Diferencia entre revisiones de «Lemex»

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4 bytes eliminados ,  hace 10 años
Turned into present tense, then edited "100" to "500" for Lemex's breath count (based on Warbreaker, Chapter 13)
m (Turned into present tense, then edited "100" to "500" for Lemex's breath count (based on Warbreaker, Chapter 13))
'''Lemex''' wasis an [[Idrian]] merchant and informant living in [[T'Telir]] on [[Nalthis]].{{ref|b|wb|c|9}}
He wasis in his mid fifties.{{ref|b|wb|c|9}}
[[Vivenna]] and [[Parlin]] arrangedarrange to meet with him when they arrivedarrive in T'Telir.
He dieddies and gave his ~100500 [[Breath]]s to [[Vivenna]].{{ref|b|wb|c|10}}
== Notes ==


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