Diferencia entre revisiones de «Corredor del Viento de Lluvia de Estrellas»

Adding a few more quotes, because he's cool. Otherwise, if this guy is that Radiant, then it's indeed done
(Adding a few more quotes, because he's cool. Otherwise, if this guy is that Radiant, then it's indeed done)
|books=[[Stormlight Archive]]
'''Harkaylain''' was a [[Knights Radiant|Knight Radiant]] who appeared in [[Dalinar]]'s twelfth [[Dalinar's visions|vision]].{{ref|b|sa1|c|19}}
{{quote|I cannot promise you a position in one of the orders--that decision is not mine--but if your skill with the sword is similar to your skill with hearth-tending implements, then I am confident you will find a place with us.|A male [[Windrunner]], presumably Harkaylain, to [[Dalinar]] (as [[Heb]]){{ref|b|sa1|c|19}}}}
'''Harkaylain''' was a [[Knights Radiant|Knight Radiant]] who appeared in [[Dalinar]]'s twelfth [[Dalinar's visions|vision]].{{ref|b|sa1|c|19}}
HarkayleinHarkaylain wore a Plate that glowed with blue light and had glyphs etched into the metal which trailed blue vapor., Hepresumably indicating that he was from the Order of the [[Windrunner]]s. Harkaylain had dark brown skin and short black hair. His eyes were of a bright blue, almost white.
Harkaylein had dark brown skin and short black hair. His eyes were of a bright blue, almost white.
Harkaylain and his female companion rescued Dalinar's embodiment [[Heb]] and his family from the attacking [[Midnight Essence|Midnight Essences]]. After the fight Harkaylain was impressed by Heb's (that means: Dalinar's) fighting abilities though he found them strange. He proposed Dalinar to come to [[Urithiru]] for achieving further abilities and probably become a Knight Radiant.
{{quote|I must say that I've never before had the pleasure of fighting alongside a comrade with such... unconventional means.|Harkaylain, impressed with Dalinar's fighting.}}
{{quote|spread the word. ... A Desolation is coming.|Harkaylain}}
The female Knight repeated this announcement, too.
{{quote|Harkaylain says the Desolation is close, and he is not often wrong.|The female Knight}}
== Notes ==
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