Diferencia entre revisiones de «Dorp»

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He attempts to repair the ''Oot's Dream'' when it comes under attack by the ''[[Crow's Song]]'', patching the first holes caused by [[Laggart]]'s cannonballs using [[roseite]].{{book ref|tress|10}}
Dorp, at the suggestion of [[Tress]], proposes to the [[Captain of the Oot's Dream|ship's captain]] that Tress should be displayed prominently to the crew of the ''Oot's Dream'', which the captain describes as "the first good idea [he] ever had". They hope that the ''Oot's Dream'' will cease firing upon them when the crew sees Tress's [[Inspector|Royal Inspector]] uniform, however the ploy is unsuccessful.{{book ref|tress|11}} When Tress attempts to leave the ''Oot's Dream'' to walk across the spores, Dorp tackles her and begins attempting to rip her clothing off to take for himself. He is knocked down when Tress hits him with her pewter cup.{{book ref|tress|11}}
Despite his efforts to repair the ''Oot's Dream'', the onset of a [[seethe]] results in the sinking of the ship anyway.{{book ref|tress|11}} Dorp dies along with the rest of the crew of the ''Oot's Dream'' when it sinks into the [[Emerald Sea]] following the ''Crow's Song'''s attack.{{book ref|tress|12}}{{book ref|tress|19}}
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