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== Apariencia y personalidad ==
Rojo es un hombre [[alezi]] delgado con barba, y no tiene el pelo rojo. No está claro de dónde proviene el apodo "Rojo". Es alto y tiene ojos de color violeta claro. Antes de convertirse en Tejedor de Luz era un [[ojos oscuros]]. HeViste wearsropa darkeyedde worker'strabajador clothingojos oscuros, whichque consistconsiste ofen brownpantalones trousersmarrones, acamisa buttonedabotonada shirtarremangada withy sleeves rolled up,tirantes withde brightvivos suspenderscolores.{{book ref|sa4|39}}
RedA likesRojo tole laugh,gusta andreír getsy adisfruta mucho lotde oflas Shallan'sbromas jokesde Shallan.{{book ref|sa2|24}} HeLe enjoysgusta doinghacer hisbien worksu welltrabajo, butpero alsotambién likesle togusta chatcharlar andy sit aroundrelajarse. DespiteA this,pesar hede doesesto, wantquiere toser beútil helpful,y andsuele isser oftenel theprimero firsten toponerse bea workingtrabajar.{{book ref|sa3|40}}
RedRojo makesintenta ancoquetear attemptcon at flirting with VeilVelo, thoughpero hese givesda uppor aftervencido notal muchpoco timetiempo. RedDefinitivamente ises definitelyuna persona agradable, a nicela person,que onele thatgusta likeshablar talkingcon tola peoplegente andy makinghacer friendsamigos inen general,. goingLe outgusta drinkingsalir anda gamblingbeber y jugar, thoughpero, al igual que a la mayoría de alezis cuerdos, heno doesle notgusta likela [[Roshar#WinesVinos|Horneatercerveza Lagercomecuernos]], as most sane Alethi don't.{{book ref|sa3|29}}{{book ref|sa3|40}} HeEs ismuy veryalegre cheerfuly, andincluso evendespués afterde he accepts Veil asaceptar a friendVelo offerscomo to letamiga, herle haveofrece oneuna ofde thelas drinksbebidas onde hissu rationración.{{book ref|sa3|40}} He likes Shallan the best out of the group, as he is the most friendly of them, being more friendly than [[Vathah]], [[Gaz]], or [[Shob]].{{book ref|sa3|29}} When [[Shallan Davar#Veil|Veil]] is talking about how annoying and strange Shallan is, Red does not join in on the conversation, while others do.{{book ref|sa3|40}} When Gaz is talking about his past as a bridge sergeant, Red encourages him, saying that Gaz was the perfect sergeant. It is hard to tell if he is joking or not, but he seems to be, because he is smiling as he says this.{{book ref|sa3|40}}
== Atributos y habilidades ==


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