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=== Vínculo Nahel ===
LightsprenLos  arelumispren oneson ofuno thede sprenlos typestipos capablede ofspren formingcapaces de formar [[Vínculo Nahel|vínculos bondNahel]]s. BondingAl vincularse con ellos, themuna makespersona ase personconvierte aen [[Surgebinderpotenciador]] withcon thelas Surgespotencias ofde [[Transportation]] and [[Cohesioncohesion]].{{file ref|TWoK Front Endsheet.jpg|Surgebinding Table}} Notably, they are the first sapient spren to be shown capable of forming a Nahel bond with a singer rather than a human. While the bond does seem to afford them a higher level of intelligence as it does with other spren, lightspren appear incapable of communication; however, it's uncertain whether this is a consequence of bonding a singer, or if a lightspren bonded to a human would also be mute.{{book ref|sa3|120}} Despite this, they are able to communicate with their singer via pulses and Rhythms and are able to read their Knights thoughts.{{book ref|sa4|11}}{{book ref|sa4|67}} Lightspren are able to mute the rhythms of their Surgebinder.{{book ref|sa4|53}}


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