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! !! Theory Name !! Author !! Date !! Location !! Category !! Topic !! Score !! Review !! TopicList
| {{TheoryTag|Crude}} || {{17s|23838690|Q&AChildren withAre BrandonThe SandersonBest Users Of Magic In The Cosmere}} || RubixHigh prince of geeks || 2321 SeptemberMay 20122014 || RosharCosmere || World || NumerologyMagic Systems || 52.1324 || Category, Topic, Disproven || {'Honor':Magic 1, 'NumerologySystems': 13}
| {{TheoryTag|Star}} || {{17s|18948129|QuestionRhythms andin Answerthe Cosmere}} || zas678Terisen || 2618 AprilMay 20122014 || Cosmere || World || SplinterMusic || 624.8334 || Category, Topic, || {'CosmereRealm': 15, 'SplinterMusic': 18, 'Sliver': 1, 'Hoid': 1, 'ShardCosmere': 114, 'EndingCognitive': 15}
| {{TheoryTag|Crude}} || {{17s|8695|Are Humans differnt in seperate shardworlds?}} || High prince of geeks || 21 May 2014 || Roshar || Realmatic || Shard || 1.96 || || {'Ruin': 1, 'Ideal': 1, 'Cultivation': 1, 'Honor': 1, 'Shard': 2, 'Preservation': 1, 'Ardent': 1}
| {{TheoryTag|Crude}} || {{17s|8694|Are all shards equaly powerfull}} || High prince of geeks || 21 May 2014 || Roshar || Realmatic || Shard || 4.24 || Location, || {'Honor': 5, 'Spren': 8, 'Shard': 13}
| {{TheoryTag|Crude}} || {{17s|8690|Children are the best users of magic in the cosmerse}} || High prince of geeks || 21 May 2014 || Sel || World || Sel || 2.24 || Category, Topic, Location, || {'Cosmere': 1, 'Aon': 1, 'Breeze': 1, 'Forgery': 1, 'Awakening': 1, 'Sel': 1}
| || {{17s|8679|Random Thoughts}} || PrinceCatel || 21 May 2014 || Cosmere || Realmatic || Cosmere || 9.22 || || {'Ruin': 2, 'Forgery': 3, 'Cosmere': 4, 'Returned': 3, 'Worldhopping': 2, 'Vasher': 2}
| {{TheoryTag|Crude}} || {{17s|8536|Deshattering shard}} || High prince of geeks || 20 May 2014 || Cosmere || Realmatic || Shard || 1.42 || || {'Shattering': 10, 'Shard': 12}
| {{TheoryTag|Star}} || {{17s|8129|Rhythms in the Cosmere}} || Terisen || 18 May 2014 || Cosmere || World || Cosmere || 24.34 || || {'Realm': 5, 'Music': 8, 'Cosmere': 14, 'Cognitive': 5}
| {{TheoryTag|Crude}} || {{17s|8117|Do all magic users have to have a broken soul?}} || snote || 18 May 2014 || Cosmere || Realmatic || Spiritual || 3.04 || Topic, || {'Realm': 1, 'Investiture': 1, 'Mistborn': 1, 'Spiritual': 1, 'Shard': 1}
| || {{17s|8112|Mistborn and FTL}} || Link || 17 May 2014 || Scadrial || World || FTL || 4.51 || || {'FTL': 12, 'Mistborn': 10}
| || {{17s|8104|Honorblades have two forms}} || Ketek || 17 May 2014 || Cosmere || Realmatic || Forms || 6.50 || || {'Forms': 11}
| {{TheoryTag|Crude}} || {{17s|80818069|IsGold Blushweaverand aEsscence Herald?Marks}} || GavynThe CollierJa || 1514 May 2014 || RosharCosmere || WorldRealmatic || HeraldForgery || 14.2412 || Category, Topic, Location, || {'BlushweaverGold': 12, 'Herald': 1219}
| {{TheoryTag|Crude}} || {{17s|80697996|GoldInvestiture and- EsscenceWhy Marksdo Shards Invest}} || The JaSwimmingly || 1409 May 2014 || ScadrialCosmere || Realmatic || GoldInvestiture || 3.1248 || || {'GoldInvestiture': 1914}
| {{TheoryTag|Silver}} || {{17s|80527931|Hoid's HonorbladeStarsouls}} || Blassphamyskaa || 1305 May 2014 || Cosmere || CharacterRealmatic || HoidStars || 416.5388 || || {'HoidCosmere': 5, 'Dalinar': 2, 'Spiritual': 126, 'HeraldShard': 4}
| {{TheoryTag|Crude}} || {{17s|80207898|RosharanCosmere History (not totally serious)Addicts}} || MegShardmancer || 1102 May 2014 || RosharCosmere || World || RosharAddiction || 34.7320 || Topic, || {'RosharCosmere': 11, 'HistoryAddiction': 1112}
| {{TheoryTag|CrudeBronze}} || {{17s|79967870|Investiture - WhatCosmere doesAnd itQuantum mean?Cosmology}} || SwimminglyEmpyrus || 0930 MayApril 2014 || Cosmere || Realmatic || InvestiturePhysic || 39.4858 || || {'InvestitureAllomancy': 5, 'Atium': 4, 'Cosmere': 12, 'Savant': 5, 'Feruchemy': 5, 'Gold': 144}
| {{TheoryTag|Crude}} || {{17s|79947813|CosmereHoid's Timelinereal name is...}} || lyhtBreathTaker || 0927 MayApril 2014 || Cosmere || WorldJoke || CosmereHoid || 13.8008 || || {'CosmereHoid': 1012}
| || {{17s|7993|Can you Drop a Shard?}} || Hello. My name is Joe || 09 May 2014 || Cosmere || Realmatic || Shard || 5.01 || || {'Shard': 24}
| {{TheoryTag|Crude}} || {{17s|7961|Lifeless Mistborn}} || Mailliw73 || 07 May 2014 || Scadrial || Realmatic || Mistborn || 2.24 || Topic, Location, || {'Mistborn': 11, 'Lifeless': 11}
| {{TheoryTag|Crude}} || {{17s|7958|A question...}} || b4dave || 07 May 2014 || Nalthis || Realmatic || Lifeless || 3.03 || || {'Lifeless': 1}
| || {{17s|7949|Does Nale Really Believe...}} || DSC01 || 06 May 2014 || Roshar || Character || Darkness || 5.05 || || {'Darkness': 11, 'Desolation': 8}
| || {{17s|7944|The Biggest RAFO}} || Kobold King || 06 May 2014 || Roshar || World || Braize || 7.85 || Location, || {'Braize': 8, 'Hoid': 3}
| {{TheoryTag|Silver}} || {{17s|7931|Starsouls}} || skaa || 05 May 2014 || Cosmere || Realmatic || Spiritual || 16.88 || || {'Cosmere': 5, 'Dalinar': 2, 'Spiritual': 6, 'Shard': 4}
| {{TheoryTag|Crude}} || {{17s|7930|Overpowered Combos}} || Leftinch || 05 May 2014 || Roshar || Realmatic || Stance || 2.44 || Topic, || {'Allomancy': 1, 'Lightweaving': 1, 'Stance': 1, 'Magic System': 1, 'Skybreaker': 1, 'Shard': 1}
| {{TheoryTag|Crude}} || {{17s|7898|Cosmere Addicts}} || Shardmancer || 02 May 2014 || Cosmere || World || Cosmere || 4.20 || || {'Cosmere': 11}
| {{TheoryTag|Bronze}} || {{17s|7870|Cosmere and quantum cosmology, and other musings.}} || Empyrus || 30 April 2014 || Scadrial || Realmatic || Cosmere || 9.58 || Location, || {'Allomancy': 5, 'Atium': 4, 'Cosmere': 12, 'Savant': 5, 'Feruchemy': 5, 'Gold': 4}
| || {{17s|7853|Statistical RAFOgraphy}} || Shaggai || 29 April 2014 || Scadrial || Character || Vin || 9.27 || || {'Origin': 1, 'Vin': 2}
| {{TheoryTag|Crude}} || {{17s|7817|Awakened Spike Hemalurgy}} || Stalagmite || 27 April 2014 || Scadrial || Realmatic || Hemalurgy || 1.20 || || {'Hemalurgy': 16, 'Awakening': 6}
| {{TheoryTag|Crude}} || {{17s|7813|Hoid's real name is...}} || BreathTaker || 27 April 2014 || Cosmere || Character || Hoid || 3.08 || || {'Hoid': 12}
| {{TheoryTag|Crude}} || {{17s|7811|soulcast some god metal}} || moejarv || 27 April 2014 || Roshar || Realmatic || Soulcast || 2.30 || || {'Soulcast': 11, 'God Metal': 10}
| {{TheoryTag|Crude}} || {{17s|7802|How Hoid Moves Forward in Time}} || Stalagmite || 26 April 2014 || Cosmere || Character || Hoid || 2.80 || || {'Allomancy': 9, 'Hoid': 19, 'Feruchemy': 8}
| || {{17s|77927776|DNAMega questionMagic Crossover}} || ArinLiquidBlue || 2624 April 2014 || Cosmere || Realmatic || CosmereMagic Systems || 57.2170 || || {'CosmereShard': 36, 'MistbornForgery': 18, 'PhysicAllomancy': 16, 'HoidAon': 110, 'CognitiveInvestiture': 18, 'SpiritualMistborn': 24, 'Magic SystemSurge': 16, '17thSeon': 5, Shard'Feruchemy': 110, 'ShardEssence': 14}
| {{TheoryTag|Crude}} || {{17s|7789|Hemalurgy and Returned}} || Vortaan || 25 April 2014 || Scadrial || Realmatic || Returned || 1.50 || Topic, Location, || {'Hemalurgy': 12, 'Returned': 12}
| || {{17s|7776|Mega Magic Crossover}} || LiquidBlue || 24 April 2014 || Sel || Realmatic || Feruchemy || 7.70 || Topic, || {'Shard': 6, 'Forgery': 8, 'Allomancy': 6, 'Aon': 10, 'Investiture': 8, 'Mistborn': 4, 'Surge': 6, 'Seon': 5, 'Feruchemy': 10, 'Essence': 4}
| || {{17s|7774|Hemalurgy on Sel}} || DSC01 || 24 April 2014 || Sel || Realmatic || Hemalurgy || 5.90 || || {'Hemalurgy': 13, 'Forgery': 5, 'Sel': 11}
| {{TheoryTag|Crude}} || {{17s|77707753|nicrosilTanavast's compounders.Creation Of The Honorblades}} || KelvinMatrim Bloody Cauthon || 2423 April 2014 || ScadrialRoshar || RealmaticCharacter || NicrosilTanavast || 18.3853 || Disproven || {'NicrosilTanavast': 13}
| {{TheoryTag|Crude}} || {{17s|77607746|BestPowering andSurgebinding Worstwith inother Cosmereforms of Investiture}} || ShardmancerLiquidBlue || 2423 April 2014 || Cosmere || WorldRealmatic || CosmereInvestiture || 25.5606 || Topic, || {'CosmereInvestiture': 10, 'Breath': 6, 'Stormlight': 4}
| {{TheoryTag|Crude}} || {{17s|77557719|whereHoid wereis thesomehow tranquilinebanned hallsfrom harming people}} || Matrim Bloody Cauthonshawnhargreaves || 2322 April 2014 || RosharCosmere || WorldCharacter || Tranquiline HallHoid || 45.2478 || || {'Tranquiline HallHoid': 1311}
| || {{17s|7753|tanavast's creation of the honorblades}} || Matrim Bloody Cauthon || 23 April 2014 || Roshar || Character || Tanavast || 8.53 || || {'Tanavast': 13}
| {{TheoryTag|Crude}} || {{17s|7746|WOR Spoilers - Powering Surgebinding with other forms of Investiture}} || LiquidBlue || 23 April 2014 || Cosmere || Realmatic || Investiture || 3.06 || Topic, || {'Forms': 10, 'Investiture': 10, 'Breath': 6, 'Stormlight': 4}
| || {{17s|7719|Hoid is somehow banned from harming people?}} || shawnhargreaves || 22 April 2014 || Cosmere || Character || Hoid || 5.78 || || {'Hoid': 11}
| || {{17s|7712|Nightblood is essentially a minor Shard}} || Ketek || 21 April 2014 || Nalthis || Character || Nightblood || 8.13 || || {'Shard': 12, 'Nightblood': 19}
| {{TheoryTag|CrudeStar}} || {{17s|76897688|HoodMeasuring withthe breath.Chronology ..of the Cosmere by Technology}} || BlassphamyTempus || 19 April 2014 || NalthisCosmere || RealmaticWorld || BreathChronology || 143.0299 || Location, Location, || {'BreathRoshar': 10, 'Cosmere': 13, 'Iron': 6, 'Chronology': 11, 'Sel': 6, 'Technology': 18}
| {{TheoryTag|StarCrude}} || {{17s|76887665|MeasuringShadesmar(t)! theThe greatest shopping Chronologycenter ofin the Cosmere by Technology!}} || TempusRShara || 1918 April 2014 || Cosmere || WorldJoke || TechnologyShadesmar || 435.9964 || Location, Location, || {'Roshar': 10, 'Cosmere': 13, 'Iron': 6, 'Chronology': 1116, 'SelSpren': 6, 'TechnologyShadesmar': 18}
| {{TheoryTag|Crude}} || {{17s|76657638|Shadesmar(t)!Shardblades and The greatest shopping center in the Cosmere!Investiture}} || RSharaJamesTanm || 1816 April 2014 || RosharCosmere || WorldRealmatic || ShadesmarShardblade || 18.6497 || Location, || {'CosmereInvestiture': 1619, 'SprenShardblade': 6, 'Shadesmar': 1822}
| {{TheoryTag|Crude}} || {{17s|76437479|CosmereChampion Easter Egg Round Upof...Preservation?}} || WEZ313Quiver || 1709 April 2014 || CosmereScadrial || WorldPlot || CosmereChampion || 34.6989 || Location, Location, Location, || {'Roshar': 6, 'Cosmere': 18, 'Scadrial': 6, 'HoidChampion': 612, 'SelPreservation': 611}
| {{TheoryTag|Silver}} || {{17s|76387403|ShardbladesAdonalsium - is that really the andbest Investiturename?}} || JamesTanmViper || 1604 April 2014 || Cosmere || RealmaticCharacter || InvestitureAdonalsium || 811.9756 || || {'InvestitureAdonalsium': 19}
| || {{17s|76377365|WhatFelt happensthe if you Burn a Spike?Worldhopper}} || JamesTanmPower || 1602 April 2014 || ScadrialCosmere || RealmaticCharacter || AllomancyFelt || 59.4414 || || {'Allomancy': 8, 'FeruchemyWorldhopping': 317}
| {{TheoryTag|Crude}} || {{17s|76157363|WhatShardpool Can the Shards Do?Locations}} || M'Haelsemper_sursum || 1502 April 2014 || CosmereSel || Realmatic || Shard || 28.4266 || || {'ShardRuin': 8, 'Cultivation': 8, 'Roshar': 7, 'Nalthis': 7, 'Scadrial': 7, 'Dominion': 8, 'Honor': 8, 'Devotion': 8, 'Shardpool': 14, 'Preservation': 8, 'Sel': 7, 'Endowment': 127}
| {{TheoryTag|Crude}} || {{17s|75597323|QuestionsYolen Aboutwas the Surgesfirst}} || M'Haelred032 || 1231 AprilMarch 2014 || RosharYolen || RealmaticPlot || SurgeMigration || 15.8836 || || {'SurgeShattering': 146}
| {{TheoryTag|Crude}} || {{17s|75417306|Sliver/SplinterPlanets}} || IslingtonQuiver || 1130 AprilMarch 2014 || Cosmere || RealmaticWorld || SplinterShardworld || 14.8609 || Topic, || {'SliverRoshar': 111, 'SplinterCosmere': 111, 'Nalthis': 1, 'Mistborn': 1, 'Braize': 1, 'Ars Arcanum': 1, 'Shardworld': 10, 'Sel': 1}
| {{TheoryTag|Crude}} || {{17s|7523|What void are the Voidbringers bringing?}} || Arin || 11 April 2014 || Roshar || World || Voidbringer || 0.74 || || {'Voidbringer': 11}
| || {{17s|7509|Did they choose their Shards?}} || Kelvin || 10 April 2014 || Cosmere || Realmatic || Shard || 8.59 || || {'Shard': 22}
| {{TheoryTag|Crude}} || {{17s|7506|The Three Laws of Hoid}} || aeromancer || 10 April 2014 || Cosmere || Character || Hoid || 4.47 || || {'Hoid': 14}
| || {{17s|7479|Champion of...Preservation?}} || Quiver || 09 April 2014 || Cosmere || Realmatic || Champion || 4.89 || || {'Champion': 12, 'Preservation': 11}
| {{TheoryTag|Crude}} || {{17s|7448|Cosmere is like CrossGen}} || Derrific || 07 April 2014 || Cosmere || World || Cosmere || 0.54 || || {'Cosmere': 10}
| {{TheoryTag|Crude}} || {{17s|7445|spiking a god}} || ninch || 06 April 2014 || Scadrial || Realmatic || Hemalurgy || 1.18 || || {'Hemalurgy': 6, 'Shard': 2}
| {{TheoryTag|Crude}} || {{17s|7429|Why is Roshar the shape of a storm?}} || Arin || 06 April 2014 || Roshar || World || Roshar || 1.58 || || {'Roshar': 13}
| {{TheoryTag|Crude}} || {{17s|7428|Roshar "solar"system?}} || Arin || 06 April 2014 || Roshar || World || Roshar || 3.68 || || {'Roshar': 13}
| {{TheoryTag|Silver}} || {{17s|7403|Adonalsium - is that really the best name?}} || Viper || 04 April 2014 || Cosmere || Realmatic || Adonalsium || 15.56 || || {'Adonalsium': 19}
| || {{17s|7396|Heralds and Shardblades}} || Herald of Harmony || 03 April 2014 || Roshar || World || Herald || 5.24 || || {'Herald': 13}
| {{TheoryTag|Crude}} || {{17s|7389|Units of Investiture?}} || Shumei || 03 April 2014 || Cosmere || Realmatic || Investiture || 3.84 || || {'Investiture': 14}
| {{TheoryTag|Crude}} || {{17s|7387|Hoid with breath?}} || Adolin || 03 April 2014 || Cosmere || Character || Hoid || 1.40 || || {'Breath': 17, 'Hoid': 18}
| || {{17s|7365|Felt the Worldhopper}} || Power || 02 April 2014 || Cosmere || Realmatic || Worldhopping || 9.14 || || {'Worldhopping': 17}
| || {{17s|7363|Shardpool Locations}} || semper_sursum || 02 April 2014 || Sel || Realmatic || Shard || 8.66 || Location, Location, Location, Location, || {'Ruin': 8, 'Cultivation': 8, 'Roshar': 7, 'Nalthis': 7, 'Scadrial': 7, 'Dominion': 8, 'Honor': 8, 'Devotion': 8, 'Shard': 14, 'Preservation': 8, 'Sel': 7, 'Endowment': 7}
| || {{17s|7323|Yolen was the first?}} || red032 || 31 March 2014 || Cosmere || Realmatic || Magic System || 5.36 || || {'Realm': 6, 'Realmatic': 6, 'Magic System': 8, 'Origin': 4}
| {{TheoryTag|Crude}} || {{17s|7306|Planets}} || Quiver || 30 March 2014 || Roshar || World || Sel || 4.09 || Topic, Location, Location, Location, || {'Roshar': 1, 'Cosmere': 1, 'Nalthis': 1, 'Mistborn': 1, 'Braize': 1, 'Ars Arcanum': 1, 'Ardent': 1, 'Sel': 1}
| || {{17s|7278|Possible early hint regarding Realmatics}} || trendkill || 28 March 2014 || Cosmere || Realmatic || Realm || 7.13 || || {'Realm': 11, 'Realmatic': 10}
| {{TheoryTag|Crude}} || {{17s|7245|Sazed's Future}} || Lightning || 27 March 2014 || Scadrial || Character || Sazed || 4.24 || || {'Sazed': 13, 'Future': 10}
| {{TheoryTag|Crude}} || {{17s|7206|What exactly is Nightblood? (WoR spoilers inside)}} || menacekop || 26 March 2014 || Nalthis || Character || Nightblood || 4.23 || || {'Nightblood': 11}
| || {{17s|7187|Hoid's Ultimate Aim}} || SpankyMacMuffin || 25 March 2014 || Cosmere || Character || Hoid || 8.67 || || {'Hoid': 22}
| {{TheoryTag|Crude}} || {{17s|71817128|SPOILER-The questionEnd onof the hoed...Cosmere}} || Sirscott13Lightflame || 2523 March 2014 || Cosmere || RealmaticPlot || ShardBooks || 48.3617 || || {'Aon': 1, 'Hoid': 1, 'Elantris': 1, 'Dor': 1, 'ShardBooks': 312}
| {{TheoryTag|Star}} || {{17s|7169|World Hopping and Sel}} || macros || 25 March 2014 || Sel || World || Sel || 19.67 || || {'Sel': 14}
| || {{17s|7128|The End of the Cosmere}} || Lightflame || 23 March 2014 || Cosmere || World || Cosmere || 8.17 || || {'Cosmere': 12}
| || {{17s|7122|*Spoilers* The many false statements of that one guy.}} || snote || 23 March 2014 || Roshar || Character || Stormfather || 8.54 || Location, || {'Ideal': 3, 'Stormfather': 5, 'Syl': 2, 'Spren': 2, 'Herald': 2, 'Kaladin': 3, 'Sel': 3}
| {{TheoryTag|Silver}} || {{17s|7115|I've figured out when Doors of Stone and The Winds of Winter are coming!}} || Lightflame || 23 March 2014 || Cosmere || Character || Hoid || 19.02 || || {'Cosmere': 3, 'Hoid': 7}
| {{TheoryTag|Crude}} || {{17s|70777122|AThe questionmany aboutfalse thestatements Weepingof (WoRthe spoilers)Stormfather}} || Vortaansnote || 2123 March 2014 || Roshar || RealmaticCharacter || StormlightStormfather || 48.0654 || || {'BreathIdeal': 3, 'StormlightStormfather': 45, 'Syl': 2, 'Spren': 2, 'Herald': 2, 'Kaladin': 3, 'Sel': 3}
| || {{17s|7044|Void Bringers Are Odium's Jailers (A hint of mindless speculation)}} || Haradion Drogon || 20 March 2014 || Roshar || CharacterPlot || Odium || 8.31 || Location, || {'Odium': 16, 'Speculation': 11}
| {{TheoryTag|Crude}} || {{17s|7007|A Second World Hopper}} || Mistborn Miah || 19 March 2014 || Roshar || RealmaticCharacter || ShadesmarJasnah || 4.41 || Category, Topic,Disproven || {'Jasnah': 3, 'Shallan': 1, 'Hoid': 1, 'Shadesmar': 3, 'Ars Arcanum': 2}
| || {{17s|6992|Transgender in the Cosmere}} || Quiver || 19 March 2014 || Cosmere || World || Cosmere || 8.12 || || {'Shai': 6, 'Cosmere': 10}
| || {{17s|6986|Cosmere Etymology}} || Quiver || 19 March 2014 || Cosmere || RealmaticWorld || CosmereLinguistic || 6.93 || || {'Cosmere': 11, 'YmLinguistic': 10}
| || {{17s|6950|Using aons to draw other magic systems}} || Sirscott13 || 17 March 2014 || Cosmere || Realmatic || Magic System || 5.78 || || {'Aon': 11, 'Magic System': 12}
| {{TheoryTag|Bronze}} || {{17s|6945|Hoid's Foresight}} || Vauric || 17 March 2014 || Cosmere || Character || Hoid || 13.56 || || {'Hoid': 21}
| {{TheoryTag|Silver}} || {{17s|69306803|Similar namesWho is a coincidence or......Khriss}} || kogsTeccam || 1713 March 2014 || RosharTaldain || Character || ZaneKhriss || 511.4911 || Topic, Location, || {'Zane': 1, 'Mraize': 1, 'Marsh': 1, 'Cosmere': 13, 'ElhokarKhriss': 113, 'SazedHoid': 15, 'ShallanNazh': 13, 'Mistborn':Ars 1, 'Kelsier': 1, 'Taravangian': 1, 'Stormlight': 1, 'Vin': 1, 'Kaladin': 1, 'SzethArcanum': 18}
| {{TheoryTag|Crude}} || {{17s|6920|Reforming Shards}} || Pinpoint || 17 March 2014 || Cosmere || Realmatic || Shard || 0.98 || || {'Shard': 12}
| || {{17s|6908|Sazed trapped Odium}} || Lurthemir || 16 March 2014 || Scadrial || Character || Sazed || 6.79 || || {'Sazed': 15, 'Odium': 10}
| || {{17s|6902|Shard Holder & World Speculation}} || athosdebro86 || 16 March 2014 || Cosmere || Realmatic || Shard || 8.32 || || {'Speculation': 10, 'Shard': 22}
| {{TheoryTag|Crude}} || {{17s|6869|Hoid's Abilities: WoR Spoilers}} || GeoffreyH || 15 March 2014 || Cosmere || Character || Hoid || 1.60 || || {'Hoid': 11}
| {{TheoryTag|Silver}} || {{17s|6803|Who is Khriss?}} || Teccam || 13 March 2014 || Cosmere || Character || Hoid || 15.11 || || {'Cosmere': 3, 'Hoid': 5, 'Nazh': 3}
| {{TheoryTag|Crude}} || {{17s|6794|On the Nature of Shardblades - Non-Roshar Native}} || Haradion Drogon || 13 March 2014 || Roshar || Realmatic || Roshar || 3.58 || || {'Roshar': 10}
| {{TheoryTag|Crude}} || {{17s|6786|Cognitive shadow question}} || CrystalBodies || 13 March 2014 || Cosmere || Realmatic || Cognitive || 2.22 || || {'Cognitive': 11}
| || {{17s|6770|Conservation of Investiture}} || Wyrmhero || 12 March 2014 || Cosmere || Realmatic || Investiture || 7.35 || || {'Investiture': 17}
| || {{17s|6697|Stormlight as fuel (Spoilers)}} || Cruxist || 11 March 2014 || Roshar || Realmatic || Stormlight || 5.13 || || {'Mistborn': 6, 'Stormlight': 16}
| {{TheoryTag|Bronze}} || {{17s|66536463|WindrunnerRoshar, Adonalsium, and the VSlinks Steelbetween Inquisitorworlds}} || CstryonRezier || 1005 March 2014 || ScadrialCosmere || RealmaticWorld || InquisitorMigration || 411.9486 || || {'SteelAdonalsium': 1115, 'WindrunnerRoshar': 1213, 'InquisitorShard': 136, 'Herald': 7}
| {{TheoryTag|CrudeSilver}} || {{17s|65946424|4thHoid Realm?Splintering}} || CrystalShadowpoww10s || 0804 March 2014 || Cosmere || RealmaticCharacter || RealmHoid || 215.7215 || || {'RealmSplinter': 1312, 'Hoid': 6}
| {{TheoryTag|Crude}} || {{17s|65856173|ANames minorOf earlyCombined WoR reveal that I thought was cool (no major spoilers ITT)Shards}} || KythisChid || 0819 MarchFebruary 2014 || RosharCosmere || WorldRealmatic || BraizeShard || 61.5372 || Location, || {'BraizeAdonalsium': 6, 'Herald': 2, 'AshynShard': 217, 'DamnationHarmony': 27}
| {{TheoryTag|Crude}} || {{17s|6569|The Letter (WoR Spoilers)}} || loganmathewjohnson || 08 March 2014 || Cosmere || Realmatic || Letter || 2.93 || || {'Letter': 12}
| || {{17s|6562|Hulk & Betrothal}} || Nait Sabes || 08 March 2014 || Cosmere || World || Cosmere || 7.74 || || {'Cosmere': 11}
| || {{17s|6557|**Spoiler** The Sword towards end of WoR **Spoiler**}} || Tybou_14 || 07 March 2014 || Roshar || World || Roshar || 5.68 || Location, Location, || {'Ruin': 1, 'Roshar': 2, 'Nightblood': 1, 'Nalthis': 1, 'Hoid': 1}
| {{TheoryTag|Crude}} || {{17s|6512|NEW SHARD!!!!!!!!!!!}} || Dawnshard || 06 March 2014 || Cosmere || Realmatic || Shard || 3.79 || || {'Shard': 21}
| {{TheoryTag|Crude}} || {{17s|6473|The great splintering}} || marianmi || 05 March 2014 || Cosmere || Realmatic || Splinter || 4.06 || || {'Splinter': 11}
| {{TheoryTag|Crude}} || {{17s|6464|Talenel'Elin's madness WOR spoilers}} || CrystalBodies || 05 March 2014 || Roshar || Character || Taln || 1.66 || || {'Herald': 6, 'Taln': 17}
| {{TheoryTag|Bronze}} || {{17s|6463|Roshar, Adonalsium, and the links between worlds}} || Rezier || 05 March 2014 || Cosmere || World || Adonalsium || 11.86 || Location, || {'Adonalsium': 15, 'Roshar': 13, 'Shard': 6, 'Herald': 7}
| || {{17s|6437|Honorblades (WoR Spoilers)}} || Chromium Compounder || 05 March 2014 || Roshar || Character || Forgery || 5.35 || Topic, || {'Forgery': 2, 'Eshonai': 2, 'Alethkar': 1, 'Spren': 1, 'Nahel': 1, 'Kaladin': 1, 'Szeth': 1}
| {{TheoryTag|Silver}} || {{17s|6424|WOR SPOILERS (just in case) Splintering}} || poww10s || 04 March 2014 || Cosmere || Realmatic || Splinter || 15.15 || || {'Splinter': 12, 'Hoid': 6}
| || {{17s|6419|Regarding Adonalsium's "opposing force" + Shadows for Silence planet name}} || Chaos || 04 March 2014 || Cosmere || Realmatic || Adonalsium || 4.97 || || {'Adonalsium': 24}
| || {{17s|6414|Nalan (WoR SPOILER)}} || Wyndrunner || 04 March 2014 || Roshar || Character || Darkness || 6.51 || || {'Darkness': 10}
| {{TheoryTag|Crude}} || {{17s|6381|Regarding Words of Radiance spoilers}} || Chaos || 03 March 2014 || Roshar || World || Words of Radiance || 3.65 || || {'Words of Radiance': 16}
| {{TheoryTag|Crude}} || {{17s|6255|What is the best Twinborn Combo?}} || freezedragon || 25 February 2014 || Scadrial || Realmatic || Twinborn || 0.54 || || {'Twinborn': 10}
| || {{17s|6204|Please explain !!!!! What is all this??}} || Alka || 22 February 2014 || Cosmere || Realmatic || Mistborn || 4.51 || || {'Adonalsium': 1, 'Cosmere': 1, 'Hoid': 1, 'Mistborn': 2, 'Worldhopping': 1, 'Copper': 1, 'Shard': 1}
| {{TheoryTag|Crude}} || {{17s|6173|Names of combined shards}} || Chid || 19 February 2014 || Cosmere || Realmatic || Shard || 1.72 || || {'Adonalsium': 6, 'Shard': 17, 'Harmony': 7}
| {{TheoryTag|Crude}} || {{17s|6170|Storing Identity with a soulstamp}} || Sirscott13 || 19 February 2014 || Cosmere || Realmatic || Identity || 3.52 || || {'Soulstamp': 10, 'Identity': 15}
| || {{17s|6160|Gravitation lashings vs feruchemical iron}} || Sirscott13 || 19 February 2014 || Scadrial || Realmatic || Lashing || 6.35 || || {'Iron': 13, 'Lashing': 15, 'Feruchemy': 11}
| {{TheoryTag|Crude}} || {{17s|6148|Hoid in the Cosmere}} || freezedragon || 18 February 2014 || Cosmere || Character || Hoid || 3.97 || || {'Cosmere': 10, 'Hoid': 13}
| {{TheoryTag|Crude}} || {{17s|6128|Duralumin with different investiture}} || Sirscott13 || 17 February 2014 || Scadrial || Realmatic || Duralumin || 2.16 || || {'Duralumin': 12, 'Investiture': 10}
| || {{17s|6118|Warp travel from different powers.}} || Sirscott13 || 16 February 2014 || Scadrial || World || Sel || 5.22 || Category, Topic, Location, Location, Location, || {'Time Bubble': 1, 'Roshar': 1, 'Cosmere': 1, 'Stance': 1, 'Duralumin': 2, 'Lashing': 1, 'Elantrian': 1, 'Metallic Art': 1, 'Scadrial': 1, 'Colour': 2, 'Surge': 1, 'Command': 1, 'Shard': 1, 'Sel': 2, 'Heightening': 1}
| {{TheoryTag|Silver}} || {{17s|6089|Is Nightblood "Alive"?}} || WeiryWriter || 14 February 2014 || Nalthis || Character || Nightblood || 17.90 || || {'Spren': 12, 'Nightblood': 24}
| {{TheoryTag|Crude}} || {{17s|60766054|IfBaseless TheySpeculation: CouldAdonalsium AllWas MeetEvil}} || cris34bTwo McMillion || 1312 February 2014 || RosharCosmere || CharacterPlot || ShallanAdonalsium || 29.6007 || Topic, || {'LightsongAdonalsium': 15, 'Honor': 5, 'Odium': 7, 'Speculation': 810, 'JasnahShard': 86, 'ShallanSel': 810}
| || {{17s|6054|Baseless speculation: Adonalsium was evil}} || Two McMillion || 12 February 2014 || Cosmere || Realmatic || Adonalsium || 9.07 || Location, || {'Adonalsium': 15, 'Honor': 5, 'Odium': 7, 'Speculation': 10, 'Shard': 6, 'Sel': 10}
| {{TheoryTag|Silver}} || {{17s|6022|Shardholder Relationships}} || ccstat || 11 February 2014 || Roshar || World || Shard || 15.30 || Category, Location, Location, Location, || {'Odium': 3, 'Cultivation': 3, 'Tanavast': 3, 'Roshar': 4, 'Rayse': 3, 'Scadrial': 2, 'Ashyn': 2, 'Bavadin': 2, 'Honor': 3, 'Shard': 5, 'Taldain': 2, 'Sel': 3, 'Endowment': 2}
| {{TheoryTag|Star}} || {{17s|6017|On the God Beyond}} || Youngy || 11 February 2014 || Cosmere || World || God Beyond || 19.55 || || {'God Beyond': 19}
| {{TheoryTag|Crude}} || {{17s|59045881|CosmereTime Graphicalhas Timelinea Cognitive Aspect}} || Quazar87Limelleth || 0301 February 2014 || Cosmere || WorldRealmatic || CosmereCognitive || 17.0874 || || {'Cosmere': 116, 'Cognitive': 17}
| || {{17s|5881|Time has a Cognitive Aspect?}} || Limelleth || 01 February 2014 || Cosmere || Realmatic || Cognitive || 7.74 || || {'Cosmere': 6, 'Cognitive': 17}
| {{TheoryTag|Bronze}} || {{17s|5672|Sigzil}} || Bloodfalcon || 27 January 2014 || Scadrial || World || Terris || 12.02 || || {'Terris': 12, 'Sazed': 4, 'Worldhopping': 8}
| {{TheoryTag|Crude}} || {{17s|5649|Hoid speaks in Tongues?}} || TheShogun || 25 January 2014 || Cosmere || Character || Hoid || 1.88 || || {'Hoid': 11}
| {{TheoryTag|Crude}} || {{17s|5646|Random Speculation!}} || TheShogun || 25 January 2014 || Cosmere || World || Speculation || 2.87 || || {'Cosmere': 6, 'Hoid': 7, 'Speculation': 11, 'Stormlight': 7}
| {{TheoryTag|Crude}} || {{17s|5638|Adonalsium holder?}} || taveren || 25 January 2014 || Cosmere || Realmatic || Adonalsium || 2.58 || || {'Adonalsium': 12}
| || {{17s|5616|Odium has "plans" for Harmony?}} || Link || 24 January 2014 || Scadrial || Realmatic || Harmony || 6.05 || || {'Odium': 12, 'Harmony': 15}
| {{TheoryTag|Crude}} || {{17s|5422|Shardplate & Surgebinding compatibility}} || chikinllama || 20 January 2014 || Roshar || Character || Stormlight || 3.53 || Topic, || {'Radiant': 3, 'Speculation': 1, 'Dalinar': 1, 'Windrunner': 1, 'Stormlight': 3, 'Szeth': 1}
| {{TheoryTag|Bronze}} || {{17s|52175672|Hoid's Immortality?Sigzil}} || TheShogunBloodfalcon || 1827 January 2014 || CosmereRoshar || CharacterWorld || HoidTerris || 612.7502 || || {'HoidTerris': 12, 'Sazed': 4, 'Worldhopping': 148}
| {{TheoryTag|Crude}} || {{17s|52045649|Hoid's Identityspeaks in Tongues}} || KyzkleTheShogun || 1725 January 2014 || Cosmere || Character || HoidLinguistic || 1.1088 || || {'IdentityHoid': 1011, 'HoidLinguistic': 119}
| {{TheoryTag|Crude}} || {{17s|5178|The God Beyond}} || Eriond || 15 January 2014 || Cosmere || World || God Beyond || 4.27 || || {'God Beyond': 13}
| || {{17s|5147|Shard Colors}} || Moogle || 13 January 2014 || Cosmere || Realmatic || Shard || 5.02 || || {'Colour': 12, 'Shard': 13}
| {{TheoryTag|CrudeBronze}} || {{17s|51465128|QuestionMusing on realmsSpren, Shardblades, Honorblades}} || Arookmoejarv || 1312 January 2014 || CosmereRoshar || Realmatic || RealmShardblades || 211.4465 || Disproven || {'Realm': 1710, 'Shadesmar': 20}
| {{TheoryTag|Crude}} || {{17s|51325120|SharedStorm-light Cosmeremight languagenot be the only source of energy}} || MileswasbestcharacterArook || 1211 January 2014 || CosmereRoshar || WorldCharacter || CosmereLift || 4.2699 || Category, || {'CosmereLift': 4, 'Surge': 2, 'Spiritual': 172}
| {{TheoryTag|BronzeCrude}} || {{17s|51285024|MusingRosharian fromprayer the wok teaser: Spern, Shardblades, honorbladesburning}} || moejarvVoidus || 1205 January 2014 || Roshar || RealmaticWorld || ShadesmarFocus || 172.6500 || || {'RealmRoshar': 10, 'Shadesmar': 20}
| {{TheoryTag|Crude}} || {{17s|51204933|Storm-lightRed might not be the only source of energyStars}} || ArookMoogle || 1122 JanuaryDecember 20142013 || RosharCosmere || CharacterWorld || LiftStars || 35.9974 || Category, || {'LiftStars': 410, 'SurgeColour': 25, 'SpiritualTaln': 2, 'Devotion': 1, 'Threnody': 4, 'Dominion': 1}
| {{TheoryTag|Crude}} || {{17s|5058|Question about the Odium and the Cosmere books in general}} || Tybou_14 || 07 January 2014 || Roshar || Character || Odium || 3.26 || Category, Location, Location, || {'Cosmere': 11, 'Odium': 12}
| {{TheoryTag|Crude}} || {{17s|5024|Rosharian prayer burning (Again)}} || Voidus || 05 January 2014 || Roshar || World || Roshar || 2.00 || || {'Roshar': 10}
| || {{17s|4990|A Question for my Understanding, once more}} || Meg || 30 December 2013 || Scadrial || Realmatic || Ars Arcanum || 6.94 || Topic, Location, Location, || {'Allomancy': 2, 'Drab': 1, 'Mistborn': 1, 'Spiritweb': 1, 'Ars Arcanum': 2, 'Sel': 1}
| || {{17s|4980|Vin at the WoA}} || DocHoliday || 29 December 2013 || Scadrial || Character || Vin || 4.74 || || {'Vin': 12}
| {{TheoryTag|Crude}} || {{17s|4975|Hemalurgy Szeth}} || Swimmingly || 28 December 2013 || Roshar || Character || Szeth || 0.96 || || {'Hemalurgy': 10, 'Szeth': 11}
| {{TheoryTag|Crude}} || {{17s|4974|Humanity}} || Quiver || 28 December 2013 || Cosmere || Realmatic || Shard || 1.08 || Topic, || {'Forms': 1, 'Intent': 1, 'Physic': 1, 'Origin': 1, 'Shard': 1}
| {{TheoryTag|Crude}} || {{17s|4938|Voidbinding Dependent on Surgebinding}} || Arook || 23 December 2013 || Roshar || Realmatic || Voidbind || 1.56 || || {'Voidbind': 11}
| || {{17s|4933|Red Stars}} || Moogle || 22 December 2013 || Sel || Realmatic || Way of Kings || 5.74 || Topic, Location, || {'Splinter': 1, 'Colour': 1, 'Taln': 1, 'Devotion': 1, 'Way of Kings': 1, 'Dominion': 1}
| || {{17s|4929|Similarities Between Southern MechaMetallic Arts and Fabrials}} || Swimmingly || 22 December 2013 || Roshar || Realmatic || Fabrial || 7.80 || || {'Fabrial': 12, 'Metallic Art': 10, 'Investiture': 4, 'Cognitive': 4}
| {{TheoryTag|Bronze}} || {{17s|4925|Unknown shattered shard?}} || Haelbarde || 21 December 2013 || Cosmere || Realmatic || Shard || 12.18 || Location, || {'Honor': 9, 'Odium': 8, 'Shard': 22, 'Sel': 11}
| || {{17s|4895|Forging as a method of World Hopping?}} || Darkarma || 19 December 2013 || Sel || Realmatic || Forgery || 4.67 || || {'Forgery': 15}
| {{TheoryTag|Crude}} || {{17s|4867|making a thunderclast from breath, Kalad's Phantoms}} || Pinpoint || 16 December 2013 || Roshar || World || Thunderclast || 2.64 || || {'Thunderclast': 13, 'Breath': 11}
| {{TheoryTag|Crude}} || {{17s|48394895|CommonForging Cosmereas language?a method of World Hopping}} || LevianDarkarma || 1519 December 2013 || CosmereSel || WorldRealmatic || CosmereForgery || 34.8267 || || {'CosmereForgery': 1015}
| {{TheoryTag|Crude}} || {{17s|4817|Lerasium as an Essence Mark}} || Darkarma || 12 December 2013 || Scadrial || Realmatic || Lerasium || 4.47 || || {'Lerasium': 17, 'Hoid': 8, 'Forgery': 9, 'Essence': 11}
| {{TheoryTag|SilverCrude}} || {{17s|47964703|TheTineye Way of Kings Reread QuestionsSprensight}} || KevThinkerOutis || 1001 December 2013 || Roshar || World || Way of KingsSpren || 154.1870 || || {'WayTineye': of11, Kings'Spren': 1713}
| {{TheoryTag|Crude}} || {{17s|47034680|TineyeAre Sprensightshards lawful stupid}} || OutisDaishi5 || 0125 DecemberNovember 2013 || Roshar || WorldRealmatic || SprenIntent || 25.7020 || || {'TineyeHonor': 10, 'Odium': 8, 'Shard': 1110, 'SprenSel': 135}
| {{TheoryTag|Crude}} || {{17s|46804572|AreDo shardsShardworlds lawfulhave stupidminds?}} || Daishi5TheOneKEA || 2511 November 2013 || RosharCosmere || Realmatic || ShardShardworld || 54.2031 || Topic, Location, || {'Honor': 10, 'Odium': 8, 'Shard': 10, 'SelShardworld': 513}
| {{TheoryTag|Crude}} || {{17s|46614478|WhereHemalurgy isin theBrandon's Hellreading describedof inShadows theof prologue?Self}} || SwimminglyChromium Compounder || 2231 NovemberOctober 2013 || CosmereScadrial || Realmatic || RealmHemalurgy || 18.1478 || Location, || {'Realm': 2, 'Cognitive': 1, 'Origin': 1, 'SpiritualHemalurgy': 120}
| {{TheoryTag|Bronze}} || {{17s|46354474|ReallyThe Good(orJoule-Thompson-Sanderson at least not Bad) Shard Ideaseffect}} || SwimminglyBean || 1830 NovemberOctober 2013 || Cosmere || Realmatic || ShardPhysic || 419.7503 || || {'ShardPhysic': 13, 'Spiritual': 177}
| {{TheoryTag|CrudeBronze}} || {{17s|45724368|DoShardblades Shardworldswith have minds?stormlight}} || TheOneKEAOutis || 1121 NovemberOctober 2013 || CosmereRoshar || Realmatic || ShardStormlight || 411.3156 || Location, Location, || {'HarmonyMistborn': 1, 'Cosmere': 2, 'Splinter': 1, 'Shattering': 1, 'Scadrial': 1, 'Cognitive': 1, 'Dominion': 1, 'Devotion': 111, 'ShardShardblade': 310, 'SelStormlight': 112}
| {{TheoryTag|Crude}} || {{17s|45684343|HowWhere does Hoid know whois the protagonistsTerriswoman are?Worldhopper}} || trevoradeShardlet || 1117 NovemberOctober 2013 || Cosmere || CharacterRealmatic || HoidWorldhopping || 25.2256 || || {'HoidTerris': 17, 'Worldhopping': 19}
| || {{17s|4560|Llarimar (Scoot) Seems to be Cosmos Aware}} || Stroniax || 09 November 2013 || Nalthis || Character || Llarimar || 7.31 || || {'Llarimar': 12}
| || {{17s|4513|Where is it coming from?}} || Zinfandale || 04 November 2013 || Scadrial || World || Speculation || 5.55 || Location, || {'Cosmere': 1, 'Mistborn': 1, 'Steel': 1, 'Speculation': 2}
| || {{17s|4478|Hemalurgy in Brandon's reading of Shadows of Self}} || Chromium Compounder || 31 October 2013 || Scadrial || Realmatic || Hemalurgy || 8.78 || Location, || {'Hemalurgy': 20, 'Sel': 18}
| {{TheoryTag|Bronze}} || {{17s|4474|The Joule-Thompson-Sanderson effect}} || Bean || 30 October 2013 || Cosmere || Realmatic || Spiritual || 14.03 || || {'Realm': 3, 'Stance': 3, 'Physic': 3, 'Spiritual': 7}
| {{TheoryTag|Bronze}} || {{17s|4368|Shardblades with stormlight [Major spoilers for Mistborn, some spoilers for Way of Kings]}} || Outis || 21 October 2013 || Roshar || Realmatic || Stormlight || 11.56 || || {'Mistborn': 11, 'Way of Kings': 10, 'Stormlight': 12}
| || {{17s|4343|Where is the Terriswoman Worldhopper?}} || Shardlet || 17 October 2013 || Cosmere || Realmatic || Worldhopping || 5.56 || || {'Terris': 17, 'Worldhopping': 19}
| {{TheoryTag|Crude}} || {{17s|4311|Is the Steelhunt worth it?}} || Gamma Fiend || 14 October 2013 || Scadrial || Realmatic || Steel || 4.39 || || {'Steel': 11}
| || {{17s|4277|Hoid the Compounder}} || Darkarma || 09 October 2013 || Cosmere || Character || Hoid || 6.13 || || {'Hoid': 18}
| {{TheoryTag|Bronze}} || {{17s|42514229|Affected Invested Objects: The Cryptics'Investiture Must be "Heads"Overcome!}} || ArrrGentTwo McMillion || 0402 October 2013 || RosharCosmere || CharacterRealmatic || YmInvestiture || 1310.3738 || Topic, Proven || {'Ym': 5, 'Symbol': 5, 'GlyphInvestiture': 222}
| {{TheoryTag|Bronze}} || {{17s|42294208|Affected Invested Objects: The InvestitureBodies Mustof be Overcome!Gods}} || Two McMillionSirscott13 || 0230 OctoberSeptember 2013 || Cosmere || Realmatic || InvestitureShard || 811.3894 || || {'InvestitureShard': 2219}
| {{TheoryTag|Bronze}} || {{17s|42083999|TheLets Bodiesmix ofsome Godsmagic (shards)...systems}} || Sirscott13Pechvarry || 3031 SeptemberAugust 2013 || Cosmere || Realmatic || ShardMagic System || 1114.9442 || || {'ShardBreath': 15, 'Magic System': 1912}
| {{TheoryTag|Crude}} || {{17s|41083962|QuickThe HoidRecipient questionof the Letter is a Dragon!}} || aeromancerGreyPilgrim || 1617 SeptemberAugust 2013 || Cosmere || CharacterRealmatic || HoidLetter || 09.5414 || Proven || {'AtiumLetter': 7, 'Hoid': 1711}
| || {{17s|4100|Cosmere Battle Royale; AKA Who Would Win}} || Gamma Fiend || 14 September 2013 || Cosmere || World || Cosmere || 4.96 || || {'Cosmere': 17}
| {{TheoryTag|Crude}} || {{17s|4047|Really Bad Shard Ideas}} || Outis || 09 September 2013 || Cosmere || Realmatic || Shard || 1.40 || || {'Shard': 11}
| || {{17s|4027|Well, it's super obvious who Hoid is now}} || Lightflame || 06 September 2013 || Cosmere || Character || Hoid || 6.43 || || {'Hoid': 14}
| {{TheoryTag|Bronze}} || {{17s|3999|Lets mix some magic systems}} || Pechvarry || 31 August 2013 || Nalthis || Realmatic || Breath || 14.42 || || {'Breath': 15, 'Magic System': 12}
| {{TheoryTag|Crude}} || {{17s|3984|Splinters of Adonalsium}} || don_karma_II || 25 August 2013 || Cosmere || Realmatic || Splinter || 1.78 || || {'Adonalsium': 11, 'Splinter': 12}
| {{TheoryTag|Bronze}} || {{17s|3977|Creating Humans}} || Wyrmhero || 23 August 2013 || Sel || World || Sel || 11.57 || Location, || {'Hemalurgy': 3, 'Cosmere': 3, 'Sel': 7}
| || {{17s|3962|The Recipient of the Letter is a Dragon!}} || GreyPilgrim || 17 August 2013 || Cosmere || Realmatic || Letter || 9.14 || || {'Letter': 11}
| {{TheoryTag|Crude}} || {{17s|3958|Links to Yolen}} || aeromancer || 15 August 2013 || Scadrial || World || Worldsinger || 3.10 || Topic, Location, || {'Worldsinger': 7, 'Worldbringer': 7}
| {{TheoryTag|Crude}} || {{17s|3930|What BS signed for Me}} || Cartith || 07 August 2013 || Sel || World || Shadesmar || 2.98 || Topic, Location, Location, || {'Cosmere': 1, 'Shadesmar': 2, 'Sel': 2}
| || {{17s|3913|Breaking a Forged Item}} || Chromium Compounder || 01 August 2013 || Sel || Realmatic || Forgery || 8.15 || || {'Forgery': 24}
| || {{17s|3889|The importance of reading}} || The Question || 24 July 2013 || Roshar || Character || Mistborn || 7.10 || Topic, Location, || {'Siri': 1, 'Galladon': 1, 'Cosmere': 1, 'Aon': 1, 'Alendi': 2, 'Letter': 1, 'Sazed': 1, 'Gavilar': 1, 'Shallan': 1, 'Elend': 1, 'Way of Kings': 1, 'Mistborn': 2, 'Alethi': 1, 'Elantris': 1, 'Dalinar': 1, 'Ars Arcanum': 1, 'Stormlight': 1, 'Jasnah': 1}
| || {{17s|3887|Shadows for Silence excerpt!}} || Windrunner || 24 July 2013 || Cosmere || World || Splinter || 8.45 || Category, Topic, || {'Adonalsium': 1, 'Shai': 1, 'Forests of Hell': 1, 'Splinter': 1, 'God Beyond': 1}
| || {{17s|3858|The Worldshattering Events}} || graymorality || 18 July 2013 || Cosmere || World || Mistborn || 7.58 || Category, Topic, || {'Breath': 1, 'Cosmere': 1, 'The Lord Ruler': 1, 'Returned': 1, 'Aon': 1, 'Desolation': 1, 'Shattered Plain': 1, 'Recreance': 1, 'Shattering': 11, 'Way of Kings': 1, 'Mistborn': 2, 'Elantris': 2, 'Dor': 1, 'Stormlight': 1, 'Preservation': 1}
| {{TheoryTag|Crude}} || {{17s|3856|An Insight on Odium}} || Cartith || 18 July 2013 || Roshar || Character || Odium || 2.78 || Location, || {'Odium': 13}
| || {{17s|3823|List of possible Worldhoppers}} || Jimmy moon || 10 July 2013 || Cosmere || Realmatic || Worldhopping || 9.47 || || {'Worldhopping': 13}
| {{TheoryTag|Star}} || {{17s|3768|Defining 'focus'Focus}} || Senor Feesh || 30 June 2013 || Cosmere || Realmatic || Focus || 2213.70 || || {'Focus': 19}
| || {{17s|3760|Possible Inspiration of Brandon's?}} || Kaurne || 28 June 2013 || ScadrialCosmere || CharacterPlot || VinOverarching Theory || 710.45 || Topic, || {'Allomancy': 1, 'Origin': 1, 'Numerology': 2, 'Vin': 2, 'Shard': 1}
| || {{17s|3747|Red and Gold}} || Chromium Compounder || 26 June 2013 || Scadrial || RealmaticPlot || GoldMiles || 5.02 || || {'GoldMiles': 12}
| {{TheoryTag|Silver}} || {{17s|3707|Gaming the System - Crazy Extrapolations}} || Phantom Monstrosity || 19 June 2013 || ScadrialCosmere || Realmatic || TheMagic Lord RulerSystem || 17.32 || || {'Forgery': 3, 'Allomancy': 4, 'The Lord Ruler': 9, 'Physic': 3, 'Cognitive': 4, 'Spiritweb': 3, 'Savant': 4, 'Shadesmar': 3, 'Vin': 7}
| || {{17s|3698|Lerasium in Roshar}} || Mikanium || 17 June 2013 || Roshar || Realmatic || Lerasium || 6.78 || || {'Roshar': 13, 'Lerasium': 20, 'Stormlight': 8}
| || {{17s|3677|Odium's influence in Fjordell}} || Khmauv || 14 June 2013 || RosharSel || Character || Odium || 5.48 || Location, || {'Odium': 12}
| || {{17s|3664|A question concerning immortality}} || Kadrok || 12 June 2013 || Scadrial || Realmatic || Breath || 5.24 || Topic, || {'Compounding': 7, 'Atium': 9, 'The Lord Ruler': 4, 'Breath': 9, 'Heightening': 3}
| {{TheoryTag|Silver}} || {{17s|3663|16 Shards}} || Youngy || 11 June 2013 || Cosmere || Realmatic || Shard || 18.02 || || {'Shard': 19}
| || {{17s|3644|Just Some Thoughts on Hoid}} || Mister_Fawx || 07 June 2013 || Cosmere || Character || ShardHoid || 7.04 || || {'Hoid': 11, 'Shard': 13}
| {{TheoryTag|Crude}} || {{17s|3638|Kandra on other Shardworlds}} || TheOneKEA || 06 June 2013 || Scadrial || World || Kandra || 2.78 || || {'Kandra': 15}
| || {{17s|3617|Odium's Nature and the Reason for his Actions}} || Kaurne || 02 June 2013 || Roshar || Character || Odium || 6.74 || Location, || {'Odium': 20}
| || {{17s|3587|I think Nalthis had another Shard}} || Vonotar || 27 May 2013 || Cosmere || Realmatic || Shard || 4.92 || Location, || {'Nalthis': 12, 'Shard': 13}
| || {{17s|3584|Hoid and the Purelake}} || Shardlet || 27 May 2013 || Cosmere || Character || Hoid || 8.57 || || {'Hoid': 17, 'Purelake': 12}
| || {{17s|35683567|WhoWhy elsedid remembersOdium this?go to Sel}} || GalavantesROSHtafARian || 25 May 2013 || ScadrialSel || World || SteelOdium || 48.8868 || Category, Topic, Location, || {'StanceOdium': 116, 'SteelShard': 17, 'HoidSel': 117}
| || {{17s|3567|Why did Odium go to Sel?}} || ROSHtafARian || 25 May 2013 || Sel || World || Sel || 8.68 || || {'Odium': 16, 'Shard': 7, 'Sel': 17}
| || {{17s|3566|Questions I Asked Brandon Today}} || Alsenoth || 24 May 2013 || Cosmere || Character || Odium || 8.21 || Location, || {'Cosmere': 6, 'Splinter': 7, 'Odium': 8, 'Hoid': 3, 'Sel': 7}
| {{TheoryTag|Bronze}} || {{17s|3563|The origin of Adonalsium (the word)}} || Khmauv || 24 May 2013 || Cosmere || Realmatic || Adonalsium || 11.23 || || {'Adonalsium': 16, 'Origin': 10}
| {{TheoryTag|Crude}} || {{17s|3555|Brandon is Hoid!?!?!}} || realmatist || 23 May 2013 || Cosmere || Character || Hoid || 1.84 || || {'Hoid': 12}
| || {{17s|3547|Interesting tidbits from signing in San Jose}} || The Anamnesor || 22 May 2013 || Roshar || World || Spren || 6.63 || || {'Spren': 4}
| || {{17s|3542|New info about the letter recipient? (Please read this if you've read Dragonsteel)}} || bookfish || 21 May 2013 || Cosmere || Realmatic || Letter || 5.74 || || {'Letter': 12, 'Steel': 11}
| || {{17s|3540|Musings on horses}} || Shardlet || 21 May 2013 || Roshar || Realmatic || Worldhopping || 5.27 || Topic, || {'Roshar': 3, 'Cultivation': 1, 'Honor': 1, 'Worldhopping': 3, 'Shadesmar': 2, 'Origin': 2, 'Vin': 1}
| || {{17s|3539|The Letter (Again, I Know)}} || Youngy || 21 May 2013 || Cosmere || Realmatic || Letter || 8.82 || || {'Letter': 13, 'Shard': 5}
| {{TheoryTag|Crude}} || {{17s|3512|Hoid- just an idle observation.}} || Cartith || 18 May 2013 || Cosmere || Character || Hoid || 2.65 || || {'Hoid': 19, 'Feruchemy': 9}
| {{TheoryTag|Crude}} || {{17s|3481|Cosmere stuff? (please no spoilers)}} || HemalurgyIsMessy || 15 May 2013 || Cosmere || World || Cosmere || 4.13 || || {'Cosmere': 12}
| {{TheoryTag|Bronze}} || {{17s|34733563|ShardworldThe DNAorigin blueprintof basedAdonalsium on(the Yolen DNAword)}} || ShardletKhmauv || 1424 May 2013 || Cosmere || CharacterPlot || HoidAdonalsium || 711.0623 || || {'HoidAdonalsium': 16, 'Linguistic': 10}
| {{TheoryTag|Bronze}} || {{17s|34603540|ObservationMusings ofon Yolenhorses}} || CodesterShardlet || 1321 May 2013 || ScadrialRoshar || RealmaticWorld || SteelWorldhopping || 135.5027 || LocationTopic, || {'CosmereRoshar': 3, 'Worldhopping': 13, 'SteelShadesmar': 2}
| {{TheoryTag|Crude}} || {{17s|33893473|QuickShardworld CosmereDNA Questionblueprint based on Yolen DNA}} || lordofsoupShardlet || 3014 AprilMay 2013 || CosmereYolen || World || CosmereDNA || 17.0806 || || {'CosmereHoid': 10, 'DNA':12}
| || {{17s|3338|Forgery gaming the System with Hemalurgy}} || LiquidBlue || 26 April 2013 || Sel || Realmatic || Forgery || 6.12 || || {'Forgery': 18, 'Hemalurgy': 14}
| {{TheoryTag|Crude}} || {{17s|3324|Hoid a shape shifter?}} || Khmauv || 25 April 2013 || Cosmere || Character || Hoid || 2.24 || || {'Hoid': 18}
=Stormlight Board (All)=


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