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(Página creada con «{{item |creators=Humans |world=Detritus |universe=Cytoverse |books=Skyward (series) }} '''Skylights''' are massive lights that provide illumination and warmth to …»)
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|books=[[SkywardEscuadrón (seriessaga)]]
Las '''Skylightscieluces''' areson massiveenormes lightsluces thatque provideproporcionan illuminationiluminación andy warmthcalor toa [[Detritus]].{{book ref|skyward|prologue}}
TheEs skylightsde weresuponer presumablyque placedlas incieluces lowse orbitcolocaron arounden órbita baja alrededor de [[Detritus]] whencuando thelos humanshumanos livingque therevivían decidedallí todecidieron buildconstruir thousandsmiles of semiautonomous defensivede [[platformplataforma]]s todefensivas createsemiautónomas apara crear un "shellcaparazón" aroundalrededor thedel planetplaneta, which hadque thetenía sideel effectefecto ofsecundario blockingde outbloquear thela lightluz fromde itssu sunsol.{{book ref|skyward|30}}{{book ref|starsightStarsight|2}}{{book ref|starsightStarsight|29}}
TheySon areincreíblemente incrediblygrandes largey andmuy very brightbrillantes, evenincluso whencuando viewedse fromven thedesde planet'sla surface.superficie del planeta.{{book ref|skyward|46}}{{book ref|skyward|13}} TheLa lightluz isestá relativelyrelativamente focusedconcentrada, likecomo aun giantfoco spotlightgigante, andy anythingtodo outsidelo ofque thequeda beamsfuera remainsde relativelylos darkhaces permanece relativamente oscuro.{{book ref|skyward|30}}{{book ref|starsight|3}} TheirSu orbitórbita ises lowlo andsuficientemente fastbaja enoughy thatrápida theircomo movementpara isque su movimiento sea visible topara la peoplegente onde thela surfacesuperficie.{{book ref|skyward|15}}
TheLas skylightscieluces areestán programmedprogramadas topara provideproporcionar anun ciclo artificial daydía/night cyclenoche.{{book ref|starsight|3}} TheLas luces de lightsuna inzona adeterminada givense areaatenuarán willy dimcon andel thentiempo eventuallyse turnapagarán offpara tosimular simulatela nightnoche.{{book ref|skyward|34}}{{book ref|skyward|42}}{{book ref|skyward|47}}
*TheEl termtérmino "skylightcieluces" istambién alsose usedutiliza foren thela vida real-life architecturalpara referirse al featureelemento ofarquitectónico thedel samemismo namenombre.{{book ref|sf2|5}}{{book ref|sf2|21}}
== NotesNotas ==
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{{complete|[[User:Big Smooth|Big Smooth]] ([[User talk:Big Smooth|talk]]) 16:38, 21 Aprilde abril de 2023 (UTC)}}
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