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Class 1 Reviewed
(Just removing some definite non-theory threads)
(Class 1 Reviewed)
==Class 1 (Reviewed)==
{| class="wikitable sortable" width="100%"
! !! Theory Name !! Author !! Date !! Location !! Category !! Topic !! Score !! Review !! TopicList
| {{TheoryTag|Crude}} || {{17s|78737714|Theory: Laral willGreatshells beare a KnightParshendi RadiantForm}} || StroniaxArin || 3021 April 2014 || Roshar || RealmaticWorld || RadiantParshendi || 3.0102 || || {'RadiantForms': 162, 'Parshendi': 3, 'StormlightJasnah': 61, 'KaladinVoidbringer': 71}
| {{TheoryTag|CrudeBronze}} || {{17s|77147388|CrazyOdiums theoryVictory time.and Series (spoiler)Future}} || ArinZionite || 2103 April 2014 || Roshar || WorldPlot || ParshendiSpeculation || 310.0245 || Location, || {'Forms': 2, 'Parshendi': 3, 'JasnahOdium': 114, 'VoidbringerBraize': 16}
| {{TheoryTag|Crude}} || {{17s|75347274|Theory:Parshendi Beard Gems Raodenare showsParshendi upGemhearts}} || YettooChrystoff || 1128 AprilMarch 2014 || SelRoshar || CharacterWorld || RaodenParshendi || 20.7960 || || {'RaodenParshendi': 1017}
| {{TheoryTag|Bronze}} || {{17s|73887223|CrazyWho Theory-Odiumsis Victory and Series FutureNazh}} || ZioniteWindshard || 0326 AprilMarch 2014 || RosharThrenody || RealmaticCharacter || FutureNazh || 106.4519 || Location, Proven || {'Odium': 14, 'Braize': 6, 'FutureNazh': 1712}
| {{TheoryTag|Crude}} || {{17s|7354|Crazy theory on Interlude:Stick [possible spoilers]}} || Funkylemon || 01 April 2014 || Roshar || World || Spren || 2.00 || || {'Realm': 1, 'Spren': 2, 'Physic': 1, 'Shadesmar': 1}
| {{TheoryTag|Crude}} || {{17s|7274|Theory: Why the parshendi wear gems in their beards.}} || Chrystoff || 28 March 2014 || Roshar || World || Parshendi || 0.60 || || {'Parshendi': 17}
| || {{17s|7223|Theory: Who is Nazh}} || Windshard || 26 March 2014 || Threnody || Character || Nazh || 6.19 || Location, || {'Nazh': 12}
| {{TheoryTag|Crude}} || {{17s|6276|Crackpot theory: Syl has a spren}} || JamHeretic || 26 February 2014 || Roshar || Character || Syl || 3.54 || || {'Syl': 23, 'Spren': 22}
| {{TheoryTag|Bronze}} || {{17s|6245|Location of the Shattered Plains}} || Stroniax || 25 February 2014 || Roshar || World || Shattered Plain || 11.49 || || {'Shattered Plain': 18}
| || {{17s|6166|Theory: Shallash was Dalinar's wife}} || Talo || 19 February 2014 || Roshar || Character || Dalinar || 6.65 || || {'Herald': 10, 'Shalash': 20, 'Dalinar': 21}
| || {{17s|6142|Theory: Odium gave Heralds/mankind the Honorblades and Shardblades}} || hoidshmoid || 17 February 2014 || Roshar || CharacterWorld || OdiumShardblade || 6.81 || || {'Odium': 14, 'Herald': 12, 'Shardblade': 15}
| || {{17s|6125|Theory: Renarin already Surgebinds}} || Swimmingly || 16 February 2014 || Roshar || Character || Renarin || 5.34 || || {'Renarin': 11}
| {{TheoryTag|StarSilver}} || {{17s|61135957|Theory: TheConsequences Attributesof andBetraying the SurgesOath Stone}} || skaaEmanEmal || 1606 February 2014 || Roshar || RealmaticCharacter || SurgeSzeth || 5318.5176 || || {'SurgeDesolation': 11, 'Truthless': 5, 'Szeth': 15, 'Oathstone': 4513}
| {{TheoryTag|Silver}} || {{17s|59575826|Consequences of betraying the oath stone.Recreance}} || EmanEmalDerksen || 0630 FebruaryJanuary 2014 || Roshar || CharacterWorld || SzethRecreance || 186.76 || || {'DesolationRecreance': 21, 'Odium': 7, 'Radiant': 117, 'TruthlessHerald': 57, 'SzethHonor': 158}
| {{TheoryTag|Crude}} || {{17s|59075806|dalinarShardblades theoryBarely Harm Infused Surgebinders}} || StormfatherMoogle || 0329 FebruaryJanuary 2014 || Roshar || CharacterRealmatic || DalinarShardblade || 25.6040 || Location, || {'AdonalsiumShardblade': 712, 'CosmereInvestiture': 72, 'HonorKaladin': 81, 'DalinarSzeth': 171}
| {{TheoryTag|SilverCrude}} || {{17s|58265688|Theory:Oathpact formed by RecreanceCultivation}} || Derksenmasaru || 3028 January 2014 || Roshar || World || RecreanceOathpact || 155.7658 || Topic, || {'Recreance': 21, 'Odium': 7, 'Radiant': 7, 'HeraldCultivation': 710, 'HonorOathpact': 810}
| {{TheoryTag|CrudeStar}} || {{17s|58065428|Nahel Bonding Theory: Shardbladesof BarelyCognitivity Harmand Infusedthe SurgebindersRecreance}} || Mooglebartbug || 2920 January 2014 || Roshar || Realmatic || InvestitureSpren || 118.4062 || Category || {'Recreance': 17, Location'Spren': 8, 'Cognitive': ||11, {'InvestitureRadiant': 28, 'KaladinNahel': 111, 'SzethHonor': 18}
| {{TheoryTag|CrudeSilver}} || {{17s|56885425|Theory:Odium will take control of the OathpactParshmen formedand bycause CultivationHavoc}} || masaruDark_Sun77 || 2820 January 2014 || Roshar || WorldPlot || OathpactParshmen || 218.5832 || Topic, || {'CultivationParshmen': 1023, 'OathpactOdium': 24, 'Voidbringer': 10, 'Vin': 8}
| || {{17s|56225251|Theory: Szeth and theUnite HeraldsThem}} || flyleaffanLink || 2419 January 2014 || Roshar || WorldCharacter || HeraldDalinar || 68.9728 || || {'HeraldDalinar': 6, 'Gavilar': 5, 'Radiant': 4, 'Odium': 3, 'Alethi': 142, 'SzethVoidbringer': 122}
| {{TheoryTag|StarBronze}} || {{17s|54285104|NahelDeath BondingChants Theory of Cognitivity and the Recreance}} || bartbugBloodfalcon || 2010 January 2014 || Roshar || RealmaticWorld || RecreanceDeath Rattle || 2216.6244 || || {'Recreance': 17,Death 'SprenRattle': 8,18; 'Cognitive': 11, 'Radiant': 8, 'Nahel': 11, 'Honor': 8, 'Way of KingsHerald': 715}
| {{TheoryTag|SilverCrude}} || {{17s|54255092|Theory: Odium will take control of the Parshmen and causeParshendi havocforms}} || Dark_Sun77zandi || 2009 January 2014 || Roshar || CharacterWorld || OdiumParshendi || 185.3206 || || {'Parshmen': 23, 'Odium': 24, 'Voidbringer': 10, 'VinParshendi': 813}
| {{TheoryTag|Crude}} || {{17s|54175028|Theory:New Thetheory extrason in Anna Kendrick's "Cups" are all ParshendiOdium.}} || YmYmLooter || 2006 January 2014 || RosharCosmere || WorldPlot || ParshendiOdium || 15.8882 || || {'ParshendiOdium': 1116}
| {{TheoryTag|Bronze}} || {{17s|52515020|Theory:The "UniteShardbearer Them"that Kaladin Killed Used a Surge}} || LinkNatans || 1904 January 2014 || Roshar || CharacterWorld || DalinarSurge || 810.2846 || || {'Dalinar': 6, 'Gavilar': 5, 'Radiant': 4, 'Odium': 3, 'AlethiSurge': 213, 'VoidbringerKaladin': 212}
| {{TheoryTag|Crude}} || {{17s|51625012|MyThe takeReshi onIsles 2are theories: Investiture being passed down genetically and Odium corrupting spren to take away shardsnamed fromafter KRKvothe}} || Tybou_14TheShogun || 1402 January 2014 || CosmereRoshar || RealmaticWorld || SprenIntertextuality || 93.4396 || Topic, || {'OdiumPurelake': 131, 'Spren':Way 17,of 'Investiture': 13, 'Shard': 13, 'GeneticKings': 121}
| || {{17s|51134944|TheoryDalinar JezrienMust fathered the kohlin familyDie}} || MileswasbestcharacterTheShogun || 1024 JanuaryDecember 20142013 || Roshar || Character || JezrienDalinar || 57.3420 || || {'Herald': 6, 'JezrienDalinar': 1422}
| {{TheoryTag|Bronze}} || {{17s|51044914|DeathGhostbloods Chantsare Theorytrying to bring back the Heirocracy}} || BloodfalconPower || 1020 JanuaryDecember 20142013 || Roshar || World || HeraldGhostblood || 128.4428 || || {'HeraldGhostblood': 18, 'Stormlight': 6, 'Ardent': 158}
| {{TheoryTag|Crude}} || {{17s|50924903|RidiculousGavilar theory-and Parshendi formsgods}} || zandimarianmi || 0919 JanuaryDecember 20142013 || Roshar || World || ParshendiSpren || 37.0659 || Category, Topic, Location, || {'FormsParshendi': 1315, 'ParshendiSpren': 16, 'Gavilar': 1311}
| {{TheoryTag|BronzeSilver}} || {{17s|50634843|TheoriesDual upon theoriesShardblades}} || RadiantNightsSerendipity || 0715 JanuaryDecember 20142013 || RosharCosmere || WorldRealmatic || SprenShardblade || 1119.7240 || Topic, || {'ParshendiShardblade': 615, 'SprenRealmatic': 137, 'HonorSpiritweb': 7, 'Szeth': 9}
| || {{17s|50284631|New theory on Odium.Thrillspren}} || LooterStroniax || 0618 JanuaryNovember 20142013 || Roshar || CharacterWorld || OdiumThrill || 76.8264 || Location, Disproven || {'OdiumSpren': 38, 'Thrill': 1646}
| {{TheoryTag|BronzeCrude}} || {{17s|50204578|The Shardbearer10 thatEssences Kaladinare KilledLinked Usedto athe Surge -10 TheorySurges}} || NatansShardbearer || 0412 JanuaryNovember 20142013 || Roshar || Realmatic || ShardSurge || 106.4620 || Topic, || {'Surge': 13, 'Shard': 1512, 'KaladinEssence': 12}
| {{TheoryTag|CrudeStar}} || {{17s|50124469|Theory: The Reshi Isles areMagic namedSystem afterOn KvotheRoshar}} || TheShogunmarianmi || 0230 JanuaryOctober 20142013 || RosharCosmere || WorldRealmatic || WayMagic of KingsSystems || 337.9683 || TopicLocation, || {'PurelakeRoshar': 113, 'WayShard': of11, Kings'Investiture': 33, 'Awakening': 115}
| {{TheoryTag|Bronze}} || {{17s|50104463|Theory: Gaz ison a"Voidbinding" HeraldChart}} || AoibheannBloodfalcon || 0230 JanuaryOctober 20142013 || Roshar || World || HeraldVoidbind || 1112.8111 || || {'HeraldYm': 2010, 'Symbol': 10, 'Spren': 16, 'Voidbind': 11}
| || {{17s|50014441|Theory:Gavilar KaladinMurder meant to to wield a Shardblade? (Spoilers)Theory}} || PunterBloodfalcon || 0129 JanuaryOctober 20142013 || Roshar || Character || KaladinGavilar || 63.7654 || || {'OdiumSpren': 1012, 'KaladinGavilar': 1720}
| || {{17s|4944|Theory: Dalinar Must Die (Spoilers)}} || TheShogun || 24 December 2013 || Roshar || Character || Dalinar || 7.20 || || {'Dalinar': 22}
| || {{17s|4914|Theory: Ghostbloods are trying to bring back the Heirocracy}} || Power || 20 December 2013 || Roshar || World || Ghostblood || 8.28 || || {'Ghostblood': 18, 'Stormlight': 6, 'Ardent': 8}
| {{TheoryTag|Crude}} || {{17s|4909|Theory about dream visions}} || Chlehrma || 19 December 2013 || Roshar || Character || Kaladin || 3.88 || Topic, || {'Bondsmith': 1, 'Dalinar': 2, 'Shard': 1, 'Kaladin': 2}
| || {{17s|4903|Theory about Gavilar and Parshendi gods}} || marianmi || 19 December 2013 || Roshar || World || Spren || 7.59 || || {'Parshendi': 15, 'Spren': 16, 'Gavilar': 11}
| {{TheoryTag|Silver}} || {{17s|4843|Dual Shardblades}} || Serendipity || 15 December 2013 || Cosmere || Realmatic || Realmatic || 19.40 || Topic, || {'Realm': 7, 'Realmatic': 7, 'Spiritweb': 7}
| {{TheoryTag|Crude}} || {{17s|4652|Theory: Fabrials and Geranid [Possible Spoiler]}} || EmagSamurai || 21 November 2013 || Roshar || Realmatic || Fabrial || 1.96 || || {'Fabrial': 13}
| || {{17s|4631|Theory: Thrillspren [spoilers?]}} || Stroniax || 18 November 2013 || Roshar || World || Thrill || 6.64 || || {'Spren': 38, 'Thrill': 46}
| {{TheoryTag|Crude}} || {{17s|4578|Theory: The 10 Essences are Linked to the 10 Surges}} || Shardbearer || 12 November 2013 || Roshar || Realmatic || Surge || 3.20 || Topic, || {'Surge': 12, 'Essence': 12}
| {{TheoryTag|Crude}} || {{17s|4533|Parts in Way of Kings}} || bartbug || 05 November 2013 || Roshar || World || Way of Kings || 2.95 || || {'Way of Kings': 17}
| {{TheoryTag|Star}} || {{17s|4469|Magic System On Roshar - theories}} || marianmi || 30 October 2013 || Cosmere || Realmatic || Investiture || 37.83 || Location, || {'Roshar': 13, 'Shard': 11, 'Investiture': 33, 'Awakening': 15}
| {{TheoryTag|Bronze}} || {{17s|4463|Theory on "Voidbinding" Chart}} || Bloodfalcon || 30 October 2013 || Roshar || World || Spren || 12.11 || || {'Ym': 10, 'Symbol': 10, 'Spren': 16, 'Voidbind': 11}
| || {{17s|4441|Gavilar Murder Theory}} || Bloodfalcon || 29 October 2013 || Roshar || Character || Gavilar || 4.54 || || {'Spren': 12, 'Gavilar': 20}
| {{TheoryTag|Bronze}} || {{17s|4405|Voidbinding Theory}} || Bloodfalcon || 24 October 2013 || Roshar || Realmatic || Voidbind || 10.22 || || {'Voidbind': 17, 'Szeth': 8}
| {{TheoryTag|Bronze}} || {{17s|4394|Rosharan Theories and speculationSpeculation}} || steeleyes || 23 October 2013 || Roshar || World || Speculation || 11.35 || || {'Shard': 7, 'Parshendi': 5, 'Odium': 6, 'Speculation': 11, 'Honor': 8}
| || {{17s|4371|Szeth/Shin Conspiracy Theory}} || Bloodfalcon || 22 October 2013 || Roshar || CharacterWorld || SzethShinovar || 7.75 || || {'Szeth': 17, 'Shinovar':12. 'Herald':8, 'Honorblade':8, 'Truthless':8}
| || {{17s|4302|Theory - onOn Oathpacts, Desolations and Recreances}} || 11thorderknight || 13 October 2013 || Roshar || World || Desolation || 8.56 || || {'Desolation': 14, 'Recreance': 10, 'Radiant': 5, 'Oathpact': 11}
| {{TheoryTag|Silver}} || {{17s|4243|Theory - Another Radiant Order Hidden in WOK}} || Natans || 04 October 2013 || Roshar || RealmaticWorld || Radiant || 1816.72 || || {'Desolation': 5, 'Radiant': 15, 'Worldsinger': 9}
| || {{17s|4031|Quick, somewhat baseless Oathpact theoryTheory}} || Lightflame || 07 September 2013 || Roshar || World || Oathpact || 9.21 || Location, || {'Odium': 8, 'Oathpact': 15, 'Sel': 14}
| {{TheoryTag|Crude}} || {{17s|3950|Spren: relatedRelated toTo theQuantum quantum theoryTheory}} || vcblade || 12 August 2013 || Roshar || World || Spren || 3.86 || || {'Spren': 18}
| {{TheoryTag|Bronze}} || {{17s|3944|Theory: The Nightwatcher is Cultivation's shardpool}} || Gaelan || 11 August 2013 || Roshar || Realmatic || Nightwatcher || 12.40 || || {'Cultivation': 19, 'Nightwatcher': 20, 'Old Magic': 11, 'Shard': 9}
| {{TheoryTag|Silver}} || {{17s|3943|Simple Theory About How the Spanreeds Works}} || Natans || 10 August 2013 || Roshar || WorldRealmatic || SprenFabrials || 1513.21 || Category, || {'Fabrial': 48, 'Spren': 6}
| {{TheoryTag|Bronze}} || {{17s|38773784|TheoryDamnation slyis andin Dalnars bladeShinovar.}} || FugeDocHoliday || 2104 July 2013 || Roshar || CharacterWorld || DalinarShinovar || 612.3902 || || {'SylTaln': 29, 'DalinarShinovar': 617, 'KaladinDamnation': 210}
| {{TheoryTag|Bronze}} || {{17s|37843753|Theory:Stormlight retention as Damnationa isfunction inof Shinovar.gem size}} || DocHolidayKurkistan || 0427 JulyJune 2013 || Roshar || WorldRealmatic || ShinovarStormlight || 1013.0291 || || {'Taln': 9, 'Shinovar': 17, 'DamnationStormlight': 1023}
| {{TheoryTag|StarBronze}} || {{17s|37673722|Theory:Hoid The- FocusNightblood on- Roshar are the Essences}} || skaaNatans || 2921 June 2013 || Roshar || RealmaticCharacter || EssenceNightblood || 789.3779 || Disproven || {'Roshar': 1710, 'EssenceNightblood': 3614, 'StormlightHoid': 12, 'Focus': 34}
| {{TheoryTag|Bronze}} || {{17s|37533713|StormlightThe retentionorigin, asnature, aand functionpurpose of gem sizeShardblades}} || KurkistanShardlet || 2719 June 2013 || Roshar || RealmaticWorld || StormlightShardblade || 1112.9116 || || {'StormlightShardblade':28 'Gemstone': 5, 'Origin': 2310}
| {{TheoryTag|BronzeCrude}} || {{17s|37223694|Theory:The HoidProphecies -Were Nightblood - RosharTrue}} || NatansShardbearer || 2117 June 2013 || NalthisRoshar || CharacterWorld || NightbloodHierocracy || 94.7984 || Location, || {'RosharHierocracy': 1012, 'NightbloodPrecognition': 14, 'Hoid': 124}
| {{TheoryTag|Bronze}} || {{17s|3721|Theory: The Dawnshards were musical instruments}} || skaa || 21 June 2013 || Cosmere || World || Shard || 10.94 || || {'Music': 12, 'Dawnshard': 22, 'Shard': 23}
| {{TheoryTag|Bronze}} || {{17s|3713|Theory: The origin, nature, and purpose of Shardblades}} || Shardlet || 19 June 2013 || Roshar || World || Origin || 12.16 || || {'Gemstone': 5, 'Origin': 10}
| {{TheoryTag|Crude}} || {{17s|3694|Theory: The Prophecies Were True}} || Shardbearer || 17 June 2013 || Roshar || Character || Vin || 1.84 || || {'Roshar': 1, 'Honor': 1, 'Odium': 1, 'Command': 1, 'Dalinar': 1, 'Vin': 3}
| {{TheoryTag|Silver}} || {{17s|3692|Vorinism and the Decline of Historic Knowledge}} || The Rooster || 17 June 2013 || Roshar || World || Vorin || 16.15 || || {'Vorin': 26, 'Ardent': 14}
| || {{17s|3690|Theory on Parshendi}} || DragonReborn || 17 June 2013 || Roshar || World || Parshendi || 4.6010 || || {'Parshendi': 13}
| {{TheoryTag|StarSilver}} || {{17s|36763669|Theory: Honorspren, Cryptics, and the TenAdolin's EssencesLegitimacy}} || skaaMenden Atal || 1413 June 2013 || Roshar || RealmaticCharacter || SprenAdolin || 5118.0858 || || {'Spren': 41, 'EssenceAdolin': 3422, 'VinDalinar': 1412}
| {{TheoryTag|Silver}} || {{17s|36693631|MiniKaladin Theory:feels Adolin'sthe LegitamacyThrill!}} || Menden AtalShardlet || 1304 June 2013 || Roshar || Character || AdolinKaladin || 1819.5823 || || {'AdolinThrill': 2239, 'DalinarKaladin': 1225}
| {{TheoryTag|StarSilver}} || {{17s|36423623|Theory: ShardbladesOn How Everything In Roshar areTies OdiumsprenTogether}} || skaaKaurne || 0603 June 2013 || Roshar || WorldRealmatic || SprenOverarching Theory || 3217.3145 || Disproven || {'SprenShard': 457, 'Cultivation': 6, 'Odium': 2713, 'Honor': 1811}
| {{TheoryTag|Silver}} || {{17s|36313594|Theory: Kaladin feelsUrithiru thein Thrill!Shadesmar}} || ShardletMacen || 0428 JuneMay 2013 || Roshar || WorldRealmatic || ThrillUrithiru || 187.2388 || Disproven || {'ThrillJasnah': 7, 'Urithiru': 3919, 'KaladinShadesmar': 2519}
| {{TheoryTag|SilverBronze}} || {{17s|36233546|TheoryMagic on howRoshar everythinghas inthe RosharThree Gods Sharing tiesTen togetherSurges}} || Kaurne || 0322 JuneMay 2013 || Roshar || Realmatic || RosharSurge || 1710.4529 || || {'ShardCultivation': 7, 'CultivationRoshar': 614, 'RosharFabrial': 166, 'OdiumSurge': 1317, 'Honor': 117}
| {{TheoryTag|SilverBronze}} || {{17s|35953533|LotsHeralds of& Questions and Theories (I will get the exact chapters in an update)Shadesmar}} || GovikaWindrunner || 2920 May 2013 || Roshar || RealmaticWorld || HonorHerald || 2010.3380 || || {'ParshendiHerald': 1320, 'HighstormShadesmar': 519, 'Spren': 6, 'Syl': 5, 'Elhokar': 6, 'RadiantDamnation': 9, 'Shadesmar': 10, 'Dalinar': 13, 'Honor': 14, 'Chasmfiend': 12, 'Stormlight': 11, 'Shard': 5, 'Kaladin': 11, 'Szeth': 13}
| || {{17s|35943449|Theory: Urithiru inConnection Shadesmarbetween -Heralds Myand reasoningShardblades}} || Macenmakromag || 2812 May 2013 || Roshar || RealmaticWorld || UrithiruHerald || 7.8802 || Topic, || {'JasnahHerald': 711, 'UrithiruShardblade': 19, 'Shadesmar': 1910}
| {{TheoryTag|Bronze}} || {{17s|35463402|Theory: Magic on Roshar has the Three GodsGavilar sharingCarried tena SurgesRadiantblade}} || KaurneCernwennan || 2204 May 2013 || Roshar || RealmaticCharacter || SurgeGavilar || 1014.2910 || || {'Cultivation': 7, 'Roshar': 14, 'Fabrial': 6, 'SurgeGavilar': 1725, 'HonorRadiant': 712}
| {{TheoryTag|BronzeStar}} || {{17s|35333393|Theory: Heralds &The ShadesmarRecreance}} || WindrunnerThe Count || 2002 May 2013 || Roshar || WorldRealmatic || HeraldRecreance || 1022.8025 || || {'HeraldRecreance': 14, 'Odium': 5, 'Radiant': 207, 'ShadesmarHonor': 1911, 'DamnationShard': 9}
| || {{17s|34493364|Theory:"The ConnectionMost betweenImportant HeraldsWords andA ShardbladesMan Can Say"}} || makromagColateralwar || 1228 MayApril 2013 || Roshar || WorldCharacter || HeraldGavilar || 7.0264 || || {'HeraldGavilar': 10, 'Radiant': 114}
| {{TheoryTag|Crude}} || {{17s|34393329|WildDalinar theoryis ofa Szeth's bladeWindrunner}} || sonNeturoColateralwar || 1025 MayApril 2013 || Roshar || Character || SzethDalinar || 3.6688 || Disproven || {'SzethDalinar': 12, 'Windrunner': 1311}
| {{TheoryTag|Bronze}} || {{17s|34023291|(Theory) Gavilar Carried a RadiantbladeOathpact}} || Cernwennandon_karma_II || 0420 MayApril 2013 || Roshar || CharacterWorld || GavilarOathpact || 145.1062 || || {'GavilarCultivation': 254, 'Desolation': 4, 'Splinter': 4, 'Honor': 10, 'RadiantOathpact': 1211}
| {{TheoryTag|StarBronze}} || {{17s|33933203|TheHeralds, Recreance: More thoughtsGavillar, and aother theoryTWoK (***SPOILERS***)Theories}} || The CountOathbringer || 0209 MayApril 2013 || Roshar || RealmaticWorld || RecreanceHerald || 2213.2599 || Disproven || {'Recreance': 14, 'Odium': 5, 'Radiant': 7, 'Honor': 11, 'ShardHerald': 928}
| {{TheoryTag|Silver}} || {{17s|33643180|(Theory) "The Most Important Words AShardplates' ManSouls Canand Say"Healing}} || ColateralwarKurkistan || 2802 April 2013 || RosharCosmere || CharacterRealmatic || GavilarHealing || 716.6421 || || {'GavilarHealing': 1019, 'RadiantShardplate': 412}
| {{TheoryTag|Crude}} || {{17s|33293155|(Theory) DalinarHow is born a WindrunnerKnight Radiant}} || ColateralwarNatans || 2527 AprilMarch 2013 || Roshar || CharacterRealmatic || DalinarRadiant || 38.8825 || Disproven || {'DalinarIdeal': 4, 'Shallan': 124, 'WindrunnerRadiant': 1110}
| {{TheoryTag|Silver}} || {{17s|32913060|Theory:Jasnah's OathpactPast}} || don_karma_IIWindrunner || 2002 AprilMarch 2013 || Roshar || WorldCharacter || OathpactJasnah || 518.6257 || || {'Cultivation': 4, 'Desolation': 4, 'Splinter': 4, 'Honor': 10, 'OathpactJasnah': 1119}
| {{TheoryTag|BronzeSilver}} || {{17s|32032970|Heralds, Gavillar, and otherInfusing TWoK TheoriesShardplate}} || OathbringerKurkistan || 0915 AprilFebruary 2013 || Roshar || WorldRealmatic || HeraldShardplate || 1318.9932 || || {'HeraldShardplate': 20, 'Stormlight': 2818}
| {{TheoryTag|SilverBronze}} || {{17s|31802939|Shardplates'There are Soulsno andUniversal HealingSoulcasters}} || Kurkistan || 0210 AprilFebruary 2013 || CosmereRoshar || Realmatic || HealingSoulcast || 1615.2100 || || {'HealingSoulcast': 1941}
| {{TheoryTag|Bronze}} || {{17s|31552922|\HowKnights is born a Knight radiantRadiant (theory)Theory}} || NatansStormfather || 2707 MarchFebruary 2013 || Roshar || RealmaticWorld || Radiant || 89.2567 || || {'IdealRadiant': 410, 'ShallanHerald': 43, 'RadiantKaladin': 104}
| {{TheoryTag|SilverBronze}} || {{17s|30602857|Theory:The Oathpact granted Odium JasnahHonor's Pastpower}} || WindrunnerLightflame || 0226 MarchJanuary 2013 || Roshar || CharacterWorld || JasnahOathpact || 1815.5723 || || {'JasnahOdium': 30, 'Oathpact': 23, 'Honor': 1925}
| {{TheoryTag|Silver}} || {{17s|29702837|InfusingShards Shardplateand the Oathpact}} || KurkistanThePledge || 1522 FebruaryJanuary 2013 || Roshar || Realmatic || StormlightOathpact || 189.3213 || || {'StormlightOdium': 8, 'Oathpact': 12, 'Honor': 7, 'Shard': 1816}
| {{TheoryTag|BronzeSilver}} || {{17s|29392812|Theory: ThereSurges areas norelated Universalto SoulcastersSpren}} || KurkistanTuros Stoneward || 1018 FebruaryJanuary 2013 || Roshar || Realmatic || SoulcastSpren || 1312.0001 || || {'SoulcastLashing': 8, 'Spren': 22, 'Surge': 4114}
| {{TheoryTag|Bronze}} || {{17s|29292811|AreKaladin Sprentriggered Vampires?the next Desolation}} || KurkistanDros || 0818 FebruaryJanuary 2013 || Roshar || WorldPlot || SprenDesolation || 412.5383 || || {'SprenIdeal': 9, 'Desolation': 24, 'Herald': 10, 'Kaladin': 1712}
| {{TheoryTag|Bronze}} || {{17s|29222670|KRThe theory30 magic systems are actually 10.}} || StormfatherJosiah Bills || 0714 FebruaryDecember 20132012 || RosharCosmere || CharacterRealmatic || KaladinMagic System || 95.6774 || || {'HoidVoidbind': 28, 'Dalinar':Magic 2, 'Herald': 3, 'KaladinSystem': 415}
| {{TheoryTag|Star}} || {{17s|28722655|TheoriesStormwardens inare progressOdium's Voidbinders}} || StormfatherNepene || 2809 JanuaryDecember 20132012 || Roshar || RealmaticWorld || HonorHighstorm || 617.9208 || || {'HonorOdium': 13, 'Almighty': 6, 'Voidbind': 13, 'Future': 6, 'Kaladin': 5, 'Glyph': 109}
| {{TheoryTag|BronzeSilver}} || {{17s|28572626|Theory:Void TheMonsters Oathpactare grantedSummoned Odiumby Honor'sHumans powerand can be Permamently Destroyed by Shardblades}} || LightflameNepene || 2630 JanuaryNovember 20132012 || Roshar || CharacterWorld || OdiumUnmade || 1417.2375 || Location, || {'OdiumUnmade': 3010, 'OathpactThunderclast': 233, 'HonorVoidbringer': 258}
| {{TheoryTag|Crude}} || {{17s|28372625|ShardsHalf Shard's and theShadplate's Oathpactability (theoriesto andBlock spoilersShardblades abound)is Accidental.}} || ThePledgeJosiah Bills || 2230 JanuaryNovember 20132012 || RosharCosmere || Realmatic || ShardShardblade || 94.1334 || || {'Odium': 8, 'OathpactShardblade': 12, 'HonorShardplate': 7, 'Shard': 1610}
| {{TheoryTag|SilverStar}} || {{17s|28122587|Theory-ish: SurgesSpren as related to SprenForms}} || Turos StonewardKurkistan || 1815 JanuaryNovember 20132012 || RosharCosmere || Realmatic || SprenForms || 1528.0136 || Proven || {'LashingRealm': 811, 'SprenForms': 2230, 'SurgeSpren': 1427}
| {{TheoryTag|BronzeSilver}} || {{17s|28112575|Theory:The KaladinParshendi triggeredare theHonor-made nextAdaptive DesolationServants}} || DrosNepene || 1811 JanuaryNovember 20132012 || Roshar || World || DesolationParshendi || 1216.8310 || || {'IdealParshendi': 919, 'DesolationSpren': 247, 'HeraldOdium': 106, 'KaladinHonor': 1217}
| {{TheoryTag|Silver}} || {{17s|26702551|Theory:That TheOne 30Guy magicIsn't systems are actually 10.Nohadon}} || Josiah BillsLightflame || 1403 DecemberNovember 2012 || CosmereRoshar || RealmaticCharacter || Magic SystemNohadon || 526.7422 || || {'Voidbind': 8, 'Magic SystemNohadon': 1539}
| {{TheoryTag|Star}} || {{17s|26552352|Theory.The Stormwardensnature areof Odium'sVoidbringers and the VoidbindersDesolations}} || NepeneLightflame || 0915 DecemberSeptember 2012 || Roshar || RealmaticWorld || VoidbindVoidbringer || 277.0824 || Topic, || {'OdiumDesolation': 13, 'Almighty': 6, 'VoidbindVoidbringer': 13, 'Future': 6, 'Kaladin': 5, 'GlyphStormlight': 912}
| {{TheoryTag|SilverBronze}} || {{17s|48432350|DualShards Shardbladesin the North}} || SerendipityLightflame || 1514 DecemberSeptember 20132012 || Cosmere || Realmatic || RealmaticShardblade || 1911.4094 || Topic, || {'Realm': 7, 'Realmatic': 7, 'SpiritwebShardblade': 717}
| {{TheoryTag|Silver}} || {{17s|2626|Theory: Void monsters are summoned by humans and can be permamently destroyed by shardblades.}} || Nepene || 30 November 2012 || Roshar || Realmatic || Thunderclast || 17.75 || Location, || {'Breath': 1, 'Thunderclast': 3, 'Spinner': 2, 'Desolation': 2, 'Mistborn': 1, 'Investiture': 1, 'Radiant': 1, 'Spiritual': 2, 'Herald': 1, 'Voidbringer': 2, 'Way of Kings': 1, 'Copper': 1, 'Midnight Mother': 1, 'Dawnshard': 1, 'Essence': 2, 'Stormlight': 1, 'Vin': 2, 'Shard': 1, 'Sel': 1}
| {{TheoryTag|Crude}} || {{17s|26252334|Theory:How HalfGavilar Shard'sgot andthe Shadplate'sEvil abilitySphere toof block shardblades is accidental.Doom}} || Josiah BillsLightflame || 3010 NovemberSeptember 2012 || CosmereRoshar || RealmaticCharacter || ShardGavilar || 49.3416 || || {'ShardNightwatcher': 7, 'Gavilar': 1220}
| {{TheoryTag|Star}} || {{17s|25872311|Spren as Forms *TES Spoilers*are...}} || KurkistanLightflame || 1504 NovemberSeptember 2012 || CosmereRoshar || RealmaticWorld || FormsSpren || 283.3668 || Disproven || {'RealmSyl': 115, 'FormsSpren': 3015, 'SprenRadiant': 278}
| {{TheoryTag|SilverStar}} || {{17s|25752309|Theory. The pashendi are Honor made adaptiveKaladin's servantsRock}} || NepeneLightflame || 1104 NovemberSeptember 2012 || Roshar || RealmaticCharacter || HonorKaladin || 1625.1063 || || {'Forms': 7, 'Spren': 7, 'Odium': 610, 'HonorKaladin': 1719}
| {{TheoryTag|CrudeSilver}} || {{17s|25672276|GavilarWho assassinationare theorythe Voidbringers?}} || StormfatherJamesW || 0728 NovemberAugust 2012 || Roshar || CharacterWorld || GavilarVoidbringer || 219.8209 || || {'GavilarVoidbringer': 1123}
| {{TheoryTag|Silver}} || {{17s|2551|Theory: That One Guy Isn't Nohadon}} || Lightflame || 03 November 2012 || Roshar || Character || Nohadon || 26.22 || || {'Nohadon': 39}
| || {{17s|2372|Theory: Heralds, Shards & Shardblades}} || hogiewan || 21 September 2012 || Roshar || World || Herald || 8.06 || || {'Herald': 17, 'Shard': 15}
| || {{17s|2352|Theory: The nature of Voidbringes and the Desolations}} || Lightflame || 15 September 2012 || Roshar || World || Voidbringer || 7.24 || Topic, || {'Desolation': 13, 'Voidbringer': 13, 'Stormlight': 12}
| {{TheoryTag|Bronze}} || {{17s|2350|Theory: Shards in the North}} || Lightflame || 14 September 2012 || Cosmere || Realmatic || Shard || 11.94 || || {'Shard': 17}
| || {{17s|2334|Theory: How Gavilar got the Evil Sphere of Doom}} || Lightflame || 10 September 2012 || Roshar || Character || Gavilar || 9.16 || || {'Nightwatcher': 7, 'Gavilar': 20}
| || {{17s|2311|Theory: Spren are...}} || Lightflame || 04 September 2012 || Roshar || World || Spren || 4.68 || || {'Syl': 5, 'Spren': 15, 'Radiant': 8}
| {{TheoryTag|Star}} || {{17s|2309|Theory: Kaladin's Rock}} || Lightflame || 04 September 2012 || Roshar || Character || Kaladin || 25.63 || || {'Spren': 10, 'Kaladin': 19}
| {{TheoryTag|Silver}} || {{17s|2276|Theory: Who are the Voidbringers?}} || JamesW || 28 August 2012 || Roshar || World || Voidbringer || 19.09 || || {'Voidbringer': 23}
| {{TheoryTag|Bronze}} || {{17s|2120|Ardentia conspiracy theory}} || Roamer || 17 July 2012 || Roshar || World || Ardent || 11.26 || || {'Ardent': 23}
| {{TheoryTag|Silver}} || {{17s|2072|Theories: Hoid and Syl}} || TravelLog || 30 June 2012 || Cosmere || Character || Syl || 1512.67 || || {'Shard': 11, 'Syl': 18, 'Hoid': 17, 'Kaladin': 6}
| {{TheoryTag|Silver}} || {{17s|1962|Theory: Szeth was a Stone Shaman}} || Telcontar || 20 May 2012 || Roshar || Character || Szeth || 30.61 || || {'Stone Shaman': 35, 'Szeth': 37}
| {{TheoryTag|Silver}} || {{17s|1903|Theory: Danlan is more than she appears}} || lil_literalist || 30 April 2012 || Roshar || Character || Adolin || 18.00 || || {'Adolin': 13, 'Sadeas': 7, 'Dalinar': 7, 'Kaladin': 6}
| {{TheoryTag|Crude}} || {{17s|1762|Theory: The soulcaster was a fake!}} || Voidus || 22 March 2012 || Roshar || Realmatic || Soulcast || 2.58 || || {'Soulcast': 13}
| {{TheoryTag|Crude}} || {{17s|1747|Theory: Baxil's Mistress}} || name_here || 20 March 2012 || Roshar || World || Scadrial || 3.56 || Location, || {'Tineye': 1, 'Roshar': 2, 'Radiant': 1, 'Scadrial': 3, 'Colour': 1, 'Alethi': 1, 'Herald': 1, 'Shalash': 2, 'Stormlight': 1, 'Vin': 2}
| {{TheoryTag|Bronze}} || {{17s|1548|The Second Most Baseless Parshendi Theory!}} || Vortaan || 24 January 2012 || Roshar || World || Parshendi || 9.72 || Location, || {'Parshmen': 6, 'Parshendi': 18, 'Sel': 12}
| {{TheoryTag|Silver}} || {{17s|1547|Wild, unfounded Shin theory (spoilers)}} || tipbruley || 24 January 2012 || Roshar || Character || Szeth || 1613.17 || Category, || {'Truthless': 3, 'Szeth': 9}
| {{TheoryTag|Crude}} || {{17s|14821473|OathpactA Theory about the Nightwatcher}} || name_hereEri || 0806 January 2012 || Roshar || World || OathpactNightwatcher || 38.2648 || || {'Honor': 5, 'Odium': 6, 'OathpactNightwatcher': 1213}
| || {{17s|14731361|A theoryNew aboutCurse the NightwatcherTheory}} || EriReaderAt2046 || 0613 JanuaryDecember 20122011 || Roshar || WorldCharacter || NightwatcherDalinar || 94.4890 || || {'Adolin': 3, 'Nightwatcher': 133, 'Dalinar': 7, 'Renarin': 4}
| {{TheoryTag|Star}} || {{17s|14621351|SeveralSunmaker TheoriesChanged Vorin Theology}} || Lantern13Aoibheann || 0412 JanuaryDecember 20122011 || Roshar || CharacterWorld || ShinovarVorin || 2711.9884 || Topic, || {'Odium': 2, 'Tanavast': 4, 'Nightwatcher': 4, 'Stormfather': 2, 'Truthless': 3, 'Herald': 3, 'Jezrien': 3, 'Honor': 6, 'Shinovar': 6, 'Vin': 2, 'Shard': 4, 'Kaladin': 2, 'SzethVorin': 311}
| {{TheoryTag|Silver}} || {{17s|13721332|Taravangian, desolations, and the cosmere: thoughts, speculation, and theories. Shardplate *potentiallyAccount spoilerish*Settings}} || Lamguinname_here || 1510 December 2011 || Roshar || WorldCharacter || DesolationRadiant || 12.16.71 || Location, || {'CosmereLashing': 143, 'DesolationRadiant': 189, 'TaravangianDalinar': 117, 'SpeculationSzeth': 104}
| {{TheoryTag|Bronze}} || {{17s|13611328|ATheory Newabout Curse Theory.Shardblades}} || ReaderAt2046FireArcadia || 1310 December 2011 || Roshar || CharacterRealmatic || DalinarShardblade || 411.9079 || || {'AdolinShardblade': 316, 'NightwatcherRadiant': 34, 'DalinarSpiritual': 7, 'Renarin': 46}
| {{TheoryTag|StarBronze}} || {{17s|13511265|Theory: Sunmaker Changed VorinThe TheologyRecreance}} || Aoibheannhoser || 1226 DecemberNovember 2011 || Roshar || World || VorinRecreance || 219.8457 || || {'VorinDesolation': 8, 'Recreance': 1113}
| {{TheoryTag|Bronze}} || {{17s|13421259|YetDalinar anothervisits theorythe onspiritual why Syl hates Sharbladesrealm}} || dj26792FireArcadia || 1124 DecemberNovember 2011 || RosharCosmere || CharacterRealmatic || SylRealm || 511.0077 || Topic, || {'SylRealm': 1114, 'Dalinar': 14, 'Spiritual': 411}
| {{TheoryTag|SilverBronze}} || {{17s|13321207|Theory:The ShardplateParshmen Accountare SettingsNOT (spoilers)Voidbringers}} || name_herepmj812 || 1017 DecemberNovember 2011 || Roshar || CharacterWorld || RadiantVoidbringer || 2011.1690 || || {'LashingParshmen': 313, 'RadiantJasnah': 95, 'DalinarDesolation': 8, 'Radiant': 75, 'SzethVoidbringer': 415}
| {{TheoryTag|BronzeSilver}} || {{17s|13281076|TheoryMost aboutBaseless Parshendi Theory ShardbladesEver}} || FireArcadiaChicken || 1031 DecemberOctober 2011 || Roshar || RealmaticWorld || SpiritualParshendi || 1113.7946 || Disproven || {'Radiant': 4, 'SylParshendi': 337, 'Dalinar': 217, 'SpiritualSel': 613}
| {{TheoryTag|CrudeBronze}} || {{17s|13001071|MyA Parshendilittle parshendi Theorytheory}} || IlidsorLord Of Nothing || 0330 DecemberOctober 2011 || Roshar || World || Parshendi || 110.8018 || || {'Parshendi': 1314, 'Radiant': 5}
| {{TheoryTag|Bronze}} || {{17s|1265839|Theory:Spren TheVisibility Recreancethrough (Spoilers)Records}} || hoserulyssessword || 2606 NovemberSeptember 2011 || Roshar || World || RecreanceSpren || 915.5739 || || {'Desolation': 8, 'RecreanceSpren': 1330}
| {{TheoryTag|Bronze}} || {{17s|1259807|Theory: Dalinar visits the spiritualon realmShardplate/Shardblades}} || FireArcadiab4dave || 2431 NovemberAugust 2011 || CosmereRoshar || Realmatic || RealmShardblade || 116.7793 || TopicLocation, || {'RealmSplinter': 2, 'Honor': 144, 'DalinarShardplate': 142, 'SpiritualShardblade': 112}
| {{TheoryTag|Bronze}} || {{17s|1207714|Theory:Renarin's Theillness Parshmenis area NOT VoidbringersCurse}} || pmj812Aashyma || 1721 NovemberAugust 2011 || Roshar || WorldCharacter || VoidbringerRenarin || 113.9092 || Location, || {'ParshmenNightwatcher': 131, 'JasnahYm': 51, 'DesolationDalinar': 82, 'RadiantRenarin': 53, 'VoidbringerSel': 151}
| {{TheoryTag|SilverBronze}} || {{17s|1076670|MostWhat Baselesshappened Parshendito Theory EverHonor}} || ChickenSpook || 3128 OctoberJuly 2011 || Roshar || WorldRealmatic || ParshendiHonor || 1912.4606 || Location, Disproven || {'ParshendiOdium': 376, 'DalinarHonor': 17, 'SelShard': 6, 'Kaladin': 1310}
| {{TheoryTag|Bronze}} || {{17s|1071630|ASoulcasters littleand parshendi theory.Surgebinders}} || Lord Of NothingEri || 30 OctoberJune 2011 || Roshar || WorldRealmatic || ParshendiSoulcast || 1013.1819 || Disproven || {'Parshendi': 14, 'RadiantSoulcast': 519}
| {{TheoryTag|Bronze}} || {{17s|886|Fabrials and Surgebinders theory}} || Satsuoni || 16 September 2011 || Roshar || Realmatic || Spren || 10.77 || || {'Fabrial': 12, 'Spren': 20}
| {{TheoryTag|Bronze}} || {{17s|839|Spren Theory: Visibility through Records}} || ulyssessword || 06 September 2011 || Roshar || World || Spren || 12.39 || || {'Spren': 30}
| || {{17s|807|Theory on Shardplate/Shardblades (Possible Spoilers)}} || b4dave || 31 August 2011 || Roshar || Realmatic || Honor || 6.93 || Location, || {'Splinter': 2, 'Honor': 4, 'Shard': 2}
| {{TheoryTag|Bronze}} || {{17s|758|Some new theories... *spoilers*}} || Jaconis || 25 August 2011 || Roshar || Realmatic || Essence || 10.68 || || {'Shard': 3, 'Syl': 2, 'Spren': 3, 'Sadeas': 4, 'Honor': 3, 'Origin': 2, 'Essence': 6}
| || {{17s|714|Small Theory (Spoiler)}} || Aashyma || 21 August 2011 || Roshar || Character || Renarin || 6.92 || Location, || {'Nightwatcher': 1, 'Ym': 1, 'Dalinar': 2, 'Renarin': 3, 'Sel': 1}
| {{TheoryTag|Bronze}} || {{17s|670|Theory: What happened to Honor}} || Spook || 28 July 2011 || Roshar || Realmatic || Honor || 12.06 || || {'Odium': 6, 'Honor': 17, 'Shard': 6, 'Kaladin': 10}
| {{TheoryTag|Bronze}} || {{17s|630|Theory: Soulcasters and Surgebinders}} || Eri || 30 June 2011 || Roshar || Realmatic || Soulcast || 13.19 || || {'Soulcast': 19}
| || {{17s|606|Theory about Gavilar}} || Shawn Hargreaves || 20 June 2011 || Roshar || Character || Gavilar || 8.78 || || {'Gavilar': 15, 'Dalinar': 6}
| || {{17s|191|Theory about the Highstorms and the Planet *Spoilerish*}} || tbrickey022 || 03 October 2010 || Roshar || Realmatic || Highstorm || 7.75 || || {'Highstorm': 12}
| {{TheoryTag|Bronze}} || {{17s|147|Theory on Elhokar *SPOILERIFFIC*}} || Earendil || 19 September 2010 || Roshar || Character || Elhokar || 9.95 || || {'Soulcast': 5, 'Elhokar': 13}
| || {{17s|142121|Theories galoreJezrien}} || firstRainbowRosediscipleofhoid || 1813 September 2010 || Roshar || WorldCharacter || UrithiruJezrien || 56.4620 || Topic, || {'Roshar': 1, 'Hrathen': 1, 'Urithiru': 1, 'Elantris': 1, 'Religion': 1, 'Shinovar': 1, 'AxiesJezrien': 113}
| || {{17s|121|Theory: Jezrien -- *spoilers*}} || discipleofhoid || 13 September 2010 || Roshar || Character || Jezrien || 6.20 || || {'Jezrien': 13}
| || {{17s|117|Eero's Crazy Theories: soulcasting and you}} || Eerongal || 13 September 2010 || Roshar || Realmatic || Soulcast || 6.60 || || {'Soulcast': 15}
==Class 2==


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