Diferencia entre revisiones de «Yuinshi»

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|groups={{tag|NightmareDivisión Divisionde pesadillas}}
|books=[[Yumi andy theel Nightmarepintor Painterde pesadillas]]
'''Yuinshi''' ises aun [[nightmarepintor]] de [[painterpesadilla]]s inde [[Kilahito]], onen [[Komashi]]. WhenCuando [[Nikaro]] wasbuscaba lookingayuda forpara helpla in the anticipatedesperada [[battlebatalla ofde Kilahito]], [[Tojin]] proposedpropuso askingpedirle a Yuinshi toque joinse themuniese a ellos. Tojin figuredpensó thatque Yuinshieste wouldse getreiría ade laughla outsituación ofy theque situation,podría andinvitar that he could invitea somealgunos othersotros.{{book ref|yumi|38}}
== NotesNotas ==
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{{complete|[[User:Truthwatch3r|Truthwatch3r]] ([[User talk:Truthwatch3r|talk]]) 03:25, 12 February 2024 (UTC)}}


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