Diferencia entre revisiones de «Narm»

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During the bridge run in which Kaladin first employed the carapace armor, the [[Parshendi]] fell into formation, nocking some fifty arrows at Kaladin and the rest of Bridge Four. They are saved by the timely arrival of [[Dalinar Kholin]] and his honor guard. After the close call, Kaladin sent Narm and [[Leyten]] to find good scouting points and watch the field for any Parshendi movement towards the chasm.{{book ref|sa1|62}}
Narm was one of three bridgemen casualties during the [[Battle of the Tower]], alongside [[Malop]] and [[Earless Jaks]]. He died trying to hold the bridge against the Parshendi while the Kholin army retreated.{{book ref|sa1|73}}
== Notes ==
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