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366 bytes añadidos ,  hace 10 años
(refs and I don't know what more information there could be. (probably that voice "spanreeds" would work too?))
A '''Spanreed''' was a type of [[fabrial]] that enabled long distance communication on the world of [[Roshar]].{{ref|b|twok|c|22}}
A '''Spanreed''' wasis a type of [[Fabrial#Conjoiner| conjoiner fabrial]] developed during the [[War of Reckoning]] that enabled long distance communication on the world of [[Roshar]].{{ref|b|twoksa1|c|2228}}{{ref|b|sa1|ars}}
Spanreeds, like all conjoiner fabrials, are made by infusing a ruby and splitting it in half. The two halves are then embedded in reed pens. The two pens can then mimic the movements of the other, exactly. The energy required to for the second pen to move is provided by the holder of the first pen, which feels twice as heavy as an ordinary pen would.{{ref|b|sa1|ars}}
By splitting an infused ruby and embedding the halves in pens, a certain kind of Pairing [[Fabrial]] called a spanreed was created. One spanreed mimicked the action of the other spanreed, even across a great distance. To signal the start of a conversation, one person twisted the gem on their spanreed to cause it to blink on the other person's spanreed. The first person wrote their message, causing the other spanreed to do the same, and then turned the gem when they were done to indicate that it was the other person's turn to write.{{ref|b|twok|c|28}} [[Shallan]] and her brother [[Nan Balat]]{{ref|b|twok|i|2}} as well as [[Dalinar]] and [[Jasnah]]{{ref|b|twok|c|28}} were seen to use spanreeds to communicate with each other.
The setting of the ruby is able to be rotated to switch between different "modes." One is to alert the possessor of the spanreed's twin that a conversation is desired. Another to alert the first that the message was received. The third and fourth notches sync the movements of the two pens, each notch makes one pen the transmitter and the other the receiver.{{ref|b|sa1|c|28}}
By the sixth year of the [[War of Reckoning]] spanreeds have achieved widespread use, at least among the [[Vorin]] nations, from the [[Shattered Plains]], to [[Kharbranth]], and even to the isolated estates of [[House Davar]].{{ref|b|sa1|c|28}}{{ref|b|sa1|c|39}}
== Notes ==
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