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=== Reino Cognitivo ===
InEn theel [[CognitiveReino RealmCognitivo]], lightsprenlos appearlumispren humanse andmanifiestan cancomo havehumanos featuresy similarpueden tener rasgos similares a tolas differentdiferentes Rosharanetnias populationsrosharianas, thoughpero theytienen havela metallicpiel bronzemetálica skinbroncínea, makinglo themque looklos likehace livingparecer statuesestatuas vivientes.{{book ref|sa3|99}} TheySus haveojos bronzemetálicos, metalde eyes withbronce, holestienen whereagujeros theen pupilslugar wouldde bepupilas.{{book ref|sa3|101}} TheirSu haircabello istambién similarlyes metallicmetálico bronzebroncíneo; thelos lightsprenlumispren pinse themlo intorecogen bunsen andmoños ponytailsy coletas.{{file ref|Captain Ico.png|Boceto del Captain Ico sketch}}{{book ref|sa3|102}} UnlikeA diferencia de los [[honorspren]] oro los [[Crypticcríptico]]s, lightsprenlos don'tlumispren seemno toparecen havetener clothesropa ascomo partparte ofde theirsu essenceesencia; insteaden su lugar, theyvisten wearropa human-likesimilar clothinga ofla earthy,de tanlos colors,humanos con colores terrosos y marrones withcon numerousmuchos buttonedbolsillos pocketsabotonados. They seem to prefer going barefoot.{{book ref|sa3|99}} While most lightspren adopt a human form, they can take other forms.{{file ref|Shallan's Sketchbook - Reachers.jpg|text=Shallan's Sketchbook - Reachers}}
Lightspren are not known for being overly talkative to others.{{book ref|sa3|99}}


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