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'''Seons''' are sentient beings found on the planet of [[Sel]], described in the book of Elantris. They look like floating, glowing orbs, about the size of a melon, with an [[Aon]] visible at their center. The word "Seon" comes from the [[Aon]] "Seo", which mean "Loyalty" or "Service". They act as advisors or assistants, carrying messages and offering advice. They live a very long time, it is unknown how long or if they can die.
Seons are usually bonded to one person that they serve unconditionally. More than one Seon can be bonded to a person, and Seon can love and serve a full family even though being bonded to one person. Seons can be Passed to another. Usually this occurs within families{{ref|b|e|c|5}}, but they can be passed to anyone.{{ref|b|e|c|34}}
