
| {{TheoryTag|Crude}} || {{17s|3950|Spren: Related To Quantum Theory}} || vcblade || 12 August 2013 || Roshar || World || Spren || 3.86 || || {'Spren': 18}
| {{TheoryTag|Bronze}} || {{17s|3944|The Nightwatcher is Cultivation's shardpool}} || Gaelan || 11 August 2013 || Roshar || Realmatic || Nightwatcher || 12.40 || || {'Cultivation': 19, 'Nightwatcher': 20, 'Old Magic': 11, 'Shard': 9}
| {{TheoryTag|Silver}} || {{17s|3943|Simple Theory About How the Spanreeds Works}} || Natans || 10 August 2013 || Roshar || Realmatic || Fabrials || 13.21 || Category, || {'Fabrial': 8, 'Spren': 6}
| {{TheoryTag|Bronze}} || {{17s|3784|Damnation is in Shinovar.}} || DocHoliday || 04 July 2013 || Roshar || World || Shinovar || 12.02 || || {'Taln': 9, 'Shinovar': 17, 'Damnation': 10}
| {{TheoryTag|Bronze}} || {{17s|3753|Stormlight retention as a function of gem size}} || Kurkistan || 27 June 2013 || Roshar || Realmatic || Stormlight || 13.91 || || {'Stormlight': 23}
| {{TheoryTag|Bronze}} || {{17s|3722|Hoid - Nightblood - Roshar}} || Natans || 21 June 2013 || Roshar || Character || Nightblood || 9.79 || Disproven || {'Roshar': 10, 'Nightblood': 14, 'Hoid': 12}
| {{TheoryTag|Bronze}} || {{17s|3713|The origin, nature, and purpose of Shardblades}} || Shardlet || 19 June 2013 || Roshar || World || Shardblade || 12.16 || || {'Shardblade':28 'Gemstone': 5, 'Origin': 10}
| {{TheoryTag|Crude}} || {{17s|3694|The Prophecies Were True}} || Shardbearer || 17 June 2013 || Roshar || World || Hierocracy || 4.84 || || {'Hierocracy': 12, 'Precognition': 4}
| {{TheoryTag|Silver}} || {{17s|3692|Vorinism and the Decline of Historic Knowledge}} || The Rooster || 17 June 2013 || Roshar || World || Vorin || 16.15 || || {'Vorin': 26, 'Ardent': 14}
| || {{17s|3690|Theory on Parshendi}} || DragonReborn || 17 June 2013 || Roshar || World || Parshendi || 4.10 || || {'Parshendi': 13}
| {{TheoryTag|Silver}} || {{17s|3669|Adolin's Legitimacy}} || Menden Atal || 13 June 2013 || Roshar || Character || Adolin || 18.58 || || {'Adolin': 22, 'Dalinar': 12}
| {{TheoryTag|Silver}} || {{17s|3631|Kaladin feels the Thrill!}} || Shardlet || 04 June 2013 || Roshar || Character || Kaladin || 19.23 || || {'Thrill': 39, 'Kaladin': 25}
| {{TheoryTag|Silver}} || {{17s|3623|Theory On How Everything In Roshar Ties Together}} || Kaurne || 03 June 2013 || Roshar || Realmatic || Overarching Theory || 17.45 || Disproven || {'Shard': 7, 'Cultivation': 6, 'Odium': 13, 'Honor': 11}
| || {{17s|3594|Urithiru in Shadesmar}} || Macen || 28 May 2013 || Roshar || Realmatic || Urithiru || 7.88 || Disproven || {'Jasnah': 7, 'Urithiru': 19, 'Shadesmar': 19}
| {{TheoryTag|Bronze}} || {{17s|3546|Magic on Roshar has the Three Gods Sharing Ten Surges}} || Kaurne || 22 May 2013 || Roshar || Realmatic || Surge || 10.29 || || {'Cultivation': 7, 'Roshar': 14, 'Fabrial': 6, 'Surge': 17, 'Honor': 7}
| {{TheoryTag|Bronze}} || {{17s|3533|Heralds & Shadesmar}} || Windrunner || 20 May 2013 || Roshar || World || Herald || 10.80 || || {'Herald': 20, 'Shadesmar': 19, 'Damnation': 9}
| || {{17s|3449|Connection between Heralds and Shardblades}} || makromag || 12 May 2013 || Roshar || World || Herald || 7.02 || || {'Herald': 11, 'Shardblade':10}
| {{TheoryTag|Bronze}} || {{17s|3402|Gavilar Carried a Radiantblade}} || Cernwennan || 04 May 2013 || Roshar || Character || Gavilar || 14.10 || || {'Gavilar': 25, 'Radiant': 12}
| {{TheoryTag|Star}} || {{17s|3393|The Recreance}} || The Count || 02 May 2013 || Roshar || Realmatic || Recreance || 22.25 || || {'Recreance': 14, 'Odium': 5, 'Radiant': 7, 'Honor': 11, 'Shard': 9}
| || {{17s|3364|"The Most Important Words A Man Can Say"}} || Colateralwar || 28 April 2013 || Roshar || Character || Gavilar || 7.64 || || {'Gavilar': 10, 'Radiant': 4}
| {{TheoryTag|Crude}} || {{17s|3329|Dalinar is a Windrunner}} || Colateralwar || 25 April 2013 || Roshar || Character || Dalinar || 3.88 || Disproven || {'Dalinar': 12, 'Windrunner': 11}
| || {{17s|3291|Oathpact}} || don_karma_II || 20 April 2013 || Roshar || World || Oathpact || 5.62 || || {'Cultivation': 4, 'Desolation': 4, 'Splinter': 4, 'Honor': 10, 'Oathpact': 11}
| {{TheoryTag|Bronze}} || {{17s|3203|Heralds, Gavillar, and other TWoK Theories}} || Oathbringer || 09 April 2013 || Roshar || World || Herald || 13.99 || Disproven || {'Herald': 28}
| {{TheoryTag|Silver}} || {{17s|3180|Shardplates' Souls and Healing}} || Kurkistan || 02 April 2013 || Cosmere || Realmatic || Healing || 16.21 || || {'Healing': 19, 'Shardplate':12}
| || {{17s|3155|How is born a Knight Radiant}} || Natans || 27 March 2013 || Roshar || Realmatic || Radiant || 8.25 || Disproven || {'Ideal': 4, 'Shallan': 4, 'Radiant': 10}
| {{TheoryTag|Silver}} || {{17s|3060|Jasnah's Past}} || Windrunner || 02 March 2013 || Roshar || Character || Jasnah || 18.57 || || {'Jasnah': 19}
| {{TheoryTag|Silver}} || {{17s|2970|Infusing Shardplate}} || Kurkistan || 15 February 2013 || Roshar || Realmatic || Shardplate || 18.32 || || {'Shardplate': 20, 'Stormlight': 18}
| {{TheoryTag|Bronze}} || {{17s|2939|There are no Universal Soulcasters}} || Kurkistan || 10 February 2013 || Roshar || Realmatic || Soulcast || 15.00 || || {'Soulcast': 41}
| {{TheoryTag|Bronze}} || {{17s|2922|Knights Radiant Theory}} || Stormfather || 07 February 2013 || Roshar || World || Radiant || 9.67 || || {'Radiant': 10, 'Herald': 3, 'Kaladin': 4}
| {{TheoryTag|Bronze}} || {{17s|2857|The Oathpact granted Odium Honor's power}} || Lightflame || 26 January 2013 || Roshar || World || Oathpact || 15.23 || || {'Odium': 30, 'Oathpact': 23, 'Honor': 25}
| || {{17s|2837|Shards and the Oathpact}} || ThePledge || 22 January 2013 || Roshar || Realmatic || Oathpact || 9.13 || || {'Odium': 8, 'Oathpact': 12, 'Honor': 7, 'Shard': 16}
| {{TheoryTag|Silver}} || {{17s|2812|Surges as related to Spren}} || Turos Stoneward || 18 January 2013 || Roshar || Realmatic || Spren || 12.01 || || {'Lashing': 8, 'Spren': 22, 'Surge': 14}
| {{TheoryTag|Bronze}} || {{17s|2811|Kaladin triggered the next Desolation}} || Dros || 18 January 2013 || Roshar || Plot || Desolation || 12.83 || || {'Ideal': 9, 'Desolation': 24, 'Herald': 10, 'Kaladin': 12}
| || {{17s|2670|The 30 magic systems are actually 10.}} || Josiah Bills || 14 December 2012 || Cosmere || Realmatic || Magic System || 5.74 || || {'Voidbind': 8, 'Magic System': 15}
| {{TheoryTag|Star}} || {{17s|2655|Stormwardens are Odium's Voidbinders}} || Nepene || 09 December 2012 || Roshar || World || Highstorm || 17.08 || || {'Odium': 13, 'Almighty': 6, 'Voidbind': 13, 'Future': 6, 'Kaladin': 5, 'Glyph': 9}
| {{TheoryTag|Silver}} || {{17s|2626|Void Monsters are Summoned by Humans and can be Permamently Destroyed by Shardblades}} || Nepene || 30 November 2012 || Roshar || World || Unmade || 17.75 || Location, || {'Unmade': 10, 'Thunderclast': 3, 'Voidbringer': 8}
| {{TheoryTag|Crude}} || {{17s|2625|Half Shard's and Shadplate's ability to Block Shardblades is Accidental.}} || Josiah Bills || 30 November 2012 || Cosmere || Realmatic || Shardblade || 4.34 || || {'Shardblade': 12, 'Shardplate':10}
| {{TheoryTag|Star}} || {{17s|2587|Spren as Forms}} || Kurkistan || 15 November 2012 || Cosmere || Realmatic || Forms || 28.36 || Proven || {'Realm': 11, 'Forms': 30, 'Spren': 27}
| {{TheoryTag|Silver}} || {{17s|2575|The Parshendi are Honor-made Adaptive Servants}} || Nepene || 11 November 2012 || Roshar || World || Parshendi || 16.10 || || {'Parshendi':19, 'Spren': 7, 'Odium': 6, 'Honor': 17}
| {{TheoryTag|Silver}} || {{17s|2551|That One Guy Isn't Nohadon}} || Lightflame || 03 November 2012 || Roshar || Character || Nohadon || 26.22 || || {'Nohadon': 39}
| || {{17s|2352|The nature of Voidbringers and the Desolations}} || Lightflame || 15 September 2012 || Roshar || World || Voidbringer || 7.24 || Topic, || {'Desolation': 13, 'Voidbringer': 13, 'Stormlight': 12}
| {{TheoryTag|Bronze}} || {{17s|2350|Shards in the North}} || Lightflame || 14 September 2012 || Cosmere || Realmatic || Shardblade || 11.94 || || {'Shardblade': 17}
| || {{17s|2334|How Gavilar got the Evil Sphere of Doom}} || Lightflame || 10 September 2012 || Roshar || Character || Gavilar || 9.16 || || {'Nightwatcher': 7, 'Gavilar': 20}
| || {{17s|2311|Spren are...}} || Lightflame || 04 September 2012 || Roshar || World || Spren || 3.68 || Disproven || {'Syl': 5, 'Spren': 15, 'Radiant': 8}
| {{TheoryTag|Star}} || {{17s|2309|Kaladin's Rock}} || Lightflame || 04 September 2012 || Roshar || Character || Kaladin || 25.63 || || {'Spren': 10, 'Kaladin': 19}
| {{TheoryTag|Silver}} || {{17s|2276|Who are the Voidbringers?}} || JamesW || 28 August 2012 || Roshar || World || Voidbringer || 19.09 || || {'Voidbringer': 23}
| {{TheoryTag|Bronze}} || {{17s|2120|Ardentia conspiracy theory}} || Roamer || 17 July 2012 || Roshar || World || Ardent || 11.26 || || {'Ardent': 23}
| {{TheoryTag|Silver}} || {{17s|2072|Theories: Hoid and Syl}} || TravelLog || 30 June 2012 || Cosmere || Character || Syl || 12.67 || || {'Shard': 11, 'Syl': 18, 'Hoid': 17, 'Kaladin': 6}
| {{TheoryTag|Silver}} || {{17s|1962|Szeth was a Stone Shaman}} || Telcontar || 20 May 2012 || Roshar || Character || Szeth || 30.61 || || {'Stone Shaman': 35, 'Szeth': 37}
| {{TheoryTag|Silver}} || {{17s|1903|Danlan is more than she appears}} || lil_literalist || 30 April 2012 || Roshar || Character || Adolin || 18.00 || || {'Adolin': 13, 'Sadeas': 7, 'Dalinar': 7, 'Kaladin': 6}
| {{TheoryTag|Crude}} || {{17s|1762|The soulcaster was a fake!}} || Voidus || 22 March 2012 || Roshar || Realmatic || Soulcast || 2.58 || || {'Soulcast': 13}
| {{TheoryTag|Bronze}} || {{17s|1548|The Second Most Baseless Parshendi Theory!}} || Vortaan || 24 January 2012 || Roshar || World || Parshendi || 9.72 || Location, || {'Parshmen': 6, 'Parshendi': 18, 'Sel': 12}
| {{TheoryTag|Silver}} || {{17s|1547|Wild, unfounded Shin theory}} || tipbruley || 24 January 2012 || Roshar || Character || Szeth || 13.17 || Category, || {'Truthless': 3, 'Szeth': 9}
| || {{17s|1473|A Theory about the Nightwatcher}} || Eri || 06 January 2012 || Roshar || World || Nightwatcher || 8.48 || || {'Nightwatcher': 13}
| || {{17s|1361|A New Curse Theory}} || ReaderAt2046 || 13 December 2011 || Roshar || Character || Dalinar || 4.90 || || {'Adolin': 3, 'Nightwatcher': 3, 'Dalinar': 7, 'Renarin': 4}
| {{TheoryTag|Star}} || {{17s|1351|Sunmaker Changed Vorin Theology}} || Aoibheann || 12 December 2011 || Roshar || World || Vorin || 11.84 || || {'Vorin': 11}
| {{TheoryTag|Silver}} || {{17s|1332|Shardplate Account Settings}} || name_here || 10 December 2011 || Roshar || Character || Radiant || 12.16 || || {'Lashing': 3, 'Radiant': 9, 'Dalinar': 7, 'Szeth': 4}
| {{TheoryTag|Bronze}} || {{17s|1328|Theory about Shardblades}} || FireArcadia || 10 December 2011 || Roshar || Realmatic || Shardblade || 11.79 || || {'Shardblade': 16, 'Radiant': 4, 'Spiritual': 6}
| {{TheoryTag|Bronze}} || {{17s|1265|The Recreance}} || hoser || 26 November 2011 || Roshar || World || Recreance || 9.57 || || {'Desolation': 8, 'Recreance': 13}
| {{TheoryTag|Bronze}} || {{17s|1259|Dalinar visits the spiritual realm}} || FireArcadia || 24 November 2011 || Cosmere || Realmatic || Realm || 11.77 || Topic, || {'Realm': 14, 'Dalinar': 14, 'Spiritual': 11}
| {{TheoryTag|Bronze}} || {{17s|1207|The Parshmen are NOT Voidbringers}} || pmj812 || 17 November 2011 || Roshar || World || Voidbringer || 11.90 || || {'Parshmen': 13, 'Jasnah': 5, 'Desolation': 8, 'Radiant': 5, 'Voidbringer': 15}
| {{TheoryTag|Silver}} || {{17s|1076|Most Baseless Parshendi Theory Ever}} || Chicken || 31 October 2011 || Roshar || World || Parshendi || 13.46 || Disproven || {'Parshendi': 37, 'Dalinar': 17, 'Sel': 13}
| {{TheoryTag|Bronze}} || {{17s|1071|A little parshendi theory}} || Lord Of Nothing || 30 October 2011 || Roshar || World || Parshendi || 10.18 || || {'Parshendi': 14, 'Radiant': 5}
| {{TheoryTag|Bronze}} || {{17s|839|Spren Visibility through Records}} || ulyssessword || 06 September 2011 || Roshar || World || Spren || 15.39 || || {'Spren': 30}
| || {{17s|807|Theory on Shardplate/Shardblades}} || b4dave || 31 August 2011 || Roshar || Realmatic || Shardblade || 6.93 || Location, || {'Splinter': 2, 'Honor': 4, 'Shardplate': 2, 'Shardblade': 2}
| || {{17s|714|Renarin's illness is a Curse}} || Aashyma || 21 August 2011 || Roshar || Character || Renarin || 3.92 || Location, || {'Nightwatcher': 1, 'Ym': 1, 'Dalinar': 2, 'Renarin': 3, 'Sel': 1}
| {{TheoryTag|Bronze}} || {{17s|670|What happened to Honor}} || Spook || 28 July 2011 || Roshar || Realmatic || Honor || 12.06 || Disproven || {'Odium': 6, 'Honor': 17, 'Shard': 6, 'Kaladin': 10}
| {{TheoryTag|Bronze}} || {{17s|630|Soulcasters and Surgebinders}} || Eri || 30 June 2011 || Roshar || Realmatic || Soulcast || 13.19 || Disproven || {'Soulcast': 19}
| || {{17s|606|Theory about Gavilar}} || Shawn Hargreaves || 20 June 2011 || Roshar || Character || Gavilar || 8.78 || || {'Gavilar': 15, 'Dalinar': 6}
| || {{17s|191|Theory about the Highstorms and the Planet}} || tbrickey022 || 03 October 2010 || Roshar || Realmatic || Highstorm || 7.75 || || {'Highstorm': 12}
| {{TheoryTag|Bronze}} || {{17s|147|Theory on Elhokar}} || Earendil || 19 September 2010 || Roshar || Character || Elhokar || 9.95 || || {'Soulcast': 5, 'Elhokar': 13}
| || {{17s|121|Jezrien}} || discipleofhoid || 13 September 2010 || Roshar || Character || Jezrien || 6.20 || || {'Jezrien': 13}
==Class 2 (Reviewed)==
{| class="wikitable sortable" width="100%"
! !! Theory Name !! Author !! Date !! Location !! Category !! Topic !! Score !! Review !! TopicList
| {{TheoryTag|Silver}} || {{17s|7871|Herald Glyphs Construction}} || TheChronicFeruchemist || 30 April 2014 || Roshar || World || Glyph || 16.59 || || {'Herald': 19, 'Glyph': 22}
| {{TheoryTag|Bronze}} || {{17s|6353|Shadesmar sun is countdown clock?}} || Shardlet || 02 March 2014 || Roshar || Realmatic || Shadesmar || 10.55 || || {'Desolation': 10, 'Honor': 8, 'Shadesmar': 22}
| {{TheoryTag|Star}} || {{17s|6334|The Moons of Roshar}} || Leiyan || 28 February 2014 || Roshar || World || Moon || 64.59 || || {'Moon': 61, 'Roshar': 26}
| || {{17s|6035|Is there untapped power in Glyphs or Glyphwards?}} || Riftwise || 11 February 2014 || Roshar || Realmatic || Glyph || 7.88 || || {'Glyph': 31}
| {{TheoryTag|Bronze}} || {{17s|6026|Fabrials, the Third Magic of Roshar}} || cris34b || 11 February 2014 || Roshar || Realmatic || Fabrial || 9.57 || || {'Roshar': 14, 'Fabrial': 20, 'Spren': 10, 'Voidbind': 10, 'Physic': 8, 'Cognitive': 7, 'Spiritual': 7}
| {{TheoryTag|Silver}} || {{17s|6011|All lashings are based on the gravity surge}} || Devo || 10 February 2014 || Roshar || Realmatic || Surge || 14.30 || Disproven || {'Lashing': 13, 'Surge': 28, 'Speculation': 18}
| || {{17s|5933|The Highstorms and Surgebinders}} || cris34b || 04 February 2014 || Roshar || Realmatic || Highstorm || 8.25 || || {'Honor': 12, 'Highstorm': 20, 'Splinter': 7, 'Spren': 7}
| {{TheoryTag|Silver}} || {{17s|5932|Cultivation and Honor}} || cris34b || 04 February 2014 || Roshar || World || Cultivation || 16.77 || || {'Cultivation': 27, 'Spren': 25, 'Words of Radiance': 10, 'Honor': 25, 'Shinovar': 12, 'Szeth': 14}
| {{TheoryTag|Silver}} || {{17s|5909|Chasmfiends, Voidbringers, and Smoke}} || DiamondMind || 03 February 2014 || Roshar || World || Chasmfiend || 18.93 || || {'Desolation': 9, 'Dalinar': 8, 'Voidbringer': 18, 'Chasmfiend': 23}
| || {{17s|5855|On the Origin of Highstorms}} || Epicrandom || 01 February 2014 || Roshar || Realmatic || Highstorm || 5.11 || || {'Highstorm': 16, 'Origin': 11}
| {{TheoryTag|Silver}} || {{17s|5591|Is Shinovar a safe-haven from the Dessolations}} || Moist_von_Lipwig || 22 January 2014 || Roshar || World || Shinovar || 17.57 || || {'Shinovar': 29}
| {{TheoryTag|Bronze}} || {{17s|5590|Wild Speculation: Radiant Order BFFs}} || Stoneward || 22 January 2014 || Roshar || Realmatic || Radiant || 11.56 || || {'Stoneward': 8, 'Radiant': 21, 'Speculation': 16, 'Windrunner': 8}
| {{TheoryTag|Star}} || {{17s|4585|Stone and Spren}} || Scott || 13 November 2013 || Roshar || World || Spren || 19.20 || || {'Spren': 66}
| {{TheoryTag|Star}} || {{17s|4414|Stone, Stone Shamans, Thunderclasts, and Beyond}} || dungeonfood || 25 October 2013 || Roshar || World || Stone Shaman || 37.66 || Topic, || {'Thunderclast': 22, 'Religion': 8, 'Cultivation': 13, 'Highstorm': 14, 'Voidbringer': 8, 'Stone Shaman': 22, 'Honor': 12, 'Shinovar': 14}
| {{TheoryTag|Star}} || {{17s|4350|Stormlight Character Analysis}} || FeatherWriter || 18 October 2013 || Roshar || Character || Overarching Theory || 59.94 || Location, || {'Cosmere': 7, 'Shallan': 13, 'Renarin': 21, 'Kaladin': 12}
| {{TheoryTag|Star}} || {{17s|4189|Kaladin did not kill Shallan's brother}} || Shardlet || 28 September 2013 || Roshar || World || Ghostblood || 27.40 || Disproven || {'Shallan': 16, 'Ghostblood': 39, 'Shard': 16, 'Kaladin': 14}
| || {{17s|4078|Dalinar is the brother of Gavilar .. or is he?}} || Miyabi || 09 September 2013 || Roshar || Character || Dalinar || 9.39 || || {'Gavilar': 18, 'Dalinar': 16, 'Old Magic': 6}
| {{TheoryTag|Silver}} || {{17s|3967|What has possessed Cultivation?}} || Isomere || 20 August 2013 || Roshar || Realmatic || Cultivation || 15.66 || || {'Cultivation': 25, 'Odium': 19, 'Elantris': 10, 'Shadesmar': 10}
| {{TheoryTag|Star}} || {{17s|3661|Are spren attracted to somebody/something or do they cause it?}} || Meg || 11 June 2013 || Roshar || World || Spren || 18.63 || || {'Spren': 31}
| {{TheoryTag|Star}} || {{17s|3648|The Oathpact}} || Kiwi || 09 June 2013 || Roshar || Realmatic || Oathpact || 18.57 || || {'Cultivation': 8, 'Odium': 5, 'Surge': 10, 'Honor': 7, 'Oathpact': 12}
| {{TheoryTag|Bronze}} || {{17s|3474|Shardblades and the Cognitive "Complete Identity"}} || Paydirt || 14 May 2013 || Roshar || Realmatic || Shardblade || 12.79 || || {'Identity': 16, 'Cognitive': 15, 'Shardblade': 18}
| || {{17s|3316|Urithiru is in the Purelake}} || Isomere || 24 April 2013 || Roshar || World || Urithiru || 8.54 || Disproven || {'Urithiru': 11, 'Purelake': 12, 'Greatshell': 4}
| || {{17s|3313|Jasnah Has Visions From Cultivation}} || Isomere || 24 April 2013 || Roshar || Realmatic || Cultivation || 6.75 || || {'Cultivation': 13, 'Jasnah': 12}
| {{TheoryTag|Silver}} || {{17s|3286|The Focus on Roshar is Waveforms}} || Isomere || 20 April 2013 || Roshar || Realmatic || Focus || 16.69 || Location, || {'Roshar': 13, 'Forms': 11, 'Focus': 20}
| {{TheoryTag|Silver}} || {{17s|3005|Honor Died...}} || Elwynn || 18 February 2013 || Roshar || Character || Honor || 35.36 || || {'Honor': 17, 'Future': 13, 'Dalinar': 8}
| {{TheoryTag|Silver}} || {{17s|2808|Vorinism and its connection to the Knights Radiant}} || FireArcadia || 17 January 2013 || Roshar || World || Radiant || 16.78 || || {'Vorin': 17, 'Radiant': 25}
| || {{17s|2674|Szeth and the Stone Shaman}} || 11thorderknight || 14 December 2012 || Roshar || Character || Szeth || 5.83 || Proven || {'Stone Shaman': 11, 'Szeth': 14}
| {{TheoryTag|Star}} || {{17s|2584|Crossover characters.}} || Nepene || 14 November 2012 || Roshar || Character || Worldhopper || 16.13 || || {'Kaladin': 8, 'Spren': 6, 'Nightwatcher': 4, 'Cognitive': 3, 'Highprince': 4, 'Herald': 3, 'Honor': 7, 'Shard': 5}
| {{TheoryTag|Silver}} || {{17s|2528|Shardbearing and Shards Ruling}} || Pagerunner || 28 October 2012 || Roshar || Plot || Shard || 24.33 || || {'Shard': 49, 'Odium': 18}
| {{TheoryTag|Star}} || {{17s|2519|Odium Reigns, Cultivation Changes, and Honor is Dead}} || FlashWrogan || 25 October 2012 || Roshar || World || Shard || 35.42 || || {'Shard': 21, 'Cultivation': 19, 'Kaladin': 18, 'Spren': 24, 'Odium': 42, 'Honor': 51}
| {{TheoryTag|Silver}} || {{17s|2254|My Idea on why the Parshendi killed Gavilar}} || Lightflame || 23 August 2012 || Roshar || World || Parshendi || 17.82 || || {'Parshendi': 24, 'Gavilar': 20, 'Dalinar': 8, 'Honor': 14}
| {{TheoryTag|Silver}} || {{17s|2108|Can Windrunners make shockwaves?}} || Smidge || 13 July 2012 || Roshar || Realmatic || Windrunner || 14.53 || || {'Lashing': 9, 'Windrunner': 14, 'Stormlight': 10, 'Kaladin': 5}
| {{TheoryTag|Bronze}} || {{17s|2012|Radiants and Spren}} || Brendan || 05 June 2012 || Roshar || World || Radiant || 11.58 || || {'Spren': 26, 'Radiant': 15}
| {{TheoryTag|Bronze}} || {{17s|1913|Gavilar killed so Dalinar would succeed?}} || kari-no-sugata || 02 May 2012 || Roshar || Character || Gavilar || 12.23 || || {'Gavilar': 16, 'Shallan': 7, 'Odium': 6, 'Dalinar': 13}
| {{TheoryTag|Silver}} || {{17s|1845|The origin of Shardplate and Shardblade}} || Telcontar || 10 April 2012 || Roshar || World || Shardblade || 15.55 || || {'Shardblade': 18, 'Shardplate': 16}
| {{TheoryTag|Star}} || {{17s|1752|The Parshmen are Shardblades and Plates}} || anthonydraco || 20 March 2012 || Roshar || World || Parshmen || 15.30 || Disproven || {'Parshmen': 15, 'Parshendi': 7, 'Voidbringer': 10, 'Stormlight': 5}
| {{TheoryTag|Silver}} || {{17s|1684|Ars Arcanum 2.0}} || Telcontar || 04 March 2012 || Roshar || Realmatic || Ars Arcanum || 52.29 || || {'Soulcast': 14, 'Gemstone': 16, 'Spren': 9, 'Ideal': 15, 'Herald': 10, 'Ars Arcanum': 17, 'Essence': 26, 'Stormlight': 13}
| {{TheoryTag|Star}} || {{17s|1678|Consolidated Arcanum Table}} || Connerjade || 02 March 2012 || Roshar || Realmatic || Soulcast || 30.57 || Proven || {'Soulcast': 10, 'Regrowth': 4, 'Jasnah': 6, 'Shallan': 5, 'Dalinar': 4, 'Way of Kings': 7, 'Dustbringer': 5}
| {{TheoryTag|Star}} || {{17s|1640|Isasik Shulin}} || Elwynn || 24 February 2012 || Roshar || World || Cartography || 21.22 || Topic, || {'Roshar': 5, 'Symbol': 12, 'Shattered Plain': 4, 'Shadesmar': 4}
| {{TheoryTag|Silver}} || {{17s|1572|Ideals and Power}} || Elwynn || 07 February 2012 || Roshar || Realmatic || Ideal || 41.46 || || {'Almighty': 16, 'Spren': 15, 'Radiant': 11, 'Herald': 20, 'Nohadon': 24, 'Honor': 25}
| {{TheoryTag|Star}} || {{17s|1566|Analysis of the Prelude to the Stormlight Archive}} || Telcontar || 05 February 2012 || Roshar || World || Desolation || 49.99 || || {'Thunderclast': 14, 'Desolation': 30, 'Herald': 28, 'Chasmfiend': 15, 'Stormlight': 12, 'Oathpact': 20}
| || {{17s|1317|Shattered Plains and Chasmfiends}} || Tulir || 07 December 2011 || Roshar || World || Chasmfiend || 6.14 || || {'Shattered Plain': 13, 'Chasmfiend': 14}
| {{TheoryTag|Silver}} || {{17s|1099|Surgebinding and Shardwielding can return}} || Chicken || 05 November 2011 || Cosmere || Realmatic || Shard || 14.50 || || {'Shard': 25}
| || {{17s|920|Fabrials and Soulcasting}} || Aashyma || 24 September 2011 || Roshar || Realmatic || Fabrial || 7.42 || Disproven || {'Soulcast': 15, 'Fabrial': 17}
| || {{17s|919|The Heralds and the Silver Kingdoms}} || CabbageHead || 23 September 2011 || Roshar || World || Herald || 8.79 || || {'Silver Kingdom': 14, 'Herald': 16}
| {{TheoryTag|Silver}} || {{17s|791|Epigraphs}} || pmj812 || 29 August 2011 || Roshar || World || Voidbringer || 16.98 || Topic, Location, || {'Parshendi': 4, 'Voidbringer': 4, 'Desolation': 2, 'Stormfather': 3, 'Radiant': 2, 'Everstorm': 3, 'Dalinar': 3, 'Way of Kings': 2, 'Vin': 2, 'Kaladin': 4, 'Sel': 2}
| || {{17s|175|Spren and the Almighty}} || Erik Holmes || 27 September 2010 || Roshar || World || Spren || 8.62 || || {'Spren': 24, 'Mistborn': 10, 'Almighty': 14}
| {{TheoryTag|Bronze}} || {{17s|170|Herald Chapter Pictures - Identities}} || Timemaster11 || 26 September 2010 || Roshar || World || Herald || 11.49 || || {'Symbol': 10, 'Herald': 18}
==Class 3 Reviewed==
{| class="wikitable sortable" width="100%"
! !! Theory Name !! Author !! Date !! Location !! Category !! Topic !! Score !! Review !! TopicList
| || {{17s|8121|Voidbringers Cannot Hold Stormlight Perfectly}} || Stroniax || 18 May 2014 || Roshar || Realmatic || Stormlight || 6.75 || || {'Voidbringer': 16, 'Stormlight': 20}
| {{TheoryTag|Bronze}} || {{17s|8013|Shallan - Jasnah - Urithiru}} || Meg || 10 May 2014 || Roshar || World || History || 10.80 || Topic, || {'Jasnah': 14, 'Shallan': 14, 'Urithiru': 12}
| || {{17s|7635|Kaladin and Adolin = Merlin and Author}} || Necromancer || 16 April 2014 || Roshar || Character || Adolin || 5.39 || || {'Adolin': 14, 'Kaladin': 12}
| || {{17s|7485|Dalinar has been surgebinding since the Way of Kings}} || Horatio Spifflewicket || 09 April 2014 || Roshar || Character || Dalinar || 8.13 || || {'Dalinar': 21, 'Way of Kings': 11}
| {{TheoryTag|Bronze}} || {{17s|7287|Gavilar's Secret}} || Tuhian || 29 March 2014 || Roshar || Character || Gavilar || 11.21 || || {'Parshendi': 8, 'Gavilar': 23, 'Radiant': 9, 'Herald': 10}
| {{TheoryTag|Crude}} || {{17s|7198|Desolations Were a Tool Used Against Odium}} || Leuthie || 26 March 2014 || Roshar || Character || Odium || 4.46 || Category, || {'Desolation': 14, 'Odium': 15}
| {{TheoryTag|Crude}} || {{17s|7111|Foreshadowing Shallan, Kaladin}} || pancake || 23 March 2014 || Roshar || Character || Shallan || 4.03 || || {'Spren': 8, 'Shallan': 18, 'Kaladin': 17}
| {{TheoryTag|Crude}} || {{17s|6544|Prescience and the Recreance}} || Double_Ligero || 07 March 2014 || Roshar || World || Precognition || 8.77 || || {'Hierocracy': 6, 'Recreance': 11, 'Herald': 6, 'Precognition': 12}
| || {{17s|6298|Fymatics, the fake Cymatics}} || Satsuoni || 27 February 2014 || Roshar || Character || Cymatic || 8.42 || || {'Cymatic': 17}
| || {{17s|6210|Analogy of Spren and Feet}} || Stroniax || 22 February 2014 || Roshar || World || Spren || 7.25 || || {'Spren': 32}
| || {{17s|6198|Szeth and the Voidbringers}} || eveorjoy || 21 February 2014 || Roshar || World || Voidbringer || 8.85 || || {'Voidbringer': 19, 'Szeth': 18}
| {{TheoryTag|Crude}} || {{17s|6155|Roshar's Shardpools}} || cris34b || 18 February 2014 || Roshar || World || Gemheart || 4.25 || || {'Soulcast': 7, 'Cultivation': 7, 'Honor': 6}
| {{TheoryTag|Crude}} || {{17s|6068|What makes Ryshadium special}} || JamHeretic || 13 February 2014 || Roshar || World || Ryshadium || 2.68 || || {'Spren': 8, 'Ryshadium': 18}
| || {{17s|6067|Body of Honor}} || Asha'man Logain || 13 February 2014 || Roshar || Realmatic || Honor || 7.22 || || {'Realm': 7, 'Shard': 13, 'Roshar': 9, 'Spren': 8, 'Realmatic': 6, 'Physic': 6, 'Honor': 18}
| {{TheoryTag|Bronze}} || {{17s|5982|Recreance and Hierocracy}} || Meg || 08 February 2014 || Roshar || World || History || 13.89 || || {'Hierocracy': 15, 'History': 16, 'Chronology': 15, 'Recreance': 14}
| || {{17s|5962|Nahel Bonding Intent}} || cris34b || 06 February 2014 || Roshar || Realmatic || Nahel || 7.22 || || {'Honor': 10, 'Lightweaving': 6, 'Spren': 15, 'Intent': 11, 'Shallan': 8, 'Nahel': 17, 'Windrunner': 6, 'Kaladin': 8}
| || {{17s|5961|Navani and Politics}} || cris34b || 06 February 2014 || Roshar || Character || Navani || 8.42 || || {'Fabrial': 7, 'Navani': 21, 'Spren': 9, 'Emotion': 14}
| {{TheoryTag|Star}} || {{17s|5936|Kaladin's Knives}} || Valnurath || 04 February 2014 || Roshar || Character || Kaladin || 22.46 || || {'Lashing': 17, 'Kaladin': 29}
| {{TheoryTag|Star}} || {{17s|5854|Setting limits on the size of Roshar and the Rosharan Continent}} || Darkeye || 01 February 2014 || Roshar || World || Goegraphy || 20.69 || || {'Goegraphy': 41}
| {{TheoryTag|Star}} || {{17s|5662|List: Ages of Stormlight Characters}} || Aether || 26 January 2014 || Roshar || World || Chronology || 57.38 || || {'Chronology': 27}
| || {{17s|5220|Ships and boats that can endure Highstorms?}} || Aspren || 19 January 2014 || Roshar || Realmatic || Highstorm || 6.76 || || {'Highstorm': 27}
| {{TheoryTag|Bronze}} || {{17s|5219|Elhokar's Shardplate's Broken Gemstones}} || smearedblackink || 18 January 2014 || Roshar || Character || Elhokar || 11.72 || || {'Gemstone': 12, 'Elhokar': 19, 'Dalinar': 15}
| {{TheoryTag|Bronze}} || {{17s|5164|The Nature of Highstorms}} || Kyzkle || 14 January 2014 || Roshar || Realmatic || Highstorm || 9.57 || || {'Cultivation': 13, 'Highstorm': 21, 'Honor': 8}
| {{TheoryTag|Silver}} || {{17s|4905|Shallan, Shardblade, and Soulcaster}} || Kier || 19 December 2013 || Roshar || Character || Shallan || 18.98 || || {'Soulcast': 11, 'Shallan': 14}
| {{TheoryTag|Star}} || {{17s|4900|Parshendi Gods}} || Pinpoint || 19 December 2013 || Roshar || World || Parshendi || 23.24 || || {'Parshendi': 28, 'Odium': 16}
| {{TheoryTag|Silver}} || {{17s|4686|Matter Circulation On Roshar; Some Predictions And Deductions}} || king of nowhere || 26 November 2013 || Roshar || World || Geography || 14.79 || || {'Geography': 22, 'Crem': 9}
| {{TheoryTag|Crude}} || {{17s|4592|Lack of Spren in Dalinar flashbacks}} || Gamma Fiend || 13 November 2013 || Roshar || World || Spren || 4.48 || Topic, || {'Spren': 13, 'Dalinar': 13}
| || {{17s|4591|Odium and Honor's Agreement}} || EC11 || 13 November 2013 || Roshar || Realmatic || Honor || 7.04 || || {'Honor': 21, 'Odium': 20}
| || {{17s|4588|Crem is the Body of Cultivation}} || Swimmingly || 13 November 2013 || Roshar || Realmatic || Crem || 5.52 || || {'Cultivation': 17, 'Crem': 21, 'Highstorm': 7}
| {{TheoryTag|Star}} || {{17s|4475|Pressure Surge = Force push}} || Aether || 31 October 2013 || Roshar || Realmatic || Surge || 18.59 || || {'Surge': 19, 'Windrunner': 12, 'Kaladin': 8}
| {{TheoryTag|Bronze}} || {{17s|4384|A possible parallel to the Oathpact}} || MagnusMuses || 22 October 2013 || Roshar || World || Oathpact || 10.50 || || {'Honor': 12, 'Odium': 10, 'Herald': 11, 'Oathpact': 19}
| {{TheoryTag|Crude}} || {{17s|4329|Prediction: Szeth vs Kaladin.}} || Alaxel || 15 October 2013 || Roshar || Character || Szeth || 3.50 || Proven || {'Kaladin': 15, 'Szeth': 15}
| {{TheoryTag|Star}} || {{17s|3976|Windspren, Honorspren, and Sylphrena}} || Gloom || 22 August 2013 || Roshar || Character || Syl || 17.79 || || {'Honor': 13, 'Syl': 20, 'Spren': 34}
| || {{17s|3777|Timeframe for Desolations}} || DocHoliday || 02 July 2013 || Roshar || World || Desolation || 9.42 || || {'Desolation': 21, 'Oathpact': 7, 'Taln': 10}
| || {{17s|3761|Shallans special skill - Memories}} || Crysanja || 28 June 2013 || Roshar || Character || Shallan || 8.31 || Topic, || {'Memory': 15, 'Spren': 11, 'Shallan': 15}
| || {{17s|3720|What Happens if Shallan draws Kaladin}} || Binnut || 21 June 2013 || Roshar || Character || Shallan || 5.28 || || {'Syl': 7, 'Shallan': 20, 'Kaladin': 18}
| || {{17s|3693|Wit's Story Parallels the Recreance}} || Leuthie || 17 June 2013 || Roshar || World || Recreance || 10.71 || || {'Recreance': 17, 'Honor': 9}
| {{TheoryTag|Bronze}} || {{17s|3647|Difference in Honorspren}} || Kiwi || 08 June 2013 || Roshar || World || Spren || 12.67 || || {'Spren': 23}
| {{TheoryTag|Crude}} || {{17s|3630|Shardplate in a Highstorm}} || valgerth || 04 June 2013 || Roshar || World || Shardplate || 3.69 || || {'Shardplate':20, 'Highstorm': 19, 'Stormlight': 7}
| {{TheoryTag|Bronze}} || {{17s|3606|Of Honorblades and Dawnshards}} || blackmagic3 || 30 May 2013 || Roshar || World || Honorblade || 10.14 || Topic, || {'Herald': 7, 'Dawnshard': 21, 'Honorblade': 21}
| || {{17s|3407|The Thrill Sings - The Parshendi Sings}} || Binnut || 05 May 2013 || Roshar || World || Thrill || 8.08 || || {'Parshendi': 20, 'Odium': 11, 'Thrill': 19}
| || {{17s|3187|Roshar, Spren, Shards, Sentience: A Hypothesis}} || Leuthie || 04 April 2013 || Roshar || World || Spren || 4.64 || || {'Sentience': 10, 'Spren': 14, 'Shard': 12}
| {{TheoryTag|Bronze}} || {{17s|3131|Kaladin and the Knights Radiant}} || Bigtones || 21 March 2013 || Roshar || Realmatic || Radiant || 10.81 || || {'Radiant': 15, 'Kaladin': 11}
| || {{17s|3034|Soulcasting Surge}} || Josh || 24 February 2013 || Roshar || Realmatic || Soulcast || 6.71 || || {'Soulcast': 13, 'Identity': 7, 'Surge': 12}
| {{TheoryTag|Bronze}} || {{17s|2997|Szeth & Honor, Shin & Cultivation}} || Cayden || 17 February 2013 || Roshar || Character || Szeth || 12.10 || || {'Cultivation': 14, 'Honor': 19, 'Szeth': 15}
| {{TheoryTag|Silver}} || {{17s|2900|Nohadon altered the how Nahel bonds work by writing Way of Kings}} || Cheese Ninja || 03 February 2013 || Roshar || World || Nahel || 17.97 || || {'Ideal': 9, 'Dalinar': 7, 'Spren': 15, 'Nahel': 16, 'Nohadon': 15, 'Way of Kings': 13}
| {{TheoryTag|Silver}} || {{17s|2804|Roshar-originated Animals and Gemhearts}} || Meg || 16 January 2013 || Roshar || World || Gemheart || 16.32 || || {'Gemheart': 14, 'Origin': 12, 'Chasmfiend': 7}
| {{TheoryTag|Silver}} || {{17s|2516|Szeth and Honor}} || dionysus || 25 October 2012 || Roshar || Character || Szeth || 14.54 || || {'Honor': 36, 'Szeth': 34}
| || {{17s|2512|HighStorms & Cultivation}} || Cayden || 24 October 2012 || Roshar || Realmatic || Highstorm || 6.54 || || {'Cultivation': 12, 'Highstorm': 17}
| {{TheoryTag|Bronze}} || {{17s|2485|On the current state of Shardblades}} || Abba Zaba || 16 October 2012 || Roshar || World || Shardblade || 11.60 || Topic, || {'Shardblade': 22}
| || {{17s|2310|Origin of Humans and Voidbringers}} || Straff Venture || 04 September 2012 || Roshar || World || Migration || 6.07 || || {'Voidbringer': 12, 'Migration': 10, 'Parshendi': 8, 'Shinovar': 4}
| {{TheoryTag|Bronze}} || {{17s|2233|Makabaki and Parshmen}} || Voidbringer || 16 August 2012 || Roshar || World || Parshmen || 10.43 || || {'Parshmen': 14, 'Parshendi': 5, 'Voidbringer': 9}
| {{TheoryTag|Bronze}} || {{17s|2232|Midnight Essence, Shardblades, the Fall of the Radiants, and The Rise of Odium}} || Voidbringer || 16 August 2012 || Roshar || Character || Odium || 10.59 || || {'Desolation': 6, 'Odium': 18, 'Radiant': 15, 'Essence': 13}
| {{TheoryTag|Bronze}} || {{17s|1907|Dalinar has a voice in his head; and why Szeth remains truthless.}} || v Sim CO || 30 April 2012 || Roshar || Character || Dalinar || 13.82 || || {'Truthless': 13, 'Dalinar': 14, 'Szeth': 13}
| {{TheoryTag|Star}} || {{17s|1899|Szeth's Instructions}} || v Sim CO || 27 April 2012 || Roshar || Character || Szeth || 20.44 || || {'Parshendi': 8, 'Szeth': 20}
| {{TheoryTag|Silver}} || {{17s|1598|Spren Hypothesis}} || zas678 || 13 February 2012 || Roshar || World || Spren || 27.13 || || {'Spren': 28}
| {{TheoryTag|Star}} || {{17s|1555|Urithiru}} || Windrunner || 29 January 2012 || Roshar || World || Urithiru || 35.96 || || {'Urithiru': 40}
| || {{17s|1505|Is Honor really dead?}} || Eri || 12 January 2012 || Roshar || Realmatic || Honor || 9.20 || Disproven || {'Tanavast': 5, 'Honor': 15, 'Odium': 5}
| {{TheoryTag|Silver}} || {{17s|1475|Taking a Step Back: Speculation on the History of Roshar}} || treblkickd || 07 January 2012 || Roshar || World || History || 19.32 || || {'History': 24, 'Voidbringer': 10, 'Herald': 13, 'Speculation': 15}
| {{TheoryTag|Silver}} || {{17s|1461|Cusicesh the Protector}} || Wisdom || 04 January 2012 || Roshar || World || Cusicesh || 16.81 || || {'Cusicesh': 16, 'Spren': 10}
| {{TheoryTag|Crude}} || {{17s|1341|Navani is Dalinar's Wife!}} || ReaderAt2046 || 11 December 2011 || Roshar || Character || Dalinar || 1.96 || Disproven || {'Navani': 12, 'Dalinar': 13}
| {{TheoryTag|Bronze}} || {{17s|926|Warfare on the Shattered Plains}} || Tortellini || 26 September 2011 || Roshar || World || Shattered Plain || 18.97 || || {'Soulcast': 9, 'Parshendi': 6, 'Shattered Plain': 10, 'Alethi': 6}
| || {{17s|487|Symmetry vs. Imbalance}} || Firiel || 05 April 2011 || Roshar || World || Symmetry || 5.67 || || {'Symmetry': 15}
| {{TheoryTag|Bronze}} || {{17s|232|Gavilar's Dark-Glowing Sphere}} || DariusJenai || 24 October 2010 || Roshar || Character || Gavilar || 11.79 || || {'Thunderclast': 4, 'Desolation': 4, 'Gavilar': 12, 'Essence': 5}
| {{TheoryTag|Silver}} || {{17s|230|Dalinar has already tapped into Radiant abilities}} || DariusJenai || 24 October 2010 || Roshar || Character || Dalinar || 14.95 || || {'Radiant': 12, 'Dalinar': 18}
| {{TheoryTag|Crude}} || {{17s|195|Odium & the Oathpact}} || zas678 || 08 October 2010 || Roshar || Character || Odium || 4.02 || || {'Odium': 17, 'Oathpact': 13}
==Class 4 (Reviewed)==
{| class="wikitable sortable" width="100%"
! !! Theory Name !! Author !! Date !! Location !! Category !! Topic !! Score !! Review !! TopicList
| || {{17s|8012|The Lighteyes-Darkeyes-Lighteyes-"Switch"}} || Meg || 10 May 2014 || Roshar || World || History || 9.48 || || {'History': 9, 'Recreance': 3, 'Colour': 3, 'Nohadon': 7}
| {{TheoryTag|Star}} || {{17s|7989|Spanreed Limitations}} || ccstat || 09 May 2014 || Roshar || World || Fabrial || 19.92 || || {'Fabrial': 9, 'Stance': 5, 'Fabrial': 7, 'Physic': 7, 'Spiritual': 3, 'Vin': 8}
| {{TheoryTag|Crude}} || {{17s|7968|Why does Jasnah value music over visual arts?}} || EMTrevor || 08 May 2014 || Roshar || Character || Jasnah || 2.84 || || {'Music': 11, 'Jasnah': 19}
| || {{17s|7603|Heralds At The Treaty Feast}} || Arin || 15 April 2014 || Roshar || World || Herald || 4.95 || || {'Herald': 12, 'Szeth': 4}
| {{TheoryTag|Bronze}} || {{17s|7584|Possible Awakening Reference}} || Kobold King || 14 April 2014 || Roshar || Realmatic || Awakening || 12.45 || || {'Way of Kings': 7, 'Awakening': 19}
| {{TheoryTag|Star}} || {{17s|7565|Pacing of previous Brandon stories suggests Odium is not the ultimate Big Bad}} || shawnhargreaves || 12 April 2014 || Roshar || Plot || Odium || 20.15 || Location, || {'Odium': 20}
| {{TheoryTag|Crude}} || {{17s|7564|Stone Shamanism and KR}} || Arin || 12 April 2014 || Roshar || World || Stone Shaman || 2.92 || || {'Stone Shaman': 11}
| {{TheoryTag|Bronze}} || {{17s|7543|Text in Nazh Map Translated}} || Journie || 11 April 2014 || Roshar || Character || Nazh || 14.39 || || {'Words of Radiance': 7, 'Stormlight': 7, 'Nazh': 11}
| || {{17s|7517|Axies the Collector}} || LinkasZelda || 10 April 2014 || Roshar || Character || Axies || 5.85 || || {'Axies': 13}
| {{TheoryTag|Crude}} || {{17s|7453|Larkin in crystal (spoilers)}} || Arin || 07 April 2014 || Roshar || World || Larkin || 1.60 || || {'Larkin': 13}
| || {{17s|7325|Dandos the Oilsworn}} || Kobold King || 31 March 2014 || Roshar || World || Herald || 6.69 || || {'Herald': 9, 'Stormlight': 7}
| {{TheoryTag|Silver}} || {{17s|7188|Some thoughts on Shardplate}} || Zhalfirin || 25 March 2014 || Roshar || Realmatic || Shardplate || 15.93 || || {'Shardplate': 20, 'Fabrial': 16, 'Aluminium': 11}
| {{TheoryTag|Crude}} || {{17s|7025|Aimian shadows}} || Leuthie || 20 March 2014 || Roshar || World || Aimian || 6.14 || || {'Aimian': 13}
| {{TheoryTag|Bronze}} || {{17s|7001|The Physics of "Lashings"}} || Charper || 19 March 2014 || Roshar || Realmatic || Lashing || 15.63 || || {'Lashing': 20, 'Physic': 12}
| {{TheoryTag|Crude}} || {{17s|6726|Is shardplate made from crem}} || kirron || 11 March 2014 || Roshar || World || Shardplate || 3.80 || || {'Shardplate': 16, 'Crem': 21}
| || {{17s|6720|List of Glyph(pair)s}} || Argent || 11 March 2014 || Roshar || World || Glyph || 8.04 || || {'Glyph': 17}
| || {{17s|6428|Seconds pre-death}} || Psychocon || 04 March 2014 || Roshar || Plot || Death Rattle || 4.31 || || {'Death Rattle': 6}
| {{TheoryTag|Crude}} || {{17s|6385|Lightcasting/soulweaving}} || Pechvarry || 03 March 2014 || Roshar || Realmatic || Surge || 4.47 || || {'Surge': 12}
| {{TheoryTag|Crude}} || {{17s|6290|Shardplate Interferes with Surgebinding}} || Wolf Brother || 26 February 2014 || Roshar || Realmatic || Shardplate || 3.29 || Topic, Location, || {'Honorblade': 6, 'Shardplate': 12, 'Szeth': 4}
| {{TheoryTag|Bronze}} || {{17s|6262|Stormlight Chronology Notes}} || WeiryWriter || 25 February 2014 || Roshar || World || Chronology || 13.19 || || {'Stormlight': 12, 'Chronology': 13}
| || {{17s|6249|Interplanetar/lunar travel}} || Atastor || 25 February 2014 || Roshar || Plot || Moon || 5.86 || || {'Moon': 11}
| || {{17s|6215|Spren and Bonding}} || Pinpoint || 22 February 2014 || Roshar || World || Parshendi || 8.19 || || {'Spren': 13, 'Parshendi': 6, 'Odium': 5}
| {{TheoryTag|Crude}} || {{17s|6127|Shallan's Memories are the Illumination surge}} || Swimmingly || 17 February 2014 || Roshar || Realmatic || Surge || 2.40 || Topic, || {'Memory': 10, 'Shallan': 10, 'Surge': 10}
| || {{17s|6122|Alternate Understanding of "the Three Gods"}} || Shardlet || 16 February 2014 || Roshar || World || Moon || 9.29 || || {'Moon': 4, 'Szeth': 2}
| {{TheoryTag|Silver}} || {{17s|5981|Speculation: Modern Shardblades and Plate are copies}} || eveorjoy || 07 February 2014 || Roshar || Realmatic || Fabrial || 16.22 || Disproven || {'Shard': 7, 'Fabrial': 11, 'Radiant': 9, 'Speculation': 10}
| || {{17s|5965|Shardblades work like Hemalurgy}} || DoctorWh0m || 07 February 2014 || Roshar || Realmatic || Shardblade || 3.61 || Location, || {'Hemalurgy': 18, 'Spren': 7, 'Radiant': 7, 'Spiritweb': 9, 'Shardblade': 16}
| {{TheoryTag|Bronze}} || {{17s|5946|The Shin know more than we know them to know}} || makromag || 05 February 2014 || Roshar || World || Shinovar || 9.79 || || {'Shinovar': 12, 'Death Rattle': 6}
| || {{17s|5908|Talenat'Elin?}} || Chlehrma || 03 February 2014 || Roshar || Character || Taln || 6.43 || Topic, || {'Taln': 5}
| {{TheoryTag|Silver}} || {{17s|5898|Did anyone else forget that Sigzil tried to murder someone before becoming a Bridgeman?}} || Cheese Ninja || 02 February 2014 || Roshar || Character || Sizgil || 12.09 || Category, || {'Sizgil': 10}
| {{TheoryTag|Star}} || {{17s|5631|Anti-shardplate weaponry}} || Aspren || 24 January 2014 || Roshar || Realmatic || Shardplate || 27.23 || || {'Fabrial': 7, 'Weaponry': 10, 'Shardplate': 14}
| || {{17s|5214|Wild Speculation: Dalinar's Boon and Curse}} || Moist_von_Lipwig || 18 January 2014 || Roshar || Character || Dalinar || 5.99 || || {'Speculation': 12, 'Dalinar': 23}
| {{TheoryTag|Star}} || {{17s|5213|Bridge specifications}} || Aspren || 18 January 2014 || Roshar || World || Bridge || 17.49 || || {'Bridge': 12}
| {{TheoryTag|Silver}} || {{17s|5176|So what's up with smokestone?}} || Shardlet || 15 January 2014 || Roshar || World || Gemstone || 13.17 || || {'Gemstone': 8, 'Colour': 11}
| || {{17s|5161|Daughter of Kings and Winds}} || TwistedMisting || 14 January 2014 || Roshar || Character || Shalash || 5.03 || Location, || {'Herald': 8, 'Shalash': 10, 'Jezrien': 8}
| {{TheoryTag|Bronze}} || {{17s|5116|Blinding Odium}} || Moogle || 11 January 2014 || Roshar || Character || Odium || 13.16 || || {'Odium': 11, 'Stormlight': 6, 'Kaladin': 6}
| {{TheoryTag|Crude}} || {{17s|5069|Ghostbloods Symbol}} || Arook || 08 January 2014 || Roshar || World || Ghostblood || 2.97 || Topic, || {'Symbol': 12, 'Ghostblood': 11}
| {{TheoryTag|Bronze}} || {{17s|5068|Lighteye Investiture}} || DocHoliday || 08 January 2014 || Roshar || Realmatic || Lighteye || 11.33 || || {'Investiture': 17, 'Lighteye': 8, 'Speculation': 6}
| || {{17s|4981|Solid and Gaseous Stormlight}} || Swimmingly || 29 December 2013 || Roshar || Realmatic || Stormlight || 5.91 || Topic, || {'Soulcast': 12, 'Investiture': 4, 'Stormlight': 12}
| || {{17s|4970|Being killed with an Honorblade binds you to it}} || Swimmingly || 27 December 2013 || Roshar || Realmatic || Honorblade || 4.97 || Category, Topic, || {'Honorblade': 10}
| || {{17s|4969|Types of Shardblades}} || Swimmingly || 27 December 2013 || Roshar || World || Shardblade || 7.00 || Topic, || {'Shardblade': 12}
| {{TheoryTag|Bronze}} || {{17s|4962|Skar killed Gaz}} || Kier || 27 December 2013 || Roshar || Character || Kaladin || 12.14 || Disproven || {'Lopen': 2, 'Kaladin': 5}
| || {{17s|4945|Elithanathile}} || DocHoliday || 24 December 2013 || Roshar || World || Honor || 6.39 || || {'Shard': 4, 'Honor': 8, 'Tanavast': 7}
| || {{17s|4943|The Heirocracy}} || TheShogun || 24 December 2013 || Roshar || World || Hierocracy || 6.00 || Topic, || {'History': 6, 'Hierocracy': 10}
| {{TheoryTag|Crude}} || {{17s|4854|Fabrial Blades = Awesome}} || Xanas-the 18th Shard || 16 December 2013 || Roshar || Realmatic || Fabrial || 3.17 || || {'Fabrial': 12}
| || {{17s|4844|Kaladin's Parents}} || Colby Jack || 15 December 2013 || Roshar || Character || Kaladin || 7.66 || || {'Kaladin': 22}
| {{TheoryTag|Silver}} || {{17s|4835|Important Discovery by Interlude Character}} || cem || 14 December 2013 || Roshar || World || Spren || 11.44 || Category, || {'Spren': 4, 'Szeth': 5}
| || {{17s|4816|A Dead Order}} || Bloodfalcon || 12 December 2013 || Roshar || World || Herald || 7.37 || || {'Radiant': 6, 'Herald': 12}
| {{TheoryTag|Star}} || {{17s|4777|Skyeels}} || Moogle || 08 December 2013 || Roshar || World || Fauna || 17.63 || || {'Fauna': 5}
| {{TheoryTag|Silver}} || {{17s|4756|Light eyes inheritance; also the Thrill}} || Bramble Thorn || 05 December 2013 || Roshar || World || Thrill || 18.47 || Disproven || {'Odium': 5, 'Genetic': 4, 'Thrill': 12, 'Stormlight': 4, 'Shard': 5}
| {{TheoryTag|Bronze}} || {{17s|4732|WOR Secret Anagram - Hoid Gibberish}} || Natans || 04 December 2013 || Cosmere || Character || Hoid || 11.60 || || {'Hoid': 12}
| || {{17s|4711|The Thrill}} || Pinpoint || 01 December 2013 || Roshar || World || Thrill || 8.38 || || {'Odium': 6, 'Thrill': 14}
| {{TheoryTag|Silver}} || {{17s|4666|Shins with Blades? Maybe, maybe not.}} || Lifeb4death || 22 November 2013 || Roshar || World || Shinovar || 15.64 || Location, || {'Rysn': 4, 'Stone Shaman': 3, 'Radiant': 2, 'Shinovar': 5, 'Shardblade': 6}
| {{TheoryTag|Crude}} || {{17s|4658|How Jasnah stayed ahead of Shallin}} || Swimmingly || 21 November 2013 || Roshar || Character || Jasnah || 4.35 || || {'Jasnah': 12}
| {{TheoryTag|Crude}} || {{17s|4587|Cultivation's Storms}} || Mailliw73 || 13 November 2013 || Roshar || Realmatic || Cultivation || 3.41 || || {'Cultivation': 12}
| {{TheoryTag|Silver}} || {{17s|4556|The Shin have Shardplate}} || IceBaka || 08 November 2013 || Roshar || World || Shinovar || 16.41 || || {'Shinovar': 14, 'Szeth': 7, 'Shardplate': 18}
| {{TheoryTag|Bronze}} || {{17s|4491|What makes the Honorblades more powerful?}} || Two McMillion || 01 November 2013 || Roshar || World || Honorblade || 9.79 || || {'Spiritweb': 5, 'Herald': 6, 'Speculation': 7, 'Stormlight': 6, 'Honorblade': 8}
| {{TheoryTag|Bronze}} || {{17s|4437|Shallan's random sketch... OR IS IT?!?!}} || Krazeemee || 28 October 2013 || Roshar || Character || Shallan || 12.46 || Proven || {'Shallan': 14}
| || {{17s|4429|Gem properties}} || Bloodfalcon || 28 October 2013 || Roshar || World || Gemstone || 7.09 || || {'Soulcast': 2, 'Stormlight': 4, 'Gemstone': 12}
| || {{17s|4367|Why spren don't like shard blades}} || Pinpoint || 21 October 2013 || Roshar || World || Spren || 6.13 || Disproven || {'Spren': 17, 'Shardblade': 12}
| || {{17s|4303|Yolen became Roshar}} || Darkarma || 13 October 2013 || Roshar || World || Yolen || 5.17 || || {'Yolen': 12}
| {{TheoryTag|Silver}} || {{17s|4281|The Nature and Purpose of Honorblades.}} || Alaxel || 10 October 2013 || Roshar || World || Honorblade || 15.29 || || {'Darkness': 8, 'Ideal': 4, 'Herald': 3, 'Szeth': 5, 'Honorblade': 24}
| {{TheoryTag|Bronze}} || {{17s|4238|Dalinar the Surgebinder}} || Outis || 03 October 2013 || Roshar || Character || Dalinar || 10.70 || Proven || {'Elhokar': 5, 'Dalinar': 15}
| || {{17s|4225|Szeth Will Die And Respawn}} || Morsk || 02 October 2013 || Roshar || Character || Szeth || 6.47 || || {'Szeth': 24}
| {{TheoryTag|Bronze}} || {{17s|4164|Alternative Cryptic Idea}} || Shardlet || 25 September 2013 || Roshar || Character || Voidbind || 10.57 || || {'Ym': 5, 'Symbol': 5, 'Voidbind': 7}
| || {{17s|4120|The Highstorm}} || Outis || 21 September 2013 || Roshar || Realmatic || Highstorm || 7.60 || || {'Highstorm': 16}
| {{TheoryTag|Bronze}} || {{17s|4091|Ten Deaths part of the in world magic sytem}} || Roamer || 12 September 2013 || Roshar || Realmatic || Essence || 9.76 || || {'Essence': 11}
| {{TheoryTag|Silver}} || {{17s|3926|Rock's Name}} || Kiwi || 05 August 2013 || Roshar || World || Stone || 14.62 || Category, Topic, || {'Stone': 8, 'Rock': 6}
| || {{17s|3799|Derethil's voyage}} || DocHoliday || 07 July 2013 || Roshar || World || Origin || 5.36 || || {'Origin': 9}
| {{TheoryTag|Crude}} || {{17s|3752|Ghostbloods- They know more than we think.}} || Cartith || 27 June 2013 || Roshar || World || Ghostblood || 2.74 || || {'Ghostblood': 11}
| || {{17s|3726|Shardblades and Odious Investiture}} || Isomere || 21 June 2013 || Roshar || Realmatic || Shardblade || 6.48 || || {'Odium': 5, 'Investiture': 15, 'Shardblade': 12}
| {{TheoryTag|Bronze}} || {{17s|3700|Why do the Parshendi shoot at the bridgemen?}} || Shardlet || 17 June 2013 || Roshar || World || Parshendi || 11.37 || || {'Parshendi': 17}
| {{TheoryTag|Star}} || {{17s|3681|My Take on Surges and Orders}} || cem || 14 June 2013 || Roshar || Realmatic || Surge || 18.42 || Disproven || {'Surge': 24}
| {{TheoryTag|Crude}} || {{17s|3654|Wave forms}} || scottos || 10 June 2013 || Cosmere || Realmatic || Cymatic || 1.66 || || {'Cymatic': 10}
| || {{17s|3629|Excitations in the Cognitive Field}} || The Nameless One || 04 June 2013 || Roshar || Realmatic || Cognitive || 6.26 || Location, || {'Spren': 9, 'Cognitive': 14, 'Kaladin': 5}
| || {{17s|3375|Where does the water go?}} || darkanimereal1 || 29 April 2013 || Roshar || World || Highstorm || 7.44 || || {'Highstorm': 10, 'Shattered Plain': 2, 'Numerology': 2, 'Kaladin': 3}
| {{TheoryTag|Silver}} || {{17s|3191|How quickly do you lose Stormlight? An inconsistency?}} || Havoc || 06 April 2013 || Roshar || Realmatic || Stormlight || 14.72 || || {'Stormlight': 16}
| {{TheoryTag|Crude}} || {{17s|3177|Shattered Plains...}} || don_karma_II || 01 April 2013 || Roshar || World || Shattered Plain || 1.58 || || {'Shattered Plain': 12}
| || {{17s|3172|Why Heralds don't have accents.}} || FireArcadia || 30 March 2013 || Roshar || World || Herald || 7.60 || || {'Realm': 7, 'Herald': 19}
| || {{17s|3171|Taln's Scar. Something more than just a constellation?}} || Worldhopper || 30 March 2013 || Roshar || Character || Taln || 4.72 || || {'Taln': 13}
| || {{17s|3169|Voidbinding}} || don_karma_II || 29 March 2013 || Roshar || Realmatic || Voidbind || 9.16 || || {'Honor': 4, 'Voidbind': 11}
| || {{17s|3016|Chasmfiends - development}} || Meg || 21 February 2013 || Roshar || World || Chasmfiend || 7.67 || || {'Chasmfiend': 13}
| || {{17s|3011|Honorblades on the Part title pages}} || antwon87 || 20 February 2013 || Roshar || World || Honorblade || 7.74 || Topic, || {'Honorblade': 12, 'Glyph':4}
| {{TheoryTag|Silver}} || {{17s|2951|Calendar in Roshar}} || Martinitram || 12 February 2013 || Roshar || World || Chronology || 15.03 || || {'Chronology': 13}
| {{TheoryTag|Bronze}} || {{17s|2915|Why do the Radiants need piles o' cash?}} || Lightflame || 06 February 2013 || Roshar || World || Radiant || 9.88 || || {'Radiant': 14, 'Stormlight': 6}
| {{TheoryTag|Bronze}} || {{17s|2906|Where the 'safe hand' comes from}} || Meg || 03 February 2013 || Roshar || Character || Shallan || 13.14 || Location, || {'Vorin': 1, 'Shallan': 2, 'Culture': 1, 'History': 1}
| {{TheoryTag|Silver}} || {{17s|2855|Stormlight Archive Villains}} || MasterGhandalf || 25 January 2013 || Roshar || Plot || Speculation || 15.14 || Location, || {'Speculation': 12}
| {{TheoryTag|Bronze}} || {{17s|2845|Deaths, Character Arcs, Couples, etc.}} || Lightflame || 24 January 2013 || Roshar || Plot || Speculation || 11.13 || || {'Shallan': 2, 'Adolin': 2, 'Kaladin': 4, 'Szeth': 6}
| || {{17s|2816|The Three Realms}} || Turos Stoneward || 18 January 2013 || Roshar || Realmatic || Tranquiline Halls || 5.42 || Location, || {'Tranquiline Halls': 12, 'Greater Roshar': 5, 'Honor': 5}
| || {{17s|2728|On the focus of Roshar}} || Voidus || 02 January 2013 || Roshar || Realmatic || Focus || 6.89 || Location, || {'Focus': 14}
| || {{17s|2719|Blink 97}} || Aminar || 31 December 2012 || Roshar || World || Blinking || 7.23 || Topic, Location, || {'Blinking': 10}
| {{TheoryTag|Silver}} || {{17s|2711|Creation or Growing of new Shardplates}} || Meg || 30 December 2012 || Roshar || Realmatic || Shardplate || 16.78 || || {'Shardplate': 14, 'Dalinar': 8}
| {{TheoryTag|Bronze}} || {{17s|2684|Oathpact}} || Meg || 19 December 2012 || Roshar || World || Oathpact || 11.27 || || {'Oathpact': 19}
| {{TheoryTag|Star}} || {{17s|2645|Conjoiner Telegraphy}} || Kurkistan || 06 December 2012 || Roshar || Realmatic || Fabrial || 34.71 || || {'Fabrial': 9}
| {{TheoryTag|Star}} || {{17s|2559|Surges and "Voids"}} || Retsam || 05 November 2012 || Roshar || Realmatic || Surge || 22.76 || || {'Ym': 5, 'Symbol': 5, 'Voidbind': 6, 'Surge': 13}
| || {{17s|2497|Cultivation and the Shin}} || Romek || 20 October 2012 || Roshar || Realmatic || Cultivation || 5.84 || || {'Cultivation': 17}
| {{TheoryTag|Bronze}} || {{17s|2468|Spren and the Radiants}} || The Count || 11 October 2012 || Roshar || World || Spren || 12.42 || Disproven || {'Spren': 24}
| {{TheoryTag|Bronze}} || {{17s|2418|Lashings and the gravitational spiritual bond}} || Cones For Eyes || 30 September 2012 || Roshar || Realmatic || Lashing || 14.45 || || {'Lashing': 19, 'Spiritual': 20}
| || {{17s|2405|The purpose of Spren}} || Observer || 27 September 2012 || Roshar || World || Spren || 6.93 || || {'Spren': 20}
| {{TheoryTag|Bronze}} || {{17s|2390|The Ghostbloods}} || The Count || 25 September 2012 || Roshar || World || Ghostblood || 12.61 || || {'Ghostblood': 20}
| {{TheoryTag|Star}} || {{17s|2366|Analyzing the Death Rattles}} || Observer || 18 September 2012 || Roshar || World || Death Rattle || 25.75 || || {'Death Rattle': 10}
| {{TheoryTag|Bronze}} || {{17s|2291|Are We Sure That Kabsal Was From Roshar?}} || Yados || 30 August 2012 || Roshar || World || Worldhopper || 12.24 || || {'Worldhopper': 11}
| {{TheoryTag|Star}} || {{17s|2285|Alethi Font and Transliterator}} || Kurkistan || 29 August 2012 || Roshar || World || Alethi || 25.98 || || {'Alethi': 24}
| {{TheoryTag|Crude}} || {{17s|2199|Glyphpairs and the Kabbalah}} || Thought || 06 August 2012 || Roshar || World || Glyph || 3.20 || || {'Glyph': 11}
| {{TheoryTag|Bronze}} || {{17s|2188|Let's kill a princess}} || Vortaan || 03 August 2012 || Roshar || Character || Jasnah || 10.08 || || {'Jasnah': 10, 'Ghostblood': 4}
| || {{17s|2171|Hoid's Story For Kaladin}} || Lightflame || 31 July 2012 || Cosmere || Character || Hoid || 6.46 || || {'Hoid': 13, 'Kaladin': 12}
| {{TheoryTag|Star}} || {{17s|2113|Rank - Lighteyes and Darkeyes}} || Oxinabox || 15 July 2012 || Roshar || World || Culture || 26.01 || Topic, || {'Culture': 13, 'Eyes': 10, 'Highprince': 5}
| || {{17s|2107|Shardblades}} || dj26792 || 13 July 2012 || Roshar || Realmatic || Shardblades || 7.66 || || {'Shardblades': 2, 'Tranquiline Halls': 2, 'Odium': 4}
| {{TheoryTag|Bronze}} || {{17s|2104|Dragons in WOK?}} || JamesW || 10 July 2012 || Roshar || World || Greatshell || 12.19 || Disproven || {'Thunderclast': 2, 'Stance': 2, 'Speculation': 2, 'Greatshell': 4, 'Dustbringer': 2}
| || {{17s|2097|Roshar is surprisingly submarine}} || scm288 || 08 July 2012 || Roshar || World || Geography || 5.22 || || {'Geography': 12, 'Fauna': 4, 'Highstorm': 4}
| {{TheoryTag|Star}} || {{17s|2067|Shardwielding}} || Djando Je || 27 June 2012 || Roshar || Realmatic || Shardblade || 24.75 || || {'Shardblade': 19, 'Shardplate': 16}
| {{TheoryTag|Crude}} || {{17s|2047|Cusicesh The Protector}} || Lantern13 || 20 June 2012 || Roshar || World || Cusicesh || 1.94 || || {'Cusicesh': 12}
| || {{17s|1974|Could Cultivation Shardholder have changed hands?}} || kari-no-sugata || 23 May 2012 || Roshar || World || Cultivation || 4.52 || || {'Cultivation': 17}
| {{TheoryTag|Crude}} || {{17s|1950|Szeth's Oathstone}} || Yados || 15 May 2012 || Roshar || Character || Szeth || 2.64 || || {'Oathstone': 10, 'Szeth': 12, 'Ideals': 8}
| {{TheoryTag|Bronze}} || {{17s|1928|Eyes are important}} || kari-no-sugata || 08 May 2012 || Roshar || World || Eyes || 14.16 || || {'Eyes': 2, 'Colour': 4}
| {{TheoryTag|Silver}} || {{17s|1925|Races in TWoK}} || Windrunner || 05 May 2012 || Roshar || World || Racial || 15.14 || Location, || {'Racial': 4}
| || {{17s|1918|Hidden Heralds}} || zas678 || 03 May 2012 || Roshar || World || Herald || 17.15 || || {'Herald': 11}
| || {{17s|1909|The Glint}} || Elwynn || 01 May 2012 || Roshar || World || Glyph || 5.06 || Location, || {'Herald': 3, 'Windrunner': 2, 'Radiant': 4, 'Glyph': 2}
| || {{17s|1847|Herald's couples}} || Telcontar || 11 April 2012 || Roshar || World || Herald || 7.20 || || {'Herald': 14}
| {{TheoryTag|Crude}} || {{17s|1817|I think I found another Surge}} || ReaderAt2046 || 02 April 2012 || Roshar || Realmatic || Surge || 3.40 || Disproven || {'Surge': 11}
| {{TheoryTag|Crude}} || {{17s|1793|That one giant spren}} || Qazxvy || 27 March 2012 || Roshar || World || Cusicesh || 4.38 || || {'Cusicesh': 13, 'Spren': 8}
| || {{17s|1743|Surgebinding Attributes}} || Windrunner || 19 March 2012 || Roshar || World || Essence || 9.13 || || {'Surgebinding': 4, 'Essence': 2}
| {{TheoryTag|Bronze}} || {{17s|1709|Shardblades and Supposition}} || Aaradel || 09 March 2012 || Roshar || World || Shardblade || 12.23 || || {'Syl': 7, 'Shardblade': 14, 'Dalinar': 6}
| {{TheoryTag|Crude}} || {{17s|1658|Shinovar in Epigraphs}} || b4dave || 27 February 2012 || Roshar || World || Shinovar || 3.54 || || {'Shinovar': 12, 'Death Rattle': 4}
| || {{17s|1592|Stormlight Binds To Cognitive Aspects}} || ScorpioMind || 11 February 2012 || Roshar || Realmatic || Stormlight || 5.12 || || {'Spren': 7, 'Cognitive': 12, 'Stormlight': 14}
| {{TheoryTag|Silver}} || {{17s|1571|Dark Spheres and Revelations}} || Telcontar || 07 February 2012 || Roshar || Realmatic || Shadesmar || 18.23 || || {'Realm': 4, 'Spren': 3, 'Shallan': 4, 'Cognitive': 3, 'Shadesmar': 7}
| || {{17s|1532|Shardplate}} || dj26792 || 18 January 2012 || Roshar || Realmatic || Shardplate || 9.35 || || {'Shardplate': 4, 'Dalinar': 3, 'Stormlight': 3}
| {{TheoryTag|Bronze}} || {{17s|1525|The Nature of Shards}} || Vortaan || 16 January 2012 || Roshar || Realmatic || Shard || 12.93 || || {'Physic': 9, 'Odium': 9, 'Honor': 8, 'Shard': 11}
| || {{17s|1493|The Black Sphere's Influence}} || Eri || 10 January 2012 || Roshar || Character || Szeth || 9.43 || Topic, || {'Gavilar': 2, 'Desolation': 1, 'Szeth': 2}
| {{TheoryTag|Bronze}} || {{17s|1472|Elhokar's Paranoia and Potential}} || Turos Stoneward || 06 January 2012 || Roshar || Character || Elhokar || 11.38 || || {'Elhokar': 11}
| || {{17s|1386|Shardplate}} || 11thorderknight || 18 December 2011 || Roshar || Realmatic || Shardplate || 6.09 || Category, || {'Radiant': 4, 'Shardplate': 13, 'Stormlight': 3}
| {{TheoryTag|Bronze}} || {{17s|1346|Chapter Headings}} || Aiken Frost || 12 December 2011 || Roshar || Character || Hoid || 14.36 || || {'Hoid': 6, 'Herald': 2}
| {{TheoryTag|Crude}} || {{17s|1340|Dishonered Shardblades}} || ReaderAt2046 || 11 December 2011 || Roshar || Realmatic || Shardblade || 4.24 || Category, || {'Shardblade': 12, 'Shardplate': 11}
| || {{17s|1336|10 Magic types per Shard?}} || Kaurne || 11 December 2011 || Roshar || Realmatic || Shard || 8.56 || Location, || {'Shard': 12, 'Magic System': 4, 'Honor': 4, 'Numerology': 7}
| || {{17s|1335|Regrowth}} || Kaurne || 11 December 2011 || Roshar || Realmatic || Regrowth || 6.93 || || {'Regrowth': 13}
| || {{17s|1334|Predictions On Chekhov's Guns In Wok}} || CrazyRioter || 11 December 2011 || Roshar || Plot || Speculation || 6.79 || Topic, || {'Speculation': 10}
| {{TheoryTag|Silver}} || {{17s|1326|Who can use Stormlight?}} || ulyssessword || 10 December 2011 || Roshar || Realmatic || Stormlight || 15.08 || || {'Stormlight': 16, 'Kaladin': 8, 'Squire': 3}
| {{TheoryTag|Crude}} || {{17s|1322|Shash}} || FeatherWriter || 09 December 2011 || Roshar || World || Shash || 3.45 || || {'Shash': 12}
| || {{17s|1299|The Shin have the Plate and Blades!}} || Kelek || 03 December 2011 || Roshar || World || Shinovar || 7.10 || || {'Shardplate': 6, 'Shardblade': 6, 'Shinovar': 12, 'Szeth': 3}
| {{TheoryTag|Bronze}} || {{17s|1080|Dalinar's power}} || Cromptj || 01 November 2011 || Roshar || Character || Dalinar || 8.38 || || {'Dalinar': 13}
| {{TheoryTag|Bronze}} || {{17s|1063|Highstorms}} || Serack || 29 October 2011 || Roshar || World || Crem || 11.95 || || {'Crem': 5, 'Stormlight': 2, 'Highstorm': 3}
| || {{17s|969|Forces of the Desolations}} || ulyssessword || 08 October 2011 || Roshar || World || Desolation || 4.94 || || {'Desolation': 14, 'Midnight Essence': 7, 'Thunderclast': 6}
| {{TheoryTag|Bronze}} || {{17s|955|The King's Servants}} || stormlight || 03 October 2011 || Roshar || Character || Adolin || 10.79 || || {'Adolin': 6, 'Shattered Plain': 2, 'Dalinar': 4, 'Taravangian': 3}
| {{TheoryTag|Bronze}} || {{17s|950|Lighteyes, Shardblades, and the Oathpact}} || Argent || 01 October 2011 || Roshar || World || Oathpact || 9.63 || || {'Herald': 4, 'Oathpact': 12, 'Eyes': 10}
| {{TheoryTag|Bronze}} || {{17s|858|Parallel's between WoK and the Fall of Troy}} || Kurkistan || 12 September 2011 || Roshar || Plot || Intertextuality || 17.47 || Topic, Location, || {'Intertextuality': 5}
| {{TheoryTag|Silver}} || {{17s|827|The Identity of the Man Kaladin Killed}} || Cheese Ninja || 03 September 2011 || Roshar || Character || Kaladin || 16.15 || || {'Kaladin': 13}
| || {{17s|812|Who are the Ghostbloods?}} || Tangletalon || 31 August 2011 || Roshar || World || Ghostblood || 8.11 || || {'Ghostblood': 17}
| {{TheoryTag|Crude}} || {{17s|609|Oathbringer}} || Green Hoodie Mistborn || 20 June 2011 || Roshar || Character || Dalinar || 3.88 || Category, Location, || {'Dalinar': 12, 'Almighty': 8, 'Shardblade': 4}
| || {{17s|490|On the Nature of the Shattered Plains}} || Wonko the Sane || 06 April 2011 || Roshar || World || Shattered Plain || 7.33 || || {'Shattered Plain': 11}
| || {{17s|474|Gaz's death}} || zas678 || 01 April 2011 || Roshar || Character || Gaz || 5.84 || Topic, Location, || {'Gaz': 10}
| {{TheoryTag|Crude}} || {{17s|427|Observation on Shadesmar}} || Chaos || 20 March 2011 || Roshar || Realmatic || Shadesmar || 3.46 || || {'Shadesmar': 12}
| {{TheoryTag|Bronze}} || {{17s|399|Concerning Glyphs}} || Wonko the Sane || 14 March 2011 || Roshar || World || Glyph || 12.52 || || {'Glyph': 23}
| || {{17s|386|Radiant Machines}} || Wonko the Sane || 08 March 2011 || Roshar || Realmatic || Radiant || 6.46 || || {'Fabrial': 4, 'Radiant': 12}
| || {{17s|296|Mysterious death in Way of Kings}} || Juggernaut || 27 December 2010 || Roshar || Character || Helaran || 4.50 || || {'Helaran': 12}
| {{TheoryTag|Silver}} || {{17s|288|The Unmade}} || TheFinisher4Ever || 13 December 2010 || Roshar || World || Unmade || 9.87 || || {'Unmade': 15}
| || {{17s|253|Why "The Stormlight Archive?"}} || Finallity || 15 November 2010 || Roshar || Realmatic || Stormlight || 5.54 || || {'Stormlight': 12}
| {{TheoryTag|Bronze}} || {{17s|229|Sooo...Shadesmar?}} || Truthless || 23 October 2010 || Roshar || Realmatic || Shadesmar || 10.51 || || {'Roshar': 6, 'Shadesmar': 17}
| || {{17s|221|Shallan's "Sight" and Soullcasting powers: Two sides of the same coin?}} || Kykeon || 21 October 2010 || Roshar || Character || Shallan || 5.89 || || {'Shallan': 10}
| || {{17s|194|The Palanaeum Doors}} || Andrew the Great || 05 October 2010 || Roshar || World || Radiant || 6.99 || Category, Topic, || {'Symbol': 4, 'Radiant': 5, 'Glyph': 4}
| {{TheoryTag|Bronze}} || {{17s|180|Gem Currency System}} || 11thorderknight || 28 September 2010 || Roshar || World || Gemstone || 14.00 || Topic, || {'Soulcast': 3, 'Gemstone': 12}
| {{TheoryTag|Bronze}} || {{17s|164|Dawnshards}} || Munin || 23 September 2010 || Roshar || World || Dawnshard || 9.55 || Topic, Location, || {'Dawnshard': 13}
| {{TheoryTag|Crude}} || {{17s|162|Identity of Baxis' mistress}} || Dryone || 23 September 2010 || Roshar || Character || Shalash || 1.66 || || {'Shalash': 10}
| || {{17s|156|Holy Grottos and Foci}} || Chaos || 21 September 2010 || Roshar || Realmatic || Focus || 8.48 || || {'Stormlight': 2, 'Focus': 4}
=Words of Radiance Boards (All)=


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