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Reviewed Cosmere Class 1
(Added Words of Radiance Boards. That's everything (?))
(Reviewed Cosmere Class 1)
==Class 1 (Reviewed)==
{| class="wikitable sortable" width="100%"
! !! Theory Name !! Author !! Date !! Location !! Category !! Topic !! Score !! Review !! TopicList
| || {{17s|4188087|Espoused Theories on Parshendi Origins}} || ChaosTamM || 1916 MarchMay 20112014 || Roshar || World || ShardParshendi || 89.1806 || Category, Location, || {'GnatRealm': 12, 'Roshar': 24, 'SazedParshendi': 16, 'AlmightyFabrial': 12, 'OriginSpren': 14, '17th ShardIron': 12, 'ShardOrigin': 3, 'Ending': 12}
| || {{17s|8087|Theories - First post.}} || TamM || 16 May 2014 || Roshar || World || Parshendi || 9.06 || || {'Realm': 2, 'Roshar': 4, 'Parshendi': 6, 'Fabrial': 2, 'Spren': 4, 'Iron': 2, 'Origin': 2}
| {{TheoryTag|Star}} || {{17s|8083|Cultivation is the Shard in the Silence Divine}} || Tempus || 16 May 2014 || Ashyn || World || Shard || 57.97 || Location, || {'Cultivation': 30, 'Roshar': 15, 'Ashyn': 24, 'Silence Divine': 22, 'Vin': 22, 'Shard': 31}
| || {{17s|8058|Theory: Shards are giant souls}} || Power || 14 May 2014 || Cosmere || Realmatic || Shard || 9.47 || || {'Shard': 26}
| {{TheoryTag|Silver}} || {{17s|8051|[Theory] Honorblades and Nightblood.}} || Weeping Liar || 13 May 2014 || Nalthis || Character || Nightblood || 15.26 || || {'Intent': 12, 'Nightblood': 25, 'Herald': 14, 'Command': 12}
| {{TheoryTag|Bronze}} || {{17s|7987|Does this theory hold water? Vin is Cultivation}} || navybrandt || 09 May 2014 || Roshar || Realmatic || Cultivation || 10.70 || || {'Cultivation': 23, 'Honor': 9, 'Vin': 17}
| {{TheoryTag|StarSilver}} || {{17s|79818051|KurkistanHonorblades Theory-updateand RoundupNightblood}} || KurkistanWeeping Liar || 0813 May 2014 || CosmereRoshar || RealmaticCharacter || AluminiumNightblood || 9015.5526 || Location, || {'Forms': 6, 'Ideal': 6, 'Allomancy': 4, 'Cosmere': 6, 'Spren': 9, 'Healing': 10, 'Hoid': 5, 'Aluminium': 11, 'Breath': 9, 'Spiritual': 7, 'Gold': 4, 'Stormlight': 6, 'Vin': 5, 'KaladinIntent': 512, 'PhysicNightblood': 525, 'ThugHerald': 514, 'SelCommand': 612}
| {{TheoryTag|SilverCrude}} || {{17s|79417987|ExperienceVin Shard?is Cultivation}} || skaanavybrandt || 0609 May 2014 || CosmereRoshar || RealmaticWorld || ShardCultivation || 183.9570 || Disproven || {'YmCultivation': 1023, 'IrialiHonor': 109, 'ShardVin': 2817}
| {{TheoryTag|Silver}} || {{17s|78157941|UnofficialExperience Theory Index: A ListShard}} || Tempusskaa || 2706 AprilMay 2014 || Cosmere || WorldRealmatic || CosmereShard || 1418.9395 || || {'CosmereYm': 10, 'Iriali': 10, 'Shard': 828}
| {{TheoryTag|Star}} || {{17s|7618|Tranquiline Halls theory/ Warning Spoilers for TwoK, Mistborn Series, Elantris, Warbreaker}} || bobsaveg || 15 April 2014 || RosharCosmere || World || ElantrisAfterlife || 36.50 || Location, || {'Vorin': 8, 'Cosmere': 9, 'Mistborn': 11, 'Tranquiline Hall': 12, 'Elantris': 14}
| || {{17s|7581|Another far-fetched theory of who Hoid was}} || jag519 || 14 April 2014 || Cosmere || Character || Hoid || 5.56 || || {'Hoid': 17}
| || {{17s|7552|Short Introduction and WoR Ending Theory for Nightblood}} || M'Hael || 12 April 2014 || Nalthis || Character || Nightblood || 6.06 || || {'Nightblood': 14, 'Ending': 10}
| {{TheoryTag|Crude}} || {{17s|75387415|EverytimeHoid Iwanted readto "Cosmere Theories" it translates torelease "Cosmeries"Ruin}} || snoteKetek || 1105 April 2014 || CosmereScadrial || WorldPlot || CosmereHoid || 07.3496 || || {'CosmereRuin': 14, 'Hoid': 1016}
| {{TheoryTag|Silver}} || {{17s|74157372|Theory: Hoid wantedInvestiture toReference releaseChart Ruin(Draft)}} || Ketekjaelre || 0502 April 2014 || Cosmere || CharacterRealmatic || HoidInvestiture || 715.9627 || Disproven || {'RuinCosmere': 147, 'Realmatic': 7, 'HoidInvestiture': 1618}
| {{TheoryTag|Star}} || {{17s|73727342|[Theory]The InvestitureCognitive ReferenceRealm Chartand (Draft)its appearance.}} || jaelreWindborne Sword || 0231 AprilMarch 2014 || Cosmere || Realmatic || InvestitureRealm || 2010.2747 || Topic, || {'Realm': 818, 'Cosmere': 76, 'RealmaticCognitive': 718, 'InvestitureWorldhopping': 186, 'Shadesmar': 9}
| {{TheoryTag|Silver}} || {{17s|73427011|[Theory]The CognitiveDesolations Realmare anda it'sworld-hopping appearance.event}} || Windborne SwordTempus || 3119 March 2014 || CosmereRoshar || RealmaticWorld || RealmDesolation || 815.4767 || Topic, || {'Realm': 18, 'Cosmere': 6, 'CognitiveRoshar': 1812, 'WorldhoppingDesolation': 629, 'ShadesmarBraize': 913}
| {{TheoryTag|SilverStar}} || {{17s|70116995|Mini-TheoryBroken : The Desolations areSouls aand world-hopping eventInvestiture}} || TempusArrrGent || 19 March 2014 || RosharCosmere || WorldRealmatic || DesolationInvestiture || 1524.6768 || Proven || {'RosharBreath': 7, 'Forgery': 9, 'Hemalurgy': 7, 'Allomancy': 11, 'Ym': 6, 'Mab': 6, 'Elantrian': 8, 'Investiture': 1217, 'DesolationFeruchemy': 297, 'BraizeSpiritual': 1311}
| {{TheoryTag|Star}} || {{17s|69956978|[Theory]The BrokenListeners Soulsare andthe InvestiturePre-Shattering Native Inhabitants of Roshar}} || ArrrGentNutiketAiel || 1918 March 2014 || CosmereRoshar || RealmaticWorld || InvestitureParshendi || 2442.6880 || || {'BreathParshendi': 731, 'ForgeryAdonalsium': 912, 'HemalurgyRoshar': 723, 'AllomancySplinter': 119, 'YmShattering': 626, 'MabSpren': 618, 'ElantrianHonor': 8, 'Investiture': 17, 'Feruchemy': 7, 'Spiritual': 119}
| {{TheoryTag|StarCrude}} || {{17s|69786897|Theory: The Listeners are the Pre-Shattering native inhabitantsRelationship ofBetween RosharSoulcasting (WoRand Spoilers)Forging}} || NutiketAielTrickonometry || 1816 March 2014 || RosharCosmere || WorldRealmatic || RosharMagic Systems || 422.8098 || || {'Adonalsium': 12, 'Roshar': 23, 'Splinter': 9, 'Shattering': 26, 'SprenSoulcast': 1813, 'HonorForgery': 914}
| {{TheoryTag|CrudeBronze}} || {{17s|68976843|RelationshipCrazy BetweenTheory: Soulcasting and Forging [Theory]Iyatil}} || TrickonometryKarou || 1614 March 2014 || SelRoshar || RealmaticCharacter || ForgeryIyatil || 215.9847 || || {'SoulcastMistborn': 137, 'ForgeryVin': 1410, 'Iyatil': 15}
| {{TheoryTag|BronzeSilver}} || {{17s|68436609|CrazyA Theory: Iyatilconcerning the Letter.}} || KarouTheShogun || 1409 March 2014 || ScadrialCosmere || CharacterRealmatic || IyatilLetter || 1110.4746 || || {'MistbornLetter': 7, 'Vin': 1021, 'IyatilHoid': 1512}
| {{TheoryTag|SilverBronze}} || {{17s|66096608|AHeralds Theory, containing WoR spoliers,are concerningnow the Letter.evil}} || TheShogunGroundPetrel || 09 March 2014 || CosmereRoshar || RealmaticWorld || LetterHerald || 159.4696 || || {'LetterDarkness': 8, 'Nightblood': 4, 'Words of Radiance': 2111, 'HoidHerald': 12}
| {{TheoryTag|BronzeSilver}} || {{17s|66086597|Theory: Heralds are now evil. (Words ofMan RadianceMade SPOILERS)Adonalsium}} || GroundPetrelROSHtaFARian2.0 || 0908 March 2014 || RosharCosmere || WorldPlot || HeraldAdonalsium || 917.96 || || {'DarknessAdonalsium': 827, 'Nightblood': 4, 'Words of RadianceHoid': 11, 'HeraldShard': 1213}
| {{TheoryTag|SilverBronze}} || {{17s|65976586|Theory:Nightblood Manis Madean AdonalsiumHonorblade}} || ROSHtaFARian2.0bartbug || 08 March 2014 || CosmereNalthis || RealmaticCharacter || AdonalsiumNightblood || 178.9652 || Disproven || {'Adonalsium': 27, 'HoidNightblood': 1122, 'ShardInvestiture': 138}
| {{TheoryTag|Bronze}} || {{17s|65866209|NightbloodSpiritweb TheoryLock (WoRand Spoilers)Key Theory}} || bartbugKeeper || 0822 MarchFebruary 2014 || NalthisCosmere || CharacterRealmatic || NightbloodSnapping || 1112.5222 || Topic, Location, Location, Location, Location, || {'NightbloodMagic Systems':4, 22'Snapping': 12, 'InvestitureSpiritweb': 812}
| || {{17s|6105|Totally Serious Theory That is Backed Up By Lots of Textual Evidence}} || TheShogun || 15 February 2014 || Cosmere || Joke || Brandon || 5.89 || || {}
| {{TheoryTag|Bronze}} || {{17s|6209|Spiritweb Lock and Key Theory}} || Keeper || 22 February 2014 || Cosmere || Realmatic || Spren || 12.22 || Topic, Location, Location, Location, Location, || {'Realm': 1, 'Investiture': 2, 'Shard': 1, 'Breath': 2, 'Hemalurgy': 1, 'Roshar': 1, 'Allomancy': 2, 'Soulstamp': 1, 'Returned': 1, 'Stance': 1, 'Spren': 3, 'Realmatic': 1, 'Elantrian': 1, 'Nalthis': 1, 'Scadrial': 3, 'Radiant': 2, 'Snapping': 1, 'Spiritweb': 12, 'Magic System': 1, 'Dominion': 1, 'Feruchemy': 2, 'Shaod': 1, 'Focus': 1, 'Awakening': 1, 'Sel': 1}
| || {{17s|61056097|TotallyWhy SeriousSome TheoryShards ThatAre isBetter BackedAt UpForseeing ByThe Lots of Textual EvidenceFuture}} || TheShogunEri || 15 February 2014 || Cosmere || Realmatic || ShardPrecognition || 56.8959 || || {'CosmerePrecognition':15, 2'Future': 15, 'Shard': 512}
| {{TheoryTag|Star}} || {{17s|60976062|WhyEach someShardworld Shardshas arean better at forseeing the future - theoryEssence}} || Eriskaa || 1513 February 2014 || Cosmere || Realmatic || FutureEssence || 639.5907 || || {'FutureInvestiture': 15, 'ShardEssence': 1241}
| {{TheoryTag|StarBronze}} || {{17s|60625849|Theory: EachOdium Shardworldis hasa anMusical EssenceShard}} || skaaGoatborn || 1331 FebruaryJanuary 2014 || Roshar || RealmaticCharacter || EssenceOdium || 3915.0787 || Location, || {'InvestitureShard': 1517, 'Music': 24, 'EssenceOdium': 4126}
| {{TheoryTag|Silver}} || {{17s|58895825|ThoseRealmatic theoriesTransference youDuring justthe can't make workShaod}} || TarionWonko the Sane || 0230 FebruaryJanuary 2014 || CosmereSel || WorldRealmatic || CognitiveShaod || 915.4106 || Category, Location, Location, || {'RosharRealm': 29, 'CosmereRealmatic': 311, 'Nightblood': 3, 'Cognitive': 5, 'SelShaod': 215}
| {{TheoryTag|Bronze}} || {{17s|58495706|Atomic Theory: Odiumand isThe aStructure Musicalof Shardthe Cosmere}} || GoatbornTheShogun || 3128 January 2014 || RosharCosmere || CharacterWorld || OdiumPhysics || 107.8743 || Location, || {'Shard': 17, 'Music': 24, 'OdiumPhysics': 2613}
| {{TheoryTag|SilverBronze}} || {{17s|58255664|Theory: RealmaticIdentity Transferenceand Duringinteractions thewith ShaodAllomancy}} || Wonko the SaneGoatborn || 3026 January 2014 || CosmereScadrial || Realmatic || RealmIdentity || 1512.0603 || || {'RealmHemalurgy': 2011, 'RealmaticAllomancy': 1122, 'ShaodIdentity': 1526, 'Kandra': 9, 'Emotion': 11}
| {{TheoryTag|Silver}} || {{17s|57065637|AtomicSpiritual TheoryAspects and Thethe StructureImportance of theA Cosmere"Broken Soul"}} || TheShogunAonarFaileas || 2824 January 2014 || Cosmere || WorldRealmatic || CosmereSpiritual || 718.4365 || || {'CosmereAllomancy': 8, 'Realmatic': 6, 'Snapping': 4, 'Spiritual': 11, 'Spiritweb': 1311}
| {{TheoryTag|Bronze}} || {{17s|5664|Theory about Identity and interactions with allomancy}} || Goatborn || 26 January 2014 || Scadrial || Realmatic || Identity || 10.03 || || {'Hemalurgy': 11, 'Allomancy': 22, 'Identity': 26, 'Kandra': 9, 'Emotion': 11}
| {{TheoryTag|Silver}} || {{17s|5637|Spiritual Aspects and the Importance of A "Broken Soul"}} || AonarFaileas || 24 January 2014 || Cosmere || Realmatic || Spiritual || 18.65 || || {'Realm': 6, 'Allomancy': 8, 'Realmatic': 6, 'Snapping': 4, 'Spiritual': 11}
| || {{17s|5548|Hoid can Soulcast}} || SirVarrock || 21 January 2014 || Cosmere || Character || Hoid || 5.75 || || {'Soulcast': 10, 'Hoid': 17}
| {{TheoryTag|Crude}} || {{17s|5175|FTL Travel}} || Gaussian || 15 January 2014 || ScadrialSel || World || FTL || 3.42 || || {'FTL': 13}
| || {{17s|5134|Theory: All Investiture Slows Aging}} || Moogle || 12 January 2014 || Cosmere || Realmatic || Investiture || 5.64 || || {'Investiture': 17}
| || {{17s|5060|Theory: Investiture only exists in the Spiritual Realm}} || Power || 07 January 2014 || Cosmere || Realmatic || RealmSpiritual || 6.56 || Disproven || {'Realm': 2519, 'Investiture': 19, 'Spiritual': 17}
| {{TheoryTag|Silver}} || {{17s|5054|Theory: Aluminum changes the Spiritual Aspects of metals}} || Power || 07 January 2014 || Cosmere || Realmatic || SpiritualAluminium || 15.95 || Topic, || {'Realm': 12, 'Allomancy': 9, 'Aluminium': 25, 'Spiritual': 25}
| || {{17s|4991|Theory:Szeth had a Spren, who is now trapped in his shardblade}} || Macen || 30 December 2013 || Roshar || World || Spren || 7.37 || || {'Spren': 21, 'Truthless': 7, 'Szeth': 17}
| || {{17s|4928|My Hoid Theory}} || Turkatron || 22 December 2013 || Cosmere || Character || Hoid || 4.85 || || {'Hoid': 13}
| || {{17s|4915|Atium Theoriesand the Set}} || loganmathewjohnson || 20 December 2013 || Scadrial || Realmatic || Atium || 6.72 || || {'Atium': 22, 'Koloss': 8}
| {{TheoryTag|Bronze}} || {{17s|4896|My theory about Investiture}} || Sasukerinnegan || 19 December 2013 || Cosmere || Realmatic || Investiture || 13.87 || Disproven || {'Realm': 8, 'Investiture': 20}
| || {{17s|4862|fGold healing and hemalurgyHemalurgy}} || dj26792 || 16 December 2013 || Scadrial || Realmatic || Hemalurgy || 89.71 || || {'Hemalurgy': 17, 'Healing': 12, 'Scadrial': 6, 'Gold': 14}
| {{TheoryTag|Bronze}} || {{17s|4783|Theory: Tracking Hoid with Atium}} || Sevi || 09 December 2013 || Scadrial || Realmatic || Atium || 13.19 || || {'Atium': 15, 'Hoid': 13}
| {{TheoryTag|BronzeSilver}} || {{17s|47164695|SortShards ofCan't theories...Alter Their Magic Systems}} || GibletishMoogle || 0228 DecemberNovember 2013 || Cosmere || Realmatic || CosmereMagic System || 915.9886 || || {'AdonalsiumAllomancy': 75, 'CosmereAtium': 108, 'HoidSazed': 7, 'Magic System': 911, 'StormlightShard': 613}
| {{TheoryTag|Silver}} || {{17s|46954664|Theory:Preservation Shardswould Canhave Splintered if Kelsier hadn't Altertaken Theirthe Magic Systemspower}} || Mooglesandro || 2822 November 2013 || CosmereScadrial || Realmatic || ShardSplinter || 156.8659 || || {'AllomancyMistborn': 56, 'AtiumSplinter': 818, 'Sazed': 7, 'Magic SystemKelsier': 1117, 'ShardPreservation': 1317}
| || {{17s|46944650|Honor,Gemhearts splinter,Are sprenThe isn't a splinter of theBody shard,Of or?Cultivation}} || MalcolmRsandro || 2821 November 2013 || Roshar || Realmatic || SplinterCultivation || 5.2942 || || {'Splinter': 28, 'Honor': 26, 'Spren': 23, 'ShardCultivation': 1112}
| || {{17s|4664|Theory: Preservation would have Splintered if Kelsier hadn't taken the power}} || sandro || 22 November 2013 || Scadrial || Realmatic || Splinter || 6.59 || || {'Mistborn': 6, 'Splinter': 18, 'Kelsier': 17, 'Preservation': 17}
| || {{17s|4650|Theory: Gemhearts are the body of Cultivation}} || sandro || 21 November 2013 || Roshar || Realmatic || Cultivation || 5.42 || || {'Cultivation': 12}
| || {{17s|4643|What are Highstorms?}} || Araris Valerian || 20 November 2013 || Roshar || Realmatic || Highstorm || 8.19 || || {'Highstorm': 19}
| || {{17s|4594|Theories on how Odium shattered Honor and its effects}} || Arook || 13 November 2013 || Roshar || Realmatic || Honor || 5.92 || || {'Honor': 15, 'Odium': 11, 'Shard': 5}
| {{TheoryTag|CrudeBronze}} || {{17s|45584536|HoidPlains Mightshattered Beby AAdonalsium Feruchemistshattering (notat much proof)plains}} || Stroniaxaskthepaperclip || 0806 November 2013 || Cosmere || RealmaticPlot || FeruchemyAdonalsium || 112.9853 || Location, || {'MemoryAdonalsium': 18, 'Roshar': 8, 'HoidShattering': 1814, 'FeruchemyShard': 2211}
| || {{17s|4555|Mab is a Worldhopper!}} || Stroniax || 08 November 2013 || Cosmere || Character || Worldhopping || 7.28 || || {'Mab': 18, 'Worldhopping': 24}
| {{TheoryTag|Bronze}} || {{17s|4536|Theory: Plains shattered by Adonalsium shattering at plains}} || askthepaperclip || 06 November 2013 || Cosmere || Realmatic || Adonalsium || 12.53 || Location, || {'Adonalsium': 18, 'Roshar': 8, 'Shattering': 14, 'Shard': 11}
| || {{17s|4528|The Shattering}} || Stroniax || 05 November 2013 || Cosmere || Realmatic || Adonalsium || 4.51 || || {'Adonalsium': 15, 'Shattering': 29}
| || {{17s|4527|Theory: Szeth's oathstoneOathstone isIs aA dawnshardDawnshard}} || jasonpenguin || 05 November 2013 || Roshar || World || Shard || 89.70 || Topic, || {'Oathstone': 11, 'Dawnshard': 13, 'Shard': 13, 'Szeth': 11}
| || {{17s|4519|Theory: Odium pitted Devotion and Dominion against each other}} || thek9 || 04 November 2013 || Sel || Character || Odium || 7.64 || || {'Odium': 24, 'Dominion': 13, 'Devotion': 13, 'Sel': 9}
| {{TheoryTag|Crude}} || {{17s|44894519|AwakenedOdium HemalurgyPitted Devotion And Dominion Against Each Other}} || Araris Valerianthek9 || 0104 November 2013 || ScadrialSel || RealmaticCharacter || HemalurgyOdium || 37.7464 || || {'HemalurgyOdium': 24, 'Dominion': 13, 'Devotion': 13, 'Sel': 199}
| {{TheoryTag|Star}} || {{17s|4433|The Nature of Copper}} || Kurkistan || 28 October 2013 || Scadrial || Realmatic || Copper || 20.60 || || {'Bronze': 7, 'Investiture': 6, 'Copper': 17}
| {{TheoryTag|Bronze}} || {{17s|4416|Forms and Concepts}} || Kurkistan || 25 October 2013 || Cosmere || Realmatic || Forms || 11.92 || || {'Realm': 6, 'Forms': 17, 'Realmatic': 6, 'Religion': 6}
| {{TheoryTag|Star}} || {{17s|4386|On Invested Objects and Shardweapons}} || The Count || 22 October 2013 || Cosmere || Realmatic || InvestitureTechnology || 25.35 || || {'Breath': 4, 'Hemalurgy': 8, 'Fabrial': 7, 'Spren': 4, 'Nightblood': 10, 'Shard': 11, 'Investiture': 12, 'Feruchemy': 9, 'Focus': 5}
| {{TheoryTag|Star}} || {{17s|4359|Magical Technology on Scadrial}} || Chaos || 20 October 2013 || Scadrial || Realmatic || FabrialTechnology || 19.64 || Topic, || {'Allomancy': 15, 'Ym': 12, 'Fabrial': 15, 'Feruchemy': 10, 'Metallic Art': 11, 'Scadrial': 14, 'Mistborn': 9, 'Technology': 14}
| {{TheoryTag|Star}} || {{17s|4349|Connections Among all the Magic Systems in the Comere}} || chronotrigger || 18 October 2013 || SelCosmere || Realmatic || BreathMagic Systems || 190.28 || Topic, Location, || {'Feruchemy': 17, 'Shard': 13, 'Aon': 28, 'Spren': 17, 'Magic System': 27, 'Vin': 12, 'Cosmere': 11, 'Elantris': 12, 'Seon': 10, 'Sel': 11, 'Breath': 28, 'Hemalurgy': 19, 'Allomancy': 14, 'Returned': 14, 'Mistborn': 13, 'Dor': 26, 'Way of Kings': 11}
| || {{17s|4340|TheorySnapping thatis needsin helpall but I think it might be realmatic.Systems}} || Mikanium || 17 October 2013 || Cosmere || Realmatic || RealmSnapping || 5.58 || || {'Realm': 11, 'RealmaticSnapping': 10}
| || {{17s|4224|Theory: Hoid holds Space and Time}} || Goatborn || 02 October 2013 || Cosmere || Character || Hoid || 9.24 || Disproven || {'Hoid': 22, 'Shard': 20}
| {{TheoryTag|Star}} || {{17s|4190|Theory of Surges and Orders: An adaptation of Isomere's table}} || Sabrina Stormshard || 29 September 2013 || Roshar || CharacterRealmatic || SzethRadiant || 70.21 || Disproven || {'Soulcast': 8, 'Cultivation': 9, 'Stoneward': 10, 'Lightweaving': 11, 'Fabrial': 8, 'Jasnah': 9, 'Spren': 12, 'Numerology': 11, 'Voidbind': 14, 'Shallan': 11, 'Steel': 9, 'Radiant': 17, 'Surge': 14, 'Honor': 13, 'Windrunner': 11, 'Stormlight': 8, 'Vin': 8, 'Kaladin': 9, 'Szeth': 21}
| || {{17s|4147|Theory: The The17th17th Sharders are 17th Sharders}} || Two McMillion || 24 September 2013 || Cosmere || RealmaticJoke || 17th Shard || 8.90 || Topic, || {'Hoid': 13, '17th Shard': 24, 'Shard': 24}
| {{TheoryTag|Bronze}} || {{17s|4106|Realmatic Theory: What Little Can Be Gleaned About It.}} || jbookworm100 || 16 September 2013 || Cosmere || Realmatic || Realm || 13.95 || || {'Realm': 2111, 'Realmatic': 10, 'Cognitive': 7}
| || {{17s|4046|Epic Shard plate/blade creation theory}} || Miyabi || 09 September 2013 || Cosmere || RealmaticRoshar || ShardShardblade || 8.82 || Disproven || {'ShardShardplate': 12, 'Shardblade': 12, 'Investiture': 7, 'Nicrosil': 5}
| {{TheoryTag|Star}} || {{17s|4005|Feruchemical Brass as Cognitive}} || Kurkistan || 01 September 2013 || Scadrial || Realmatic || Feruchemy || 28.40 || || {'Brass': 25, 'Cognitive': 22, 'Feruchemy': 32}
| {{TheoryTag|Bronze}} || {{17s|4003|Hoid (probably) has Gold Feruchemy}} || Kurkistan || 01 September 2013 || ScadrialCosmere || Character || Hoid || 13.85 || Proven || {'Hoid': 13, 'Feruchemy': 12, 'Gold': 11}
| {{TheoryTag|Silver}} || {{17s|3898|Theory: The Jungles of Hallandren}} || Windrunner || 28 July 2013 || Nalthis || World || Hallandren || 17.83 || || {'Hallandren': 20, 'Elend': 9, 'Tears of Edgli': 7, 'Endowment': 8, 'Harmony': 7}
| {{TheoryTag|Bronze}} || {{17s|3813|Hoid has the Lord Ruler's Atium Bracers}} || Phantom Monstrosity || 09 July 2013 || Scadrial || Character || Hoid || 12.32 || Topic, || {'Atium': 21, 'The Lord Ruler': 13, 'Hoid': 21}
| {{TheoryTag|Star}} || {{17s|3727|The Code Monkey's Object-Oriented Guide to Realmatic Theory}} || skaa || 22 June 2013 || Cosmere || Realmatic || RealmOverarching Theory || 43.71 || || {'Realm': 3715, 'Realmatic': 22, 'Cognitive': 13, 'Spiritual': 23}
| {{TheoryTag|Silver}} || {{17s|3711|Theory: Feruchemy & Old Magic}} || Windrunner || 19 June 2013 || ScadrialCosmere || Realmatic || Old Magic || 1713.76 || Topic, || {'Sazed': 10, 'Feruchemy': 17, 'Taravangian': 7, 'Old Magic': 17, 'Zinc': 7}
| {{TheoryTag|Silver}} || {{17s|3646|Theory: Hoid as a ShardholderSliver}} || Mister_Fawx || 07 June 2013 || Cosmere || Character || Hoid || 19.37 || || {'Hoid': 37, 'ShardSliver': 25}
| {{TheoryTag|Crude}} || {{17s|3625|Kaladin's Phantoms}} || Nait Sabes || 03 June 2013 || Roshar || Character || Kaladin || 3.86 || || {'Stormlight': 8, 'Kaladin': 19}
| {{TheoryTag|Silver}} || {{17s|3591|Shardic Force and Shard Grouping Theory}} || Chromium Compounder || 28 May 2013 || Cosmere || Realmatic || Shard || 17.83 || || {'Shard': 40}
| {{TheoryTag|Bronze}} || {{17s|3590|Theory: Demoux is Mistborn}} || Kadrok || 28 May 2013 || Scadrial || Character || Demoux || 12.87 || || {'Atium': 18, 'Demoux': 32, 'Mistborn': 26}
| {{TheoryTag|Bronze}} || {{17s|3558|Theory: Why shadesmarShadesmar isIs theThe inversionInversion ofOf theThe mapMap ofOf theThe correspondingCorresponding shardworldShardworld}} || makromag || 23 May 2013 || Roshar || Realmatic || Shadesmar || 12.66 || || {'Shadesmar': 13}
| {{TheoryTag|Silver}} || {{17s|3538|Theory: Cognitive Immortality}} || Kaurne || 21 May 2013 || Cosmere || Realmatic || Cognitive || 1718.57 || || {'Cognitive': 28}
| {{TheoryTag|Bronze}} || {{17s|3517|Theory: Allomantic metalsMetals correlateCorrelate toTo aA Shard}} || Isomere || 19 May 2013 || Cosmere || Realmatic || Shard || 1011.03 || || {'Shard': 36, 'Allomancy': 23}
| {{TheoryTag|Silver}} || {{17s|3450|Theory: The Dawnshards areAre actuallyActually SHARDS.Shards}} || Isomere || 12 May 2013 || CosmereRoshar || Realmatic || Shard || 17.49 || || {'Dawnshard': 11, 'Shard': 30}
| {{TheoryTag|Star}} || {{17s|3431|Theory: The Purelaker Religion is related to Trelagism}} || Nesh || 08 May 2013 || Roshar || World || Purelake || 2313.34 || || {'Purelake': 15, 'Religion': 13}
| {{TheoryTag|Star}} || {{17s|3419|Theory: The Physical Aspect of Gods on Roshar *WoR Spoilers}} || Isomere || 06 May 2013 || Roshar || World || PhysicShard || 20.15 || || {'Roshar': 10, 'PhysicShard': 13, 'Greatshell': 6}
| {{TheoryTag|Bronze}} || {{17s|3380|Why Savants Exist}} || Chaos || 29 April 2013 || Cosmere || Realmatic || Savant || 910.79 || || {'Investiture': 12, 'Savant': 19}
| {{TheoryTag|Star}} || {{17s|3377|Theory: Devotion, Dominion, and Convergence}} || Chaos || 29 April 2013 || Sel || Realmatic || DevotionDor || 38.52 || || {'Splinter': 24, 'Dominion': 51, 'Dor': 33, 'Devotion': 53, 'Sel': 26}
| {{TheoryTag|Star}} || {{17s|3365|Identity, Regional Magic, and Feruchemy}} || KChan || 28 April 2013 || Cosmere || Realmatic || Identity || 22.05 || Location, || {'Feruchemy': 21, 'Identity': 29, 'Sel': 10}
| {{TheoryTag|Star}} || {{17s|3363|Devotion, Dominion, and Magic on Sel}} || KChan || 28 April 2013 || Sel || Realmatic || SelOverarching Theory || 41.16 || || {'Dominion': 29, 'Devotion': 27, 'Sel': 41}
| {{TheoryTag|Bronze}} || {{17s|3358|Theory: Adonalsium Proliferation}} || askthepaperclip || 28 April 2013 || Cosmere || Realmatic || Adonalsium || 10.72 || || {'Adonalsium': 22, 'Cosmere': 9, 'Hoid': 12, 'Shard': 9}
==Class 2==


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