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‘’’Duladel’’’'''Duladel''' was a region of [[Opelon]] along the southern border of [[Arelon]] on [[Sel]]. It’sIt's people were mostly of mixed-blood, half Aonic and half Jindo and were known as the “most"most light-hearted, easygoing people in Opelon”Opelon".{{ref|b|e|c|19}}{{ref|b|e|c|10}}
== History ==
=== Duladel Republic ===
The Duladel Republic was one of the major nations on Opelon during the time before the Reod. It was ruled by a group of citizens known as the Republican class. The members of the Republican class were elected by the Dula people.{{ref|b|e|c|16}} The aristocratic segment of the population was found of garish clothing.{{ref|b|e|c|25}} The state religion of the Republic was [[Jesker]] which worshiped the Dor as a sort of overspirit.
=== Occupation by the Fyordell Empire ===
About six months prior to the restoration of Elantris the Duladel Republic collapsed. During a chaotic period a contingent of Derethi priests, led by the gyorn [[Hrathen]]{{ref|b|e|c|6}}, fomented a revolution. The Duladel Revolution was described as being even more violent than the Arelish Revolution following the Fall of Elantris; the Republican Class was killed in its entirety. A monarchy was then instituted and [[Shu-Dereth]] replaced Jesker as the state religion. Its collapse prompted the marriage of Prince [[Raoden]] of Arelon and Princess [[Sarene]] of Teod.{{ref|b|e|c|16}}
== Duladen ==
Duladen was the language spoken by the Dula people. It reflected the “laid"laid back, loose culture”culture" of Duladel.{{Language in <ref>[http://www.brandonsanderson.com/portal/book/Elantris/page/35/Languages-of-ELANTRIS ArticleLanguages of Brandon’s site}Elantris]</ref>
Known words:
*;Sule: Friend
*;Kolo: A dialogue tag, analogous to “Understand?”{{ref|annotation|e|chapter=4}}
*;Rulo: Fool
*;Kayana: Crazy{{ref|b|e|c|1}}
*;Doloken: Hell
*;Hama: Possibly mother or grandmother{ref|b|e|c|10}}
== Notable Dula ==
== Notes ==
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