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Eventually, she started trusting Shallan enough to use her as a bathing attendant. After one of their talks about King Gavilar and the Parshendi, Jasnah remarked that Shallan looked anxious and decided to shift her training from history to philosophy, which she claimed was a more hands-on field of study. She took Shallan, in the middle of the night, to a roadway that she knew to be hunted by footpads, showing her wealth. Soon, four men came and attacked the two women. Jasnah, using Soulcasting, killed the men and left the corpse of one as crystal in the middle of the roadway. Shallan was horrified to see her kill the men, especially with the Soulcaster which Shallan considered holy. Jasnah told Shallan to research and consider the morality of the killing.{{ref|b|sa1|c|36}} When Shallan reported her findings to her two weeks later, although Jasnah thought Shallan was wrong, she acknowledged that Shallan had put rational thought behind her opinion. She claimed the lesson was instructive and gave Shallan rest of the day off. Shortly after Shallan rejoined Jasnah, saying what she wanted to do with her free time was study.{{ref|b|sa1|c|42}}
While discussing King Gavilar's interest in the Parshendi with Shallan, Jasnah revealed that a fresh perspective could be helpful, and that she felt Shallan could discover something she had missed. The topic eventually led to Urithiru and the Voidbringers. Shallan suggested that Urithiru, which Jasnah claimed was the center of the [[Silver Kingdoms]], could be in the [[Shattered Plains]], but Jasnah was certain that it wasn't there. She eventually ended their talk, and told Shallan to go back to her studies. Shallan left the alcove, saying she needed [[Tifandor]]'s biography of Gavilar. Shallan returned two hours later with Kabsal, of whom Shallan wanted to sketch a drawing. Jasnah was annoyed by the distraction, but left the other two to themselves. After sketching for a bit, Shallan became very agitated, saying she made a mistake, and left the alcove for her room. Jasnah, concerned for her ward, followed her, and found Shallan on the ground, bleeding from a cut on her wrist, after an apparent suicide attempt. She immediately called for help, and Shallan was taken to one of Taravangian's hospitals.{{ref|b|sa1|c|45}}
== Attributes and Abilities ==


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