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== Official artwork ==
<gallery mode="packed" heights=300px caption="TheOfficial Stormlight Archiveartwork">
Bridge 4 poster without text.jpg| <small><center>by Zack Stella</center></small>With the rest of [[Bridge Four]] on the movie-style poster of [[Bridge Four]] that was part of ''[[The Way of Kings]]'' leatherbound edition Kickstarter campaign.
WOKLB - Part5 End by Steve Argyle.jpg | <center><small>by {{a|Steve Argyle}}</small></center> With the other members of [[Bridge Four]], ''[[The Way of Kings]]'' leatherbound interior art
<gallery mode="packed" heights=300px caption="The Sunlit Man">
SP4_Prerelease_Cover.jpg| <small><center>by Geoff Shupe</center></small> The Prerelease cover of [[The Sunlit Man]]
The Sunlit Man US Cover Art.jpg | <small><center>by kudriaken</center></small> [[The Sunlit Man]] Dragonsteel Cover
Connection by Nabetse Zitro.jpg | <center><small>by {{a|Nabetse Zitro}}</small></center> ''Connection''
The Charred by Nabetse Zitro.jpg | <center><small>by {{a|Nabetse Zitro}}</small></center> ''The Charred''
Nomad Character Pin.png | <small><center>by {{a|Sandara Tang}}</center></small> Nomad Character Pin
Experiments by Marie Seeberger.jpg| <small><center>by {{a|Marie Seeberger}}</center></small>Testing [[Kaladin]]'s [[Surgebinding]] capabilities
Joining the Windrunners by Marie Seeberger.jpg| <small><center>by {{a|Marie Seeberger}}</center></small>Talking to [[Lyn]] and [[Kaladin]] about joining the [[Windrunners]].
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