Diferencia entre revisiones de «Madre de Shallan»

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{{image|Davar family by zoethatcher art.jpg|side=left|width=300px|Con su marido y sus cinco hijos}}
SheElla wasfue thela firstprimera wifemujer ofde [[Lin Davar]], andy birtheddió a luz a [[Helaran Davar|Helaran]], [[Balat Davar|Balat]], twinslos gemelos [[Jushu Davar|Jushu]] andy [[Wikim Davar|Wikim]], andy a [[Shallan]].
AfterDespués de que Shallan beganempezara manifestinga manifestar abilidades de [[Surgebindingpotenciación]] abilities at thea agelos ofonce elevenaños,{{book ref|sa2|10}} hersu mothermadre andy anun associateasociado attemptedintentaron tomatar killa Shallan.{{ref|group=fn|text=TheEl associateasociado ises likelyprobablemente aun discípulo de [[SkybreakerRompedor del Cielo]] acolytecon withquien whomla Shallan'smadre motherde hadShallan tenía "intimatecontacto contactíntimo"{{book ref|sa3|40}} andy su nombre es isposible possiblyque namedsea [[Dreder]],{{book ref|sa2|45}} butpero neitherninguno factde haslos beendos explicitlyhechos confirmedha sido confirmado explicitamente.}} TheyLlegaron arrivedal atterreno thede los Davar estatey anddiscutieron argued withcon Lin, andla madre de Shallan's motherse referredrefirió toa herella ascomo "oneuno de oflos themsuyos". Lin andy theel associateasociado scuffledse pelearon; Lin injuredhirió theal manhombre withcon aun knifecuchillo thatque Shallan'sla mothermadre de Shallan thenluego grabbedcogió asmientras thelos twodos menhombres grappledforcejaban.{{book ref|sa2|88}} SheElla attackedatacó a Shallan, butpero Shallan's bondedel [[Crypticcríptico]] que Shallan había vinculado, [[TestamentTestamento]],{{book ref|sa4|93}} manifestedse asmanifestó acomo [[Shardbladehoja esquirlada]] thatque Shallan usedusó inen self-defensedefensa topropia killpara matar a hersu mothermadre.{{book ref|sa2|88}}
Lin, who had witnessed what happened, locked the Blade in a box{{book ref|sa2|88}} and Shallan abandoned her spren.{{book ref|sa4|93}} Lin spread rumors that he had killed his wife and her lover in a jealous rage. Keeping the secret of these events in order to protect Shallan presumably contributed to Lin's dangerous instability and the eventual fall of House Davar.{{book ref|sa2|88}} The Davar children also developed mental health issues related to their mother's death and their father's subsequent rage, including Balat's fascination with death{{book ref|sa2|45}} and Jushu's gambling addiction.{{book ref|sa1|i|2}} In particular, Shallan's mental health was strongly affected by the guilt of killing her mother, leading to the suppression of many of her childhood memories.{{book ref|sa2|60}}{{book ref|sa4|93}} When she met [[Hoid]] at the [[Middlefest Fair]] in {{Rosharan date|1170}}, she allowed herself to briefly picture her life if her mother had still been alive, remembering her mother's voice and believing that she would have taught her philosophy and drawing.{{book ref|sa2|45}}


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